Rage Rex wrote:

I think you're making lot of fuss Mobius and ONLY citing "CHAOS" and "those who were there knew" as evidence toward Reset doom. I can use my head and envision issues with FREE and UNLIMITED resets. Were they free and unlimited back in the said time of concern?

In fact, it wasn't even CHAOS mass-respeccing, it was M2S mass-respeccing into green pilots (for max range green + strong ewar kiting fleet composition to be able to defeat opponents being greatly outnumbered). CHAOS was primarily green since release; they were living on the green island Norhoop; and it was even stated in their corp info and recruitment messages.

Mobios is wrong, per usual. Though I can see apparent reasons for such spin attempt.


..некоторых из лучших он имел с удовольствием . Браво мистер Smokeyii:lol: