Mara Kaid wrote:

Our recruitment is fairly limited right now, and I really only take guys that have good teamwork skills and the ability not to fecal explode on vent.

Which is why I thought I had the potential to fit in your group. But this said I can understand that you have to keep control over your recruitment. Quantity is good, but quality is better as they say, isn't it? wink

I will probably follow your kind suggestion and pay a visit to M2S and/or ATG. Roam safe.

Hi, I'd be greatly interested to join, and I've registered to your forum already, but since it has apparently moved to a new domain is it necessary to register again? Many thanks.


(2 replies, posted in Q & A)


I've been looking for it everywhere in the game's interface but coulnd't find it: is there a line somewhere which shows the total of EP learnt at any given time by a character? I would find that option very usefull.


(8 replies, posted in Q & A)

There is a way to mark all the topics read actually: from the main forum page, click on any of the (new posts) tag next to any of the sections, and it will take you to a page with all the new topics for this section.
Now if you click the Mark all topics as read in the bottom right corner, you will find all the topics across each and every section marked as read as well. Hope it makes sense.


(386 replies, posted in News and information)


Having a login queue would be really lovely actually. I understand that Devs have put massive efforts in improving the servers and fixing bugs (and still are), but my experience so far has been very frustrating as I could hardly get a chance to spend time in game.

If I could also make another suggestion, it would be lovely to have a place where to address account issues in the account management section of the official website. It looks like there's no place where to keep track of account management issues, or even how to get in touch with a customer representative whatsoever other than that posting on the fora.

Looking forward to having a chance to log in the game again sometime soon.


(132 replies, posted in General discussion)

Another EVE player here biting the Incarna dust and checking here for pastures new.