1 (edited by Burial 2013-11-10 12:19:01)

Topic: Assignments Stage 2?

Would be really interesting to hear what thoughts you have right now for the stage 2, Zoom. Care to spill the beans, even if nothing is set on stone yet? smile

Will we have more categories of missions than just combat and industry?
What about hard squad missions requiring a fleet to get done? (Anything requiring co-operation is a ++)
Is instancing still a go or not?

Re: Assignments Stage 2?

Assignments are alot better now from the old ones only problem is that rewards needs to be balanced
some higher some way lower like some (special) mission on lvl 1 gives u around 750k nic and lvl 2-4 gives u maybe 3-500k   

I think alot morre assignments are needed to so it does not get so repetetive
Some missions seems to be picked morre offen than the other "rare" ones

Another thing is that progression might be to fast?   From lvl 0 to lvl 6 took me only 2 days of work
Even tho this isnt nessesarly a bad thing i think it might be to fast for newer players.

I like the idea off instances.   But what if u make a iland whit some sort of faction fortress? that will randomly conect to any iland in the game exsept alpha.    Like wormholes in eve big_smile

have artifact scanning be the way to find a  Aincent teleport witch conects to the fortress iland  the teleport wuld have a masking value were its not to easy to find by random ppl but still a chanse.
Make it even have multiple diffrent conections  to other iland at the same time  and diffrent starting points on the fortress.

Maybe have those black bots or some other bots/mods drop from these complex/fortress ilands?
Black bot 10% chanse of a black bot loot and maybe alitle higher chanse of some t4+ or t5 loots? smile)

Not sure if i got the last part out of my head right but i tried tongue

3 (edited by Burial 2014-01-21 13:47:11)

Re: Assignments Stage 2?

With the new and randomised mission system, will it be possible to accept multiple missions from the same terminal of same level and type? Can you see the value in that?

For example, accepting 4 L5 missions on Tellesis, all objectived spread around the island, agent can with some luck and careful travel plan reduce the time spent taking and giving in missions considerably.

Re: Assignments Stage 2?

-squadmissions needed(make rewarding to any squadmembers to do it)

-more missions a bit

-you can accept it somewhere in the islands not needed to go back every time to the main terminals

-balancing, Beta is need more reward, level 5 more reward so on

Energy to Earth!

18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD

Re: Assignments Stage 2?

Add token only bots in the syntec shop

Re: Assignments Stage 2?

I was surprised to see in Gamma Wipe thread that Zoom mentioned stage two of mission revamp comes AFTER Steam. I thought that was the main delay in launching on Steam. Not that I want to see Steam delayed but isn't the mission content one of the biggest gripes from new players? I like new mission ideas. I just hope awesome mission engine doesn't miss the boat.

Re: Assignments Stage 2?

Then you don't pay close attention, as the 2nd mission patch has been slated for after steam from the beginning..

Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the mods you've lost. They belong to me now.

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