(20 replies, posted in Balancing)

It's not a nerf, it's an incentive to making the game more busy and less /afk-bot-farming. If I want to fart around Alpha thats my choice, but the game shouldn't be rewarding me equally as it rewards the players that risk getting shot by other players and losing their stuff.

While there are 5-star heavy mech spawns farmable on Alpha, and red nodes of everything but Epriton on Tellesis/Shinjalar/Hershfield, Beta will just be an appendix where players go to get bored out of their minds until they quit.

Can you farm/get as much money in EVE's highsec as you can in lowsec/nullsec? I'm pretty damn sure you can't. That's the trade-off for Concord's protection.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)
