Topic: crash

have experienced several crashes all quite random along with a lot of severe lag spikes and so far have lost both an argano and an arbalast as a result, the argano is no big deal but when you have had to grind to save up over 2 mil for a arbalast only to get 1.2? mil in insurance its a tad annoying, i dont have enough left to buy a new one let alone fit it. none of that though is really the issue, the problem that i see is that the npc's are so aggressive and often placed along or close to main travel routes that you dont even have to approach that close to an enemy for it to start firing on you so if you crash or lag out thats it one fried bot. honestly had high hopes for this game but in its current state it looks to be far to frustrating to actually play. i shall consider resubscribing in a few months perhaps.

Re: crash

Hey Tanky,

When issues such as this arise please do note the time,location and save your combat logs and alert a GM in-game about what happened and we may (not definatley) be able to assist you.

*Combat logs are located in your Perpetuum Online game folder*

Hope this helps.

~ GM Techbridge

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