Out of professionall curiousity, what was the main problem?

First, sorry for my english. ;)

I play since a couple of days and i feel the same like Antigone Psitalon does. Also started with a few friends. As the only one of us who does industry and harvesting i was excited of the possiblites this game - and in general the sandbox genre - has. As i discovered that doing lv 1 transport missions is the absolutly best, easyest and safest way to get redicioulus amounts of money, i was frustrated.

I see two main problems here:

There are no early-game markets
Usually, new industrials supplying the early-game market, more advanced players supplying the further developed areas or her own corp. That's some kind of economic circuit who depends on the principles of Gain, Offer and Need. Sadly, it's actually not working on the Beginner lands because a fighter (our consumer) as example can create two characters who instantly can do a large amount of money in short time with tiny investment of money. He has no need to buy cheap or maybe produce by himself (and become an industrialist).

Different playstyles
I understand why advanced players may say that nic are a minior thing and that all those guys who come to the game and think they can build a industry empire are noobs, but still there are people who enjoy different styles of playing this game and they should able to do so. That's the strength of the sandbox. It's actually not necessary to play a dedicated industrialist. And the lv 1 courier missions are a main reason for this.