Topic: Repetedly Teleported to thesame spot and lost a Warpish.

*Angry face - Pointing finger*

A moment ago i was Doing a asignment in Bellicha- New Vergina , Asignment "Quartz" /File #2 (Destroy and Recover) and i dont know what happened, But i repetedly got teleported back to the same spot when i was trying to go back to base, It Costed me a Warpish, Im not happy about it but im LUCKY that i had a Insurances, still i lost alot of Equipment and ammo for about 500k, and now am short 600k nic to buy a new one, is this something that is going to be repeted i have herd other people have thesame problem in other parts of the game and whit more expensive Robots.
Becuse if i cant even quest and things like this happend, how can i be sure that it dont happends again and next time it may not be whit an Assult Robot but whit maybe a Heavy Mech.

What is it that makes this happend ?

/Best regards.

Re: Repetedly Teleported to thesame spot and lost a Warpish.

Higher linguistic extension could help. Train it at least to 5, it should give you 25% bonus smile.

Re: Repetedly Teleported to thesame spot and lost a Warpish.

Sounds like you were rubber banding, which is a packet delay issue. Nothing to do with being teleported.

Not really a bug, but submit a ticket as you lost a bot in PVE, maybe they will replace it.... although I'm not sure they can tell if you really did rubberband or if you just lost an expensive bot farming and not paying attention to your armor level.