I can see the greifing now.... some mech playing demolision durby with another one... and no penaly... or better yet... even with no collisons on the highway.... a corp could just put enough people to "cock-block" the highway to make it next to useless....


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

patch notes are out... load the client to read em

Klyst Lysander wrote:
Raife wrote:

Press R to primary,

Oh my... I love you.

B is global reload
V is open can/corpse
G is loot all

can i get some love too?

DEV Gargaj wrote:

Quick summary once again:

1. It's a server software problem. Not OS, not hardware, not network, it's 100% our fault. Trust us on this one, this is why we're working on a fix. I'm quite sure that CRM is itching to elaborate on the bug in a future devblog entry.
2. The server cap is temporary and it fluctuates depending on how dodgy the server is. It will be removed once we fix the problem. The other options are to a) lift the cap and deliver the game unplayable for everyone or b) shut the whole thing down.
3. We plan to reimburse time lost (currently clocking at 3-4 days) due to the server cap. That includes both trial and subscribed.
4. We're doing our best to update you guys about what's going on, but at the same time, going "nope, not yet" every 5 minutes is also pretty pointless. There's usually a DEV or GM both in game or on IRC to update you on the ongoings.

So far we've put out a patch every day since Saturday, each with the hopes to fix the problem, and while we got closer to the end result, we failed to identify what the problem was. (That said, these fixes will remain in the server.) We currently have a pretty good idea on what the actual problem is, and we're really just looking for confirmation before shutting the server down to patch it out. Hopefully still today.

This is as embarrassing for us as it may seem, and I'm not sure being blindsided by the flock of users is even a good excuse, but that's all the power of hindsight. All we can do now is work as hard as we can to fix the whole thing as soon as possible.

Gargaj Most of the people from NeX that i have spoken too,  just love that your giving us multiple updates per day while working on this fix and with the avalibility of the staff both in the various chat channels and irc we're just over the moon! We also hope that you will have this resolved as soon as possible.. we're really looking forward to having the server at 100% so we all can enjoy this Great game!
