^ This

Tulip Wednesday wrote:

Go climb back into your tree and come down when your momma calls 'Dinner'.

I don't live in a tree I hide under a rock tongue
And sadly don't remember the last time my mom invited me over for dinner

Tulip Wednesday wrote:

Ok, can'y log in... Challenging issues....   

DEV BoyC wrote:

First of all we'd like to welcome the influx of new players to Perpetuum. The sheer number of new players caught us by surprise, and we're working around the clock to accommodate each and every one of you.... snipped...

Request: Tone down the 'thump' as the system error messages hit the screen, its painfully agressive.

Request: If your going to tell me not to do something I want to do, tell me when I can do it. Knowing user limits are in effect until you resolve server issues doesnt tell me what I need to know.  HOW LONG DO WE WAIT, is it ten minutes, of which nine have gone, or it it 20 hours, of which 5 have gone. Give some kind of forecast, or point to a blog entry that will giove some kind of expectation.

I'm started to get needlessly frsutsrated, I want in to play the game, as do others, but your message  gives me no indication I can use.

Do I go to town for the evening and come back to find you came on line the mment I switched off, or do I sit here trying needlessly untill some time tonight wasting several hours?

Your error messages are annoying and frustrating and not very well thought out. Technically they may be good, for a computer techs point of view. From a game players point of view, they are useless.

This may sound banal, but if you date time stamp your error messages, we get a feeling of how long they have been there, an hour, a day, a few moments.

Give an Estimated time for return to some service, and point to a weblog entry detailing what, where, how, when, you know, all the good stuff you need to know to be able to do the one thing you want to do, act like a paying customer wanting to pay  agame on the Internet.


Sorry, I know you won't read this, and if you do read it, you wont change anything, guess I'm just venting.

So you want them to make up something and lie to you?  When in the history of eve have they ever been right about when the server would be back up? Or any mmo for that matter?

Go about your life, unplug from the computer for a bit and don't worry.  We aren't losing out because ep is still accumulating.  They have already said we will be credited for the time the server is down.  Is it really that bad not being able to sit in front of a computer screen watchin robots kill each other for a few days?

Why do a lot of people want a time frame, so they can be wrong and have to adjust it?  Have been playin mmo's for years and have never seen a server come back up on time aside from scheduled dt without any patches.