Topic: Mining skills for returning player

I did the tutorials a long long time ago but now that I am back, I cant seem to find information on mining skills.  I would like to play around with a miner type char and see if I can get back into this game but I can not seem to find a specific list of mining skills to spend my EP's on.  I have looked at Zortags guide and he mentions a few but is there a guide that walks (older, less learnable) guys like me through from basic to terminus bots and what skills we should be traiining?

Re: Mining skills for returning player … ing-guide/


Re: Mining skills for returning player

Thanks for the link but I dont anything about skills to train for in that guide.  I have questions like, what skills do I need to pilot a Termis and what skills would improve my mining yield or scanning accuracy.

Re: Mining skills for returning player

Literacy - to read the extension descriptions

Re: Mining skills for returning player

Kytan Ruvor wrote:

Thanks for the link but I dont anything about skills to train for in that guide.  I have questions like, what skills do I need to pilot a Termis and what skills would improve my mining yield or scanning accuracy.

Click on the (i) icon for the termis from the market etc. There you will find the extensions needed to pilot one. Same goes for any modules in game.

Focus on the mining and ore specific extensive extensions first. Then you can start looking at the intensive after you get your accumulator expansion and energy management extensions up.

John 3:16 - Timothy 2:23

6 (edited by Celebro 2012-11-06 20:30:17)

Re: Mining skills for returning player

Did you read it all? You can also read info ingame on what each extension does and go from there. Most are in the mineral extraction section.

7. Extensions
Extensions are skills that improve your character in some way.  There are quite a few that affect mining ability, directly and indirectly. I won’t list them all here, but your general strategy should be to focus on the extensions you require (Robot Control, Extensive Mining, Data Processing, etc) to use the bot and equipment you need, then fitting skills (Efficient Mining lowers accumulator usage, Optimized Industrial Engineering lowers CPU use), then things that directly increase ore/hour (Extensive/Intensive Mining).


7 (edited by Goffer 2012-11-07 08:39:39)

Re: Mining skills for returning player

The answer is not that clear as it seems.

If you plan to be long time miner with beeing the most effective in 3 or 4 weeks, than you should go direct to control Termis (advance robotics 1, indu bot control 5), spend as less extensions as possible now in mining cycle reduction (Extensive Mining 3) spend as less EP as possible in CPU and reactor extension to equip your termis   (e.g. mixture of Data Processing and Optimized Industrial Engineering for CPU) and put all other EP in "Accu Expansion" and "Energy Management" until your Termis is capstable running, than increase mining effciency with EP split between general and ore dependent to get the best mix (highest result if you focus on one ore first).

If you talk about most effective today, you should be better off with Argano mk2 with T4 small modules, and spend EP in Cycle Time reduction, but this will most likely hurt in 2-3 weeks.

BTW I consider it a valid idea to not getting capstable with 4 med miners in Termis, if you are close for entering Riveler, as I think in Riveler it is more easy to be capstable.

And for general cap stability there is a difference between mining ore and liquizits. You can be capstable on Titan, but experience getting instable on liquizit, just due to the fact, that on long term you recover during tile change the necessary small amount to stay stable.