Topic: Performance Issue

Hey devs,

the client performance is really poor. People with high-end systems (including me) are experiencing pretty bad FPS at bit more populated places.

With my i7 920 @ 4.3 and GTX480 heavily OC'ed, I only get max. 30 FPS at places with like 40-50 people.
Players with similar setup in General Chat experience this issue as well, so it's not only me.
This is very unrealistic, as current high end games run better at max. than Perpetuum for me.

Can you guys please look into this?

Re: Performance Issue

Me too , bad perfs .

I think optimisation is comming.

Re: Performance Issue

I'm having a similar issue, but am too busy to actually play at the moment.  Have you perhaps tried (for now until the issue is resolved) setting the bot detail down or turning off the icons?

Re: Performance Issue

Yes, turn off player character icons. There are so many new characters that they are all  bunched up in one area. that will change. Turning of the icons will increase the performance quite a bit. Other than that, just turn down graphics settings...

Re: Performance Issue

I got highest settings on everything with shadows turned off. Maxing 60fps almost all the time.

Got a Q9550 @ 4.0ghz, GTX 480 stock, 8gb ddr2 ram.

Try turning off the shadows as they steal much fps from you.

Former CEO of X-23

Re: Performance Issue

Turning off shadows doubled my FPS. Just a shame because shadows really add to the realism.

Re: Performance Issue

Yeah shadows did it for me too. Switched them off and it runs fine.

Re: Performance Issue

The Devs removed the ability for us to see the break down of each frames render time.
The console used to display or displays it for the dev/gm's. Please can we have that back? If only to further highlight the failed optimization of the client.

It's not bad when there is nothing on screen but I remember a Dev saying they used DX9.0c as the client was optimised for low end machines. I sense that was a lie. This game pretty much needs the power of a DX10 capable card just to deploy without crashing.


The Game

Re: Performance Issue

Actually the client is currently heavily CPU limited, so having a better videocard won't affect the framerate as much as having a better CPU will. We're working on the problem as fast as we can, but the issue is pretty complex. Disabling shadows should help a lot, yes.