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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Batou Hanzo
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msg received.
Thank you for your response.
Looking for access to Hokogoras.
PVE access is at Asintec Beta Terminal.
I know this is a long shot, but asking anyways.
I am not interested in pvp, but will deal with it if I have to.
Yes. I am a carebear.
Carebear lvl 10.
Server Full.
1. You are too popular. Much more popular than anyone in the corporation knew.
2. Demand for said product was severely underestimated.
3. See #2.
4. Making a single shard, single MMO, is hard. See the entire history of EVE.
5. Not what I want to see after 8 months, past beta. But summer is when "students" have
a lot more free time. Why couldn't they go to eve?
6. Please not another STO. Nooooooooo!
7. I am not happy. Major understatement.
8. See number 7 to the exponent of 1999999.
9. I luv what you've done with the game so far. Missiles are nerfed to hell, but I don't
use them.
10. Keep up the good work.
Note : don't take any of this seriously. I am just not happy.
This is another useless reply in a thread that will be lost in space and time, forever and
Have a nice day.
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Batou Hanzo
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