Nipa wrote:

I'm pretty sure this is how it's intended to work. If you want to do everything? Buy two accounts or pay for few months sub.

My suggestion is not advocating a "one player can do it all" approach—although I fully expected some people to see it that way. roll

A key point of my suggestion is the breaking up of mining and manufacturing into many sub-specializations.  No single player would be able to collect all the resources to produce even a single item.  A player might choose to specialize in building their own missile mechs but he would need to buy his launchers from another player, his ammo from another, his electronics modules from yet another player, etc.

A corp would actually need dozens of players just to be able to mine, research, refine, and produce everything as opposed to just a handful of dedicated alts that never leave the station and nobody really wants to pay for.

I realize this suggestion is probably impossible to implement at this stage of the game’s development but I couldn’t sleep so...

Warhammer Online allowed players to specialize their characters in three different categories: the primary combat-related role for their class (DPS, tanking, healing, etc.), one gathering specialty, and one crafting specialty.

I would have liked this game to have offered a similar system: break down the extensions into three categories, each of which is earning their own type of EPs over time.

The first category would be combat related specializations: missiles, lasers, magnetics, EWAR, remote repair, squad leadership, etc.

The second category would be an active resource gathering specialization: mining (break mining down into several sub-specialties based on the type of resource to be mined), salvaging, scanning, hauling, etc.

The third category would be a passive industrial specialization: corporation management, marketing, research, recycling, refining, manufacturing (break manufacturing down into 10+ sub-specializations), etc.

This would have given a player more variety, more depth, more “things to do” without requiring the purchase of a second account—which let’s face it, is what most people with a dedicated industrial alt have been forced to do.