Topic: Player-build NPC spawners on Gamma?

Like the topic says: what if you could build NPC spawn points and place them around gamma bases? They wouldn't drop any loot and would follow the same rules of engagement as turrets. You could place different factions, types, and levels of bot, so there'd be plenty of potential to upgrade and tweak. Including respawn rate, aggressiveness, and engagement radius maybe?

Obviously this wouldn't be a substitute for actual defending players and turrets, but it might be useful AND it would make bases feel bustling and lively.

2 (edited by Razuki 2012-08-26 11:15:19)

Re: Player-build NPC spawners on Gamma?

Building mob spawner doesnt sounds good. Maybe some structure that enchances the spawn rate/count of mobs could be possible.  Though my idea is just a copy and paste from another certain place..

Re: Player-build NPC spawners on Gamma?

sounds like MOBA creep spawner

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
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