Topic: Multiple Email Recipients

Last night I wanted to send an Email to all my corporation members since they are notified by a flashing icon on login they have mail (versus nothing at all if I post a new corp bulletin).

I noticed I can only send an email to one person at a time from my friends list.

A good patch would be to allow multiple recipients.


-Big C


2 (edited by auster 2010-12-15 19:07:26)

Re: Multiple Email Recipients

did you try to use the semicolon? i.e. "player1;player2"

EDIT : sry, just realized what nonsense that was smile
they might aswell add the possibility to simply input the recipients .. so you could copy and paste the recipients from a file

Re: Multiple Email Recipients

you have to pick a recipient from your friends list. I do not think you can manually type in any text. If they could just patch a "hold shift" option to select multiple recipients from your friends list I think that would do it. big_smile


Re: Multiple Email Recipients

I'm not sure this would be a good idea if you think about spammers.

5 (edited by BigCountry 2010-12-15 19:38:40)

Re: Multiple Email Recipients

Well the spammers would still have to add all their recipients to their friends list. So it would kinda be a lot of work for them...hehe

If you cannot allow this, perhaps make the bulletins go out as an Email notice to all corp members or something, so they see the mail icon flash or what not notifying them of corp news/updates? Some of my members are lazy...hehe


Re: Multiple Email Recipients

Bulletins need to auto-open when you log in, just like news and mail.  Why it doesnt dumbfounds me, as that is probably some of the most important information you'll need to know in game.

I am Perpetuum's Most Dangerous Agent and an equal opportunity troll.
-> You just lost The Game <-
"Perpetuum sounds like a something I would stick up my *** for enjoyement." -Kaito Kurusaki

Re: Multiple Email Recipients

There is no need to send an extra mail for corp bulletins, we just have to pop up the new bulletins like mails smile

edit: yeah Neoxx was faster

Re: Multiple Email Recipients

That would work perfect. big_smile


Re: Multiple Email Recipients

Could be a fee attached to sending mailers. Would help curb the spamming.

Re: Multiple Email Recipients

hello i am a prince of axe from norhoop and i have a large store of 10 trillion NIC waiting in a corporation account for me to access it but unfortunately when axe vacated the island they also changed the rules and placed a small fee of 1 million NIC needed to access the said account but i do not have this money luckily i happen to know a member from your corporation who informed me of how trustworthy you are so i would be willing to split this 10 trillion NIC in half with you so please contact me at your earliest convenience

In short, please let us spam devs wink

Re: Multiple Email Recipients

All they ahve to do is add a corp email tab to the email system. Would think that would be pretty easy.