With the old transports from terminal to terminal nearlygone, those were also nerfed down in regards to "fast and much reward" (can't compare to the triangles). But the mission itself didn't change that much.
At Beta the missions (lvl 4+) should still be the old ones. So there they still are awesome top moneymakers if you don't mind the PvP.
For Alpha:
Transport missions as of now are nice to run if you combine it with other assignments. Now you have to run to interactive terminals situated on the terrain of that same isle and fetch or bring the containers there, sometimes both. With rising lvl the danger of having NPCs there will be greater.
A nice example for some good NIC and tokens would be the combination (of any assignment type) with production missions.
This new type of assignment requires you to fetch items, RE and/or to produce the items after fetching the materials (don't forget to extract the CT afterwards and to deliver it too!!!).
This process may take hours to wait for completion, a bit of running around but has high rewards. The waiting time gives you normally enough room for another misson.
So depending on your the extension level of "Parallel assignments" (< under "Relations") it is a nice base in low lvls (0-2 maybe 3).