Topic: Walls resists

Change: Weapon damage resistance in walls and plants is now calculated after the sum of all damage types, and not per damage type.

wtf - why?

this was the best thing about walls.

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Walls resists


3 (edited by Kaldenines 2012-02-11 01:53:05)

Re: Walls resists

Could you elaborate as to what the best thing about walls was? I didn't understand that part.

nm i think i fell for a troll.

Someone explained to me today that its probably to do with rounding errors.


Re: Walls resists

how does "rounddown" have rounding errors
it was:

rounddown (seismic * 1%) + rounddown (kinetic * 1%) + rounddown (thermal * 1%) + rounddown (chemo * 1%)

now its:

rounddown (seismic * 1% + kinetic *1% + thermal * 1% + chemo * 1%)

before this stupid patch, you had to use single-damage ammos to damage a walls, multi-damage round have been useless since each damage-type did less then 100damage on its own.
now you can use ANY ammo to damage walls, if you deal at least 100 damage overall.

A well thought and implemented system got dumbed down to something unlogical and stupid. I wonder why there are 4 base types of ammo per faction and 2 special ammos, really...

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Walls resists

The change was done simply because the old calculation favoured magnetic weapons too much. They have the highest damage output per shot, and all the others lacked high enough pure 1-damage type ammos to break the walls' resistance (or only with a lot of weapon tunings).

6 (edited by Annihilator 2012-02-11 22:35:24)

Re: Walls resists

DEV Zoom wrote:

The change was done simply because the old calculation favoured magnetic weapons too much. They have the highest damage output per shot, and all the others lacked high enough pure 1-damage type ammos to break the walls' resistance (or only with a lot of weapon tunings).

hmmm, it still favors em wepaons... but half of your statement is wrong, and the other half not true.
the amount of damage a wall recieves has not changed at all, just the fact that you can deal the damage with any ammo. (each faction had one non-mission-ammo that could deal damage)

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Walls resists

That's what I've been told, maybe someone else comes around who knows better then.

8 (edited by Alexander 2012-02-12 00:21:14)

Re: Walls resists

I have to agree with Annihilator that this changes nothing other than meaning any ammo can be used (Which makes sense in my opinion).
The issue with using damage reduction rather than armour types and damage types is that if I have 0.01 cycle time doing 50 damage or a cycle time of 1 second and 5,000 damage the DPS of the 0.01 cycle time is FAR higher but does NOTHING to a wall.

This is where armour TYPES and damage TYPES are needed. Call them whatever you like. Then every level gap between the weapon and the armour reduce the damage by some percentage (.eg. 50%).
Light, Medium, Heavy, Fortified.

Walls have 99% resistances and round down. Do 99 damage and you do 0 damage. Do 100 damage and you do 1 damage. Do 199 and you do 1 damage.. do 200 and you do 2 damage. This favours too heavily the single massive damage shot weapons.

Re: Walls resists

pre patch, my artie with white ammo (48 base) and a little over 200% dmg took down the wall. Blue slugs are (48) base too. Blue is better simply because their weapons have a higher base %. Mixed Laser is only (44 base), so my artie with like chemo still wouldn't break the wall, because my dmg % was borderline with single dmg.

So, even with the patch, you're still better using single damage and weapons with slow fire and high %.

Re: Walls resists

For AK you have best medium  non-Mission Ammo dealing 50% on one type, best small dealing ~60% on one type. Together with low base damage you had no chance to break walls with AK in a reasonable fit.

Re: Walls resists

Goffer wrote:

For AK you have best medium  non-Mission Ammo dealing 50% on one type, best small dealing ~60% on one type. Together with low base damage you had no chance to break walls with AK in a reasonable fit.

WB Goffer!

Just Sayin
01000110 01110010 01100101 01100101 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101 01110010 01110011

Re: Walls resists

This favours too heavily the single massive damage shot weapons.

Walls make good cover, tactically. With a low resist and low HP, they would end up being just like plants (expensive plants) instead of something your force can use as LOS cover. If they were vulnerable to small weapons fire, the armor would need to be dramatically improved, or the whole mechanic changed; so they drop fully formed since they'd only last seconds in battle without massive armor.

Re: Walls resists

Arga wrote:

pre patch, my artie with white ammo (48 base) and a little over 200% dmg took down the wall. Blue slugs are (48) base too. Blue is better simply because their weapons have a higher base %. Mixed Laser is only (44 base), so my artie with like chemo still wouldn't break the wall, because my dmg % was borderline with single dmg.

makes no sense this post.
lets take you have 250% dmg mod on your laser

  • Thermal Cells:
    rounddown (48 * 250% * 1%) = rounddown (1,2) = 1

  • Chemoactive Cells
    rounddown (28 * 250% * 1% thermal) +
    rounddown (16 * 250% * 1% chemo) = rounddown (0.7 thermal)+ rounddown (0.4 chemo) = 0 + 0 = 0

your damage with chemo was not even borderline to begin with. a damage mod of 358% was necessary to deal 1 damge with the jack-of-all-trades chemoactive or any other laser ammo, (456% for apoc cells)

now the difference between single damage and multidamage (eg. chemoactive) is rather marginal:
209% for thermal, 228% for chemo/sonic/kinetic, or 192% for apoc.

do i need to list missiles? compact sonic missiles deal 120damage base... that 1 damage to wall for every noob.

medium gauss, t1 - damage mod 170% base... a t4 300% base.

Arga wrote:

So, even with the patch, you're still better using single damage and weapons with slow fire and high %.

nowadays your best with med Machineguns and someone with an assault nexus:
Chemoactive bullets + torrex + 1 t4 tuning =  <2s cycletime, 1 damage per shot.

255/4 * 2s = 2 Minutes max per wall with a single mech. (easy to beat by those pvp forces out there

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Walls resists

Annihilator wrote:
Arga wrote:

pre patch, my artie with white ammo (48 base) and a little over 200% dmg took down the wall. Blue slugs are (48) base too. Blue is better simply because their weapons have a higher base %. Mixed Laser is only (44 base), so my artie with like chemo still wouldn't break the wall, because my dmg % was borderline with single dmg.

That's what I was saying, but I was in a hurry.

My pre-patch single damage type was only 'just' enough to do damage to the walls, and it wasn't possible to do damage for me with Chemo.

Post patch, the Chemo now uses 44 as it's base, but single damage still has a base of 48. With % just over 200, the 48 base was able to dent the wall, but the 44 chem would still fail.

So if your skills/bot is under 227% then bring single damge ammo; this is regardless of you bot choices, but weapons that do high DPS based on rate of fire are going to be harder to get above 227% then are slow DPS weapons.

Two handed vs dual weald anyone?

Re: Walls resists

I don't even know what to troll here...really I have next to no idea whats going on with walls.

I'm just going to go with Zoom on this one to whatever he wants and needs, you have all the support you need from me.  Have at it!

+1 to Zoom!

Just Sayin
01000110 01110010 01100101 01100101 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101 01110010 01110011

16 (edited by Hunter 2012-02-19 16:50:34)

Re: Walls resists

Anni... Tell me plz. How you can discuss PvP balance and balance on PvP islands if you not participated in it?

I can believe in your awareness about alpha qq miners, but:
1) Why need it personal for you? (i mean PvP discussions)
2) Why you try offer something?

Conclusion: Stop discuss walls. This spoiled enough. Continue mine titan on alpha islands.

The theory of mutual interests
Why the crybabies wins?
Где Ханя - там победа (с)
DEV Zoom: No need to speculate...

Re: Walls resists

GO on Hunter GO ON!

Just Sayin
01000110 01110010 01100101 01100101 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100011 01100101 01110010 01110011