1 (edited by Celebro 2012-07-23 22:00:26)

Topic: Changes I would like: Assignments and PVE

  • Information on Assignment window with NPC type e.g Rookie seth , Arbiter tyrannos etc

  • Base standing increase on assignment window

  • Random assignments

  • Information on assignment difficulty and distance travelled in meters( rookie, medium, hard, expert)

  • 'Instanced' PVE small template islands 1 per faction mobile tp shows on terrain once accepted, around 1000-2000m for  terminals, mission TPs can be scanned by anyone using artifact charge,  NPC turrets and bases would be nice.

  • Mining islands similar to above or mixed

  • Squad assignments (anyone in squad can complete them) as well as more solo assignments should be available

  • Mining as become too active with low cycle time, almost as much as harvesting, increase ore tile amount, fields should regenerate at least once on same spot


Re: Changes I would like: Assignments and PVE

Here is my feedback on the points you wrote:

1+2 would be a good idea, knowing more before doing a mission for the first time is useful.

3 I think this will be difficult to add. Nobody will do them if they are "less good" than ordinary missions, and everyone will do them if they are better. You would need  a special case for when to do them(for example they could yield no relation bonus but more syndicate supplies?)

4 Difficulty is covered with point 1 i guess and for traveling maybe add that you can see all waypoints not just the first in the mission details. This should not spoil too much of the "story".

5+6. I don't know why this would be needed? Whats wrong with just doing the mission on the island you are on?

7 More assignments might add variety, but right now you can only do 2, at most 3 missions at once(cargo space restrictions) so i would put this at lower priority. Actual Squad missions (harder, but more rewarding and always squad-turn-in) might be nice too. They could require actual teamwork(something like "taking an active hack sap" while under attack by NPCs).

8 I have not mined that much lately so i cannot comment on that.

Re: Changes I would like: Assignments and PVE

Wouldn't mind seeing most of these changes

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.