(49 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Jelan wrote:

I can pilot a vaga and i'm looking for a blob corp

Well M2S is the # 2 or 3 Blob on the list, hope that makes you feel better. Its ok tho I'm sure if you pulled all your spies and added them to corp your numbers would be much higher.

We still love you all!
TY, Troll again.


Most corps need miners, what kinda of people do you like to be around?

RG <3's miners, friend or foe wink


(190 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Jelan wrote:

Bump for a corp that doesnt proclaim idealistic morals that it doesnt uphold

Bump for the laughs



(38 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Props From RG.



(49 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Jelan wrote:

Correct Jita and I'm made of win wink

I just thought I'd mention this and see if it needs removing or editing from your COC now you've accepted trolls and flamers into your clan wink

5. While in Game, you represent the entire CLAN with your uniform "RG_". We have Spent THOUSANDS of hours upholding this CoC. DO NOT tarnish our Uniform.

Thank you for your input, we will consider sending you a thank you card for your efforts. If it dose not arive in the next 48-62 hours please call our 800 number; 1-800-Bad-Flame. They should help you learn how to flame like a Pro in no time.

Thanks for Calling



(49 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Jelan wrote:

I'm on Charlie Sheen, i'm not sure if its taken orally or a suppository though :s


I'd like to see the list of side affect on this product.


(49 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Jelan wrote:

I've got high hopes for these guys actually, I think once they get on their feet they'll want more than to be pets in no hope, so a bump for their future

Did I say I like this? If not I do. Thanks mate, thus far its been fun fighting you guys hope we have many more good times win/lose in the name of gaming fun.

"If it's not fun your doing it wrong"


Roving Guns Command:

     We would like to thank you both for your work and efforts in presenting this podcast for the community. We look forward to future episodes.

RG command staff