Topic: Some additional PvE ideas using existing mechanics

G'day all,
I'm pretty sure a few of these have been discussed over the years, but I wanted to put this out anyway to get peoples ideas as they have been bugging me for some time.

One thing we need to do is add more things to do for people on a Alpha and even Beta islands. To me adding content or more sand is a good step in the right direction to hold on to new players. The aim is thinking what we can do to enhance the experience so that we retain people who later become targets smile

So here are a few ideas to start with using existing mechanics in the game ( as we know the Dev's only have so much time ).

tl;dr: hey just some ideas to try and think of things we can add to the game without massive amount of redesign or changes to the game smile

In summary -

1. Invasions
2. NPC Bounty Hunting
3. Energy harvesting and credits
4. Bring back low level observers to Alpha 2!

More details, though I'm sure they could be fleshed out more. These are just ideas smile

1. Invasions.

The different factions ( Blue, yellow, green ) are at war. Have been at war beyond the recorded time of history. They are still pushing back on the Alpha islands, against the invaders ( us ) and their Nia enemies. They launch assaults on the alpha/beta islands, trying to recover land lost and to find weakness in the defences.

Locations - Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2.

Using the circle mechanic from missions a purple circle appears on the mini map of all agents on the island ( random time, semi random location ). In the centre a "I" icon is shown for a invasion. The size of the purple circle also gives indication of the size of the invasion. Small/medium and large. Clicking on there "I" in the mini map give you a mission to destroy as many bots in the area to defend the island. The bots spawns are specific to the Invasion.

Using the same mechanics as the beacons, in the circle region red bots spawn. The bots are specific to the invasion group, i.e say a blue spawn group on a Green island. They need to be destroyed to enable the next upgraded version to spawn till the last spawn is destroyed. In a small area, perhaps 3 spawn areas, medium 5-7, and large 7-10. The bots spawned are specific to the invasion.

The invasion is timed, such as 1 hour. At 1 hour they de-spawn and the Invasion finishes. Of course if the spawns are destroyed first this also completes the spawn. This is a public event, work together or as a team.

Depending on the island type, the size of the invasion depends on the bot type spawned. Alpha 1, low level to medium level bots for 1-5 players, Alpha 2 medium to high level for 3-10 players. Beta high to extreme, 5-15 players. Of course rewards scale as do drops.

Reward ideas
Island colour specific rewards depending on number of destroyed bots. Scalable. Also rep for the colour specific island group and money rewards.

2. NPC Bounty Hunters

Senior bots have been causing the local group problems, causing bots to rise up against the invaders. A price has been put on their head. Go out and find and destroy the trouble maker and their guards.

Locations - Alpha 1, Alpha 2

A new Tab in the mission window shows NPC bounty hunters with a list of the current island based bounties. these are NPC's with specific names which may or may also have defence team or guard. When a agent agrees to accept the bounty ( multiple people can do so, so its first in first dressed, if you fail you get nothing ). At accepting the Bounty, randomly around the island the bots associated with this bounty spawn. A medium to large circle appears in the area the bot can be found. Again the agent has a limited time to find and destroy the NPC. the NPC will then drop a item that needs to be returned to the agent for reward. Note can be accepted as a solo or group. If someone else destroys the NPC, without the mission they cannot return the item.

Again this scales based on your rep and the level of the NPC. Once spawned the NPC will only last 1-2 hours before unspawning and the mission is failed for anyone who has it.

Reward ideas
Same as missions. Perhaps a neg effect on your Rep?

3. Energy harvesting and credits

Pretty sure we are here for the energy that Nia can provide. Plus this is already started to be fleshed out some time ago but got lost in the past. The idea is to harvest energy from the planet and to send it back to earth. But taking from Nia won't go unnoticed, its dangerous and the locals won't let us take energy without a fight.

Locations - Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta and Gamma

A number of new items are needed. Firstly for geoscanners we need full range of charges to find energy fields on the islands, they use the same idea as ore fields, except they can only be found at night. Once found they can be harvested any time, be it day or night.

Deployable harvest modules. These are used to harvest energy from the fields at a standard rate. They have limited amounts of power harvested, but improve the higher the tech level. For example:

T1 Deployable Energy Harvester - Cycle time 1.5 seconds, Total energy stored 500 units, HPs 3500, Size 20U
T2 Deployable Energy Harvester - Cycle time 1.5 seconds, Total energy stored 750 units, HPs 4000, Size 25U
T3 Deployable Energy Harvester - Cycle time 1.5 seconds, Total energy stored 1000 units, HPs 5000, Size 35U
T4 Depolyable Energy Harvester - Cycle time 1.5 seconds, Total energy stored 1200 units, HPs 6000, size 45U

Of course the fields available on different islands also show the risk. Higher amounts on higher islands. Small amounts on Alpha islands, more on alpha 2 and most on Beta/Gamma. The risk is also different depending on where it is deployed.

Once a energy field is found at night, a Energy harvester can be deployed. It uses the same functionality that beacons use. A T1 needs a single person to activate, T2 2 agents, T3 3 agents and T4 4 agents. Energy acts like a liquid as such it can be deployed in a single area and drain the field. Multiple can be put out, but then that could be your downfall!

Once activated it starts to harvest energy. But this attracts the local Nia population, your stealing their power!

Randomly enemy bots of the local island colour spawn 300-500 meters from the harvester. their job is to destroy it as soon as possible. Agents are then needed to defend the harvester for as long as they want or need. The spawns continue unit the harvester is full or removed from the field.

Depending on the island type depends on the spawn that attacks. Alpha 1 islands has the smallest and weak group of spawns. Of course you could use a T4 here, but it will never been completely full. It will still need to be defended. as a added option, the harvester armour cannot be repaired on the field.

Once full or the group/agent has had enough they interact with the unit and and it takes 10-15 seconds to take the unit from the field.

Once they have the unit, they take it to specific place on each island ( perhaps only on Alpha's? ) to empty and repair. I thought I saw the Devs already have this type of deliver area ready, remember the cool animation of the energy heading off into space?


Energy can be returned for a credit, or the energy can be taken to be used for other things.

A new currency is made called Energy credits. For energy returned you get points, that can be used to get named ammo, perhaps 2+,3+ equipment. Turning in the power can be shared also with anyone in your squad or to the one agent. Another option is it is used in purchase of T2 ammo.. that is slightly better ammo than standard but not as good as named ammo.. perhaps CTs as well ( only way to get CTs of specific bots is via the Energy credit system ). Just some ideas.

Another option is it can also be removed from the harvester and stored to be used in crafting..

4. Bring back low level observers to Alpha 2!

Alpha 2 lets return a bit of brown pants times, by bring back low level observers randomly walking round patrolling like the old days. Alpha 1 understand this is not a good option, but once moved to alpha 2, lets do more to make things dynamic and not a yawn fest smile

Locations - Alpha 2

Random spawn of Assault level observers. Let the agents know the love from local Nia population that they are not welcome here!

Man, I remember in Corp when a cry went up for a observer. A group would get together and head out to hunt it down. Those were the days!

I know there is bound of been posts in the past, these are just some ideas I thought I would post up and see if the dev's and community see any benefit from them. Keep the trolls to a minimum smile



Re: Some additional PvE ideas using existing mechanics

Good compilation, should happen something.

Alpha 2 observers just an easiest way to improve.

Energy to Earth!

18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD

Re: Some additional PvE ideas using existing mechanics

Invasions look good. Some higher-end PVE content is much needed.