Re: Mining balancing
This isn't about production capacity or mining capacity though. I can build robots on Alpha either way. I just don't need to buy everything from my 'Competition' right now.
The system right now means I don't need to make my enemy powerful to make myself powerful. I sell Plasma to seeds at a loss, for a reason. This is a PvP game and the only people who buy Plasma are people on Beta who can make a profit from it.
Why is it Gamma and Beta players sell Noralgis and Epri?
They want NIC to purchase stuff they CBA to mine themselves or loot themselves. From? Alpha players because those neutral Alpha players aren't welcome on Beta and Gamma. If I truly wanted to control Perp, I wouldn't sell Epri or Noralgis, at any price. You want it? Come get it or run Assaults and small squads of Mech made from lotted Epri.
The system right now leaves options and possibilities for war. If you fear the noob, stop trying to control him and get ready to fight him.
- I should also point out, I have been mining a stermonit spawn on an Alpha 1 and while it has maybe 30 mill Sterm in it, I haven't seen another person near it. I log in to what I left the day before.
A true verdict can't be reached on the state of mining until the ore starts getting used. That will be a while becasue any new people from Steam are going to need to be able to research.
Veteran corps with full research trees should be selling that to recruit. Let new people mine on Alpha but keep Ore off the market by giving them a way to manufacture it. Ore is a small slice of the Nia, industrial pie.