Topic: Fan Fiction no 2

The Unseen Enemy – The Nia Incident

Chapter 1: Time Passes

Sara and Sherri worked away on the repairs to the bots in their care. The away team was off today and had been for the last week or so. Things on the station were much better than they had been and they weren't needed as much as just a few years ago. They worked and talked and Sara grabbed her now larger than normal stomach as the new baby kicked and Sherri turned quickly to ask if she was ok.

“He's getting stronger,” was all she would say as Sherri smiled widely and nodded. They were both married now and Sara and Sam were the first to start a family, even though Sherri had to admit, she wasn’t trying not to, it just hadn’t happened yet.

“You should go home for the rest of the day.” Sherri said as Sara laughed, sitting around the apartment drove her crazy and gave her too much to worry about, here, even if all she did was hand things to others, she was busy and that helped.

“I'm fine , stop worrying about me and get to work.” Sara said as Sherri laughed and turned back to the rewiring she was working on. In an hour they were done, and they walked slowly back towards their apartments. As they approached, Sara saw the time, the men were in a meeting now and Sherri offered to stay and talk until Sam returned and Sara agreed and they sat down while Sherri made her some tea and they talked about the future and their babys lives here.

Meanwhile, a few decks over, the meeting was just getting ready to start. Commander Sampson walked in, slowly and with assistance, and had a seat. His legs were bothering him again it seemed and everyone smiled and tried hard not to ask too many times if he was ok or not, that bothered him worse than the arthritis that had seized him the last year or two.

“Meeting is now in order, is there anything to report?” he asked ,tapping the table with a small wooden hammer, as the meeting came to order.

“The biology department reports better than expected growth in the food supply and the station has a surplus for the next quarter.” one man said as the room applauded and Sampson smiled and nodded his approval.

“Anything else?” Sampson asked as one man raised his hand and stood.

“Experiments on alien devises found on the surface continue, we believe we will have a breakthrough very soon.” he said and sat back down as the room smiled and a few even chuckled about the vague comment. They were always saying things like this but never really had anything to report.

“So, status quo then, nothing bad to report this month, that’s good for a change.” Sampson said as everyone agreed. “Then I dismiss the meeting, lets hope things are as dull next month gentlemen.”

The room laughed and applauded as the Commander slowly got to his feet and was helped out the door. Everyone watched him going wondering when he would appoint someone else to his position, his health was deteriorating badly but he refused to let go, he was after all, a very stubborn man. If he hadn’t been they wouldn’t be here right now and maybe no one else would be either.

Sam and Jake walked back to the quarters and were not surprised to see Sara and Sherri sitting waiting on them. Things were a lot quieter now that food was readily available and the station had turned an old arboretum into a farm of sorts. The many plants they had brought up from the surface were growing well in the controlled environment and they had tea, and other drinks and food for well balanced meals for the first time in recent memory, and everyone seemed happy and content for the time being, as the war on the surface continued.

Re: Fan Fiction no 2

Chapter 2: The REAL Nians

Quite some distance away, in a neighboring star system, a meeting was also being held and this one was far less friendly. The Second came in as quickly as he could manage and the Leader sat there looking upset it took him this long to get the information.

“Well, is it going as planned?” The Leader demanded as the smaller creature nodded and tried to explain.

“Our orders are being followed, the attackers don’t seem to realize that we aren't even there. They seem quite content to wage war against the slave bots we sent to manage our colony.” he explained as the Leader nodded he understood. These Others, they had appeared out of nowhere and attacked colony 12, of the Nia Controlled Worlds, and managed to keep the defense forces there busy up until now, and had even carved out a small area of the planet for themselves, as the real Nians sat back and watched from a distance, learning all they could about their enemys.

“Stupid fools,” The Leader muttered as the Second agreed.”And it never occurred to them that the reinforcements they have been fighting weren’t even made on the planet? How stupid can they be? It's been years since the war started and they're barely hanging on there, why haven’t they left or retreated by now?” he asked no one in particular.

“Perhaps...” started the Second as the Leader looked his way,” it's a suicide mission. They either win and stay and colonize or they die, with no chance to leave or retreat.”

“I doubt that, but if it were true then I'd almost have to give them some credit. That would be a serious plan even for us. We send machines to do our conquering, and we watch from home. If they send actual people out into space to conquer other worlds, then they must have a huge population to be able to do such a thing through out the universe.” He said with a serious nod and his Second agreed. Their people lived long lives but had few young, a problem their scientists had never been able to fix, so they stayed safely home and sent robots out to other worlds to see for them what was there. They couldn’t feel a cool breeze on their cheeks or the feel of warm, moist dirt on their bodys as they traveled around their home tunnels, but that was lost to the ages, since it was important not a single person die without having young.

The Leader looking uncomfortable thinking about this but in a minute he curled his tail around to see and reached out and removed a small scale that seemed to bother him as the Second looked away.

“Ha!” He said seeing the other mans embarrassment,” like you've never had a dry scale bother you.”

“I manage my scales at home and not in public.” he said seriously as the Leader laughed, as reptilians, scales were their skin and what he did was nothing more than scratch an itch.

“Continue with the plan, and see if we can get some actual vids of the Others this time, I've seen enough scans to last me a lifetime. Its hard to believe that these small creatures walk upright on tiny little legs like our bots do, how very unevolved of them.”He stated as the second man slid from the room at best speed and the leader went back to his busy day of watching over the many colonys that sent materials and information back to the home world. Good thing colony 12 had no materials they needed right now, it would not do to have them know that the strings were being pulled from quite some distance away, or they might meet these new creatures face to face, and they needed to avoid that at all costs.

“I don’t like it,” Sampson said sitting in his apartment and taking pain medication for the second time today,” we never did find their manufacturing base, we pretty much have to think its underground somewhere since the entire planets surface is empty of such things.” he said as it was plain the medication was making him drowsy.

“That's the key,” He muttered softly as the medication took hold,” destroy that and we win.”

“Yes sir,” his aid said with a smile, this was a conversation they had had many times and they were no closer to finding it than before.

“I'm not an old man you know, well, at least not THAT old. I can take care of myself!” he demanded even as the drugs washed over him.

“Then, is there anything else I can do for you?” she offered as he looked up smiling, she never gave up but he was way too old for her and he had said so many times.

“You are too young to be hanging out with some old fool, so go find someone who cares for you.” He said, again and finally fell asleep as she laid him down on the sofa and covered him with a thin blanket.

“I'm happy here,” she whispered even knowing he would not hear and she gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. She was one of the last to be awakened, and while many others got married and were thinking about children, she stayed by the Commanders side, as his aid. At first it was just a position with some authority that others didn’t have but soon she really cared for him. He was an amazing man, and had been the center of the planetary colonization way before anyone else had a chance, and still after all those years and more problems than enough, he went on. She couldn’t begin to explain how very honored she was to be with him now even if he wouldn’t admit they had anything going on, she would stay with him until his end, and make him happy.

She turned and went outside and informed the guard that the Commander was asleep and was not to be disturbed and she went to go get something to eat herself, and the guard nodded and struck a tough looking pose, if anyone got past him, she wouldn’t stop them anyways, and she smiled and went to see about some food while her charge got some badly needed rest.

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Chapter 3: Science for its own sake

The science department was busy trying to make heads or tails out of all the enemy technology they gathered over the years. They had several experiments set up and running with little to no results and the group leader knew this was making them look bad. They needed a breakthrough and he was determined to find something that everyone else had overlooked and as he stood there, putting power into a dozen different pieces of tech, a small light came on and flickered for a minute as he rushed to see what happened. There was no sign why it suddenly came on and went off, but it had and he moved it to a separate area and had it watched 24/7 to see if it did it again, and what had happened either around them or on the planet that could have any connection to it. If he was right, then he had accidentally picked up some enemy signal, or interference from one of their other devises and anything was better than having nothing to show, and he was certain that something, somewhere had happened when that light came on, and he set out to prove it.

The search ran on while he sent all the info and the time of the incident to the terminals and asked for anything that might have happened around the same time, it took a while but slowly he got reply’s and he wasn’t sure he could believe what it was saying. The little signal happened just as enemy reinforcements arrived during a battle, and he thanked them for their help and asked to be informed when reinforcements came in again, and they agreed. Now if it did recur, then he had something and he set up a system to find the source of the signal, when it finally returned.

Nothing happened for a while and a week went by, but he was determined and finally the light came back on and stayed for a few seconds and he searched the planet for the source and found none and he was totally upset that he had somehow missed it when the light went back out again. But he studied the scans and the signal that he got this time and soon he saw it wasn’t a coms link at all but a source of interference from something big working, and he hadn’t been able to find the source on the planet so maybe, just maybe, it was from space around it, and he started thinking the enemy had spy satellites or some type of com that they didn’t use, and he sent his primary report to the Commander saying the research was ongoing, and they waited for the next signal to come.

A day later he got a call from one terminal and he called back to see the terminals science officer standing there all smiles.

“It's about time someone else noticed,” he said as the man nodded, it seemed he wasn’t the only one who saw the signal.”Phil Harris, science officer in charge of technology here on ICS Alpha.” he stated with a small bow as his friend nodded and smiled.

“John Collins,science officer in charge of all research on the Alpha orbital,” he returned as they both stood there looking happy, they seldom talked since they were in direct competition to find new things.

“So, Phil what made you call today?” John asked.

“This signal you asked about, we've been watching it come and go for a number of months, we're trying to detect where its coming from then we can safely say we have the bases location locked.” he said all smiles as John nodded.”I want you to scan the entire surface next time and pinpoint where the signal originates.”

“Tried that this time,” John said waving Phil's idea away,” there was no signal from the surface anywhere, that’s what upset me.”

“Impossible! If it came from space you'd have seen an orbital a long time ago, unless they have some seriously powerful cloak of some kind.” Phil said looking thoughtful suddenly but John informed him that scans of near space showed nothing, and even a cloak made some interference somewhere and he had to agree.

“Lets both scan for it, I'll turn my attention to space and you watch the planet again. If they make that call again we'll get a lock for sure.” John said as Phil smiled like he knew something John didn’t. “What?” John asked.

“Its not a coms signal we know that, its interference from their teleporters system, we see it here when reinforcements come in, they beam them right to the battle sight, so we've heard it many times before.”Phil stated as John looked surprised, he hadn’t thought of that yet but it made sense.

“Either way, working together we'll lock it down and then science departments wont look so useless for a change.” John said as Phil said an amen of his own and the link went down. Now all they needed was for the signal to return and they'd be ready.

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Chapter 4: The Big Surprise

Sara was in labor, Sam was walking the floor, and Jake and Sherri were sitting back smiling at the whole thing while waiting for the exact moment that the new baby would make an appearance. They held hands and smiled knowing it would only be a matter of time before they'd be back here having their own and they were both thinking the same thing as their eyes clearly showed and Jake gave Sherri a big hug while Sam yelled at them for making out while he was going nuts.

“Would you settle down? It'll happen when it happens, and that will be any minute now. Sara’s a tough girl and you have nothing to worry about.” Jake said as Sam rolled his eyes and went back to pacing the floors, but in a few minutes the doctor walked in all covered in blood and other assorted secretions and smiled and told Sam he had a beautiful baby girl, and it looked like he'd feint from the sound of it.

“What about Sara is she alright?” he asked quickly as the doctor just nodded and said she'd be fine, it was an easy delivery and Sherri heaved a sigh of relief as they were left into her room a little while later and Sara looked up at them from the bed, while holding her new little life in her arms.

“No boy this time,” she said as Sam smiled and Jake and Sherri looked at each other wondering if they had any real preference in the matter but they just smiled a minute later, just like Sam and Sara they'd be happy with anything that was healthy.

“Shhh, you rest,” Sam said while holding her hand and she smiled up at him while tears ran down his cheeks.

“I'm all right, really...” she said again but he just nodded and she saw he had been more worried than he left on and she loved him more by the minute.

“The doctor said you did well,” Sherri said as Sara just nodded in return.

“The waiting was the hard part, I'm just glad its over and we have our little princess.” Sara said as everyone smiled wide, but the doctor came in a minute later and made them leave while she got a thorough checkup and they decided when she'd be allowed to go home, and Sam stood, staring at the door as Sherri walked over and gave him a hug and smiled.

“You'll be a good dad, you wait and see.” she said as Jake nodded agreement and Sam seemed to look a little more relieved. He was worried his easy going lifestyle and silliness sometimes might not be the perfect thing for a father, but they knew he'd be ok, he had just grown up a huge amount in a single day and they could see it easily.

“We'll see...the doctor said they might keep her overnight, but she can go home tomorrow.” Sam said as they agreed, nothing special, and they excused themselves and started home while Sam sat waiting to be allowed back inside to see his wife.

“Will you be that worried for me?” Sherri asked as Jake’s face grew red and she knew the truth, he might be even worse and she hugged his arm while they walked along, and she informed him her family had always had easy births and she wasn't worried. With that he smiled and nodded but looked terribly serious about the whole thing and she openly laughed at him until he smiled and they walked home talking about Sam and picking baby names.

Both science departments were on the links at the same time and they were surprised beyond belief. The signal had returned and with it, a dozen more bots to the surface, but as they locked onto the signal, their instruments seemed to lock onto nothingness, they got the direction but nothing more, but that was enough. It explained a lot, like how they never found their supply base after all these years, it just wasn’t there. The signal was from space, and not around the planet at all but out there, somewhere, and the scans showed no planets nearby it could have come from, and that made it seem even more ominous.

“We believe the teleporter beams are originating on another planet.” Phil explained as the Commanders of both bases looked like their eyes would fall out any minute.

“Is that even possible?” One asked as John stepped in.

“Yes, very, they have the technology, their's is even more advanced than ours and there were experiments  using the same idea back on Earth, but we refused it thinking that once the signal was sent you had no control over it,you cant adjust a beam after its sent, you cant stop to scan or look for a better spot to drop people, its a one shot deal.”

“So why are they using it then?” he was asked as he smiled.

“They aren’t sending PEOPLE, they use only machines, a waste if they miss or drop them in an ocean, but no biggie, just make more, we had people to worry about so we went a different way.” he added as everyone agreed, sending sentient beings was much different than just sending machines but machines were limited in what they could do, or think, and that made humans better for stellar explorations.”So once they got a drop zone set up, they had a lock to send troops to.”

“The Commanders sat thinking for a while but they finally agreed this was a major discovery. They sent the info to the other bases and they decided that they never got an answer to their requests for peace because the real Nians weren’t even here, so they set up a tight beam for information and sent their request again, this time right towards the signal source and they waited while the war went on. It might be weeks or years but that signal would get there and they'd get an answer... wither it was one they could live with, would have to be seen.

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Chapter 5: The Answer

Subspace was how the colonists got to Nia to start with, and it was how the Nians sent their reinforcements so quickly right to battle areas. So that’s how the return signal was sent and the Commanders of all the terminals waited to see, and made sure they were ready if the result wasn't what they hoped for. They asked for peace, and the land they already had taken, in return for trade and technology exchanges between them. The Nians might not learn as much as the humans, but you never know, their science was different and their robots and the salvaged parts proved it, but they might never have researched some things the humans had, so they felt it was a fair exchange. The signal traveled outward and made the trip very quickly as the Nian Leader sat, shocked they had figured it out after all this time.

“They are asking for peace, that’s a good thing.” His Second said as the bigger reptile looked thoughtful.”And, they're willing to exchange technology samples with us and scientific information, we might learn a lot about who they are and where they came from, not to mention, what their science is all about.”

“I understand that,” he heard as he looked subservient to the bigger creature as he sat there, mulling over the agreement.”but if we let them keep the land they already hold, we'll be admitting defeat, and every race we meet from now on will see this as a reason to oppose us.”

“What about a compromise then? We ask for half the land back, they have to act submissive to do it, and we get to stop the war and save all those wasted resources.” His Second said and he nodded thinking it.

“If we can show we're are in charge there, and they bow to US then maybe it'll work. But word it carefully, so they don’t see the true meaning.” he said finally as the other creature slid quickly from the room. If they could convince these new people to stop fighting, then they might just learn something new and that would go directly into their science and military productions. Then if they got out of line again, they wouldn’t have a chance.

A return message came a week later and in it the Nians admitted they wanted peace and the colonists cheered from one end of the planet to the other. But there were conditions, and that made a few angry to see. First they wanted the withdrawal of half the land they had taken from them in battle and that made a few more radical Commanders upset. They had won that land fairly and they refused to give it up, but the majority was against them and soon they agreed that maybe some negotiations might be in order.

Second they wanted the release of scientific information, about where they came from and how they got there. That was also a sticking point, if they knew the exact coordinates of Earth they could send wave after wave of robots there and conquer the planet while the colonists sat back watching it happen, and that wasn't going to be the case no matter what.

They also wanted biological information, about what species they were and what their make up was like, inside and out, and that alone was something no one was worried about, so in exchange they sent a message saying they agreed to some of the plan and they sent a scan of a human with full medical workup and ask for the same in return and got it a little while later. It surprised them they had never seen a sentient reptile before but this is space, and seeing new things was what it was all about. They seemed to be a split, part human like, with arms and hands, but also from the waste down, they had the body of a snake, or the Nian equivalent of one. They very much looked like some of the legends around Earth, of strange snakelike creatures that had been there before, especially in the Greek legends about visiting gods, but everyone was sure that was purely a coincidence and the negotiations went on.

The humans totally refused information about their home world, and the Nians decided that was the best they could get. They forced them to remove their people from 2 land masses they had previously held, and made two Commanders very angry, but they did it and soon the Nian forces stopped attacking the humans where ever they found them and peace was a reality for the first time in over 2 decades.

There was a big celebration, and even though some people didn’t like the agreement, for that one day they all partied and had a good time. It had been a long time coming and they knew, eventually they'd get more land back and even the terminals that were now sitting empty, but that would be later and they smiled and went about having a good time as the Nians watched from a distance and said nothing else.

“It appears their as good as their words,” The Second said as the vids came in of Humans partying over the new agreement.

“Perhaps for now,” The Leader said as they both watched on. The humans were a stubborn race and small and unimpressive to see, but they had a strong sense of self and their courage in battle was impressive, so he gave them this time, as his scientists worked to see if any of their science could benefit them, and then he'd decide how long this peace would last. In all their history, no one had negotiated a truce with them, and they had expanded their holdings out from their home world slowly into the galaxy, but now they had, and that alone stuck in his throat as a failure, but he held his tongue for today and waited to see what, if anything they gained.

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Chapter 6: Peace

Sam and Jake were on the planet getting more plants for the farm when a sound was heard and instinctively they turned and ran towards the shuttle. Just a few meters away, a drone patrol appeared off to the side, sat there for a minute then turned and went away.

“I'll never get used to that,” Sam said with a heavy sigh as Jake laughed.

“Suits me, they can sit and watch me gather plants all day if they like, so long as they don’t start shooting.” he said as Sam finally smiled and agreed. The peace had been going on for a few weeks and seeing drones just ignoring you was starting to get to be commonplace... but not for Sam ,who had been in battles and killed more than his share of the smaller ones while trying to help the base survive.

“I think that’s enough for today,” Jake said looking at the boxes of new plants they had gathered and Sam agreed. They got ready to return and Sam checked the time.

“Feeding time is just about over, so maybe I can see Sara for myself for a while.” Sam said all smiles as Jake laughed. They were in that 'no relations for now' time after the baby, and it was wearing on Sam badly as they both knew since he couldn’t shut up about it when they were out and away.

“I thought the doctor said another week?” Jake asked as Sam smiled.

“Whats he know...” was all he'd say but Jake was really sure that Sara listened to him closely and Sam was going to wait, no matter what he thought.

“Good luck with that...” Jake whispered and Sam pretended not to hear as they sat the shuttle down in the landing bay and the removal team ran to see what they brought back.

“Good job, this will help a lot,” They heard as the biology team gathered their plants and left the dock. Sam smiled and waved and left too, and Jake laughed as he started home. He was glad that he wasn’t going to see Sam for a while, in a few minutes he'd be impossible to be around for a while, and with that thought, Jake went home smiling and wondering if he was going to be that impatient when his time came.

The Leader sat back looking the new information over. The humans still refused to say where their home world was located and he finally saw he'd never know, but they did offer many new things that the Nians didn’t study themselves. Like information about the animals on colony 12, something never needed or worried about, it did show there were reptilians there, and that showed a common ancestry they had not known before. If these primitive reptiles were similar, as the scans showed maybe they could help them to study these problems they've been having, and a few were gathered and sent home for research.

Now, weeks later, new evidence was seen, that their world, their very technology and existence there, had caused their near destruction. Pollution, radiation from a dozen different sources, all added to make them less likely to have children, even sterilized many that were constantly in close proximity to these machines, and that scared even the Leader, as he could see a power plant from his office window. Never had they thought that their great civilization would be its own doom, and new ideas started being forced upon them.

Perhaps these humans weren’t so stupid after all, they moved from planet to planet, and even if their world made the same mistakes, many weren’t even nearby and the species went on. That made the leadership think long and hard about their next moves and they decided that colonizing other worlds with real people was their best hope, and they picked small groups and sent them to a few worlds where they had already established colonys and bases so they would be safe. Remove them from the problem and maybe, just maybe, they would get better. It was their best chance and even the Leader himself saw that the truce with the humans was paying off, and they learned new ways to generate power and started closing down many older facilities that polluted the most and plans were started to clean up their world.

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Chapter 7: The Other Side

Meanwhile, other Nians were not happy that things were changing. The head of the Osmoth Corp, the leading corporation on Nia was getting more upset by the day. The Leader had taken these newcomers to heart and anything they thought would help them was being made possible. What a catastrophe! After all these years of being the only major corporation on the home world new corps were popping up, using new technology that came from the humans on colony 12, they were being backed by the government and given massive amounts of funds to get started, and gained on his company instantly. How dare they, after all the decades it took to gain nearly as much control over the planet as the Leader himself, now they had real competition for the first time, and his profits were dropping like a stone.

He had a meeting with the Leader and tried to explain that the old ways had seen them through for many,many years and that no matter what any scientists said, the pollution from the stations and factorys had nothing to do with the low birthrate. In fact, the extended lifespan was a direct result of the technology they helped create, and after some time even the Leader had to admit they had helped them gain technology in many fields for many years, but he stopped short of removing the new corps or reversing his decisions about their new technology being added to their own. Try as he might,Koros couldn’t get what he wanted, a full rollback to previous times, and that angered him beyond  sanity. If that was the way it was going to be then he'd do something about it, and he looked towards the planet with those troublesome humans on it and started making a plan. If they weren’t there, or if the Leader thought they had turned on him, then they would no longer be listened to and things would return to normal, and he started planning on ways to make the humans look unstable and to restart the war.

It was true even he knew, that their technology had changed their way of life. Where they used to live 80 years or so and there had been over a million people on the planet, now they lived for 300 years and their numbers had dropped to a hundred thousand. As far as he was concerned, that was fine. It left all the land and objects anyone could want for each of them and everyone seemed happy, so it wasn’t so bad they had less young, after all they lived almost forever, and new people weren’t needed like they once were.

The average age of maturity had raised from 20 years old to 50 and marriages between families had adjusted to the new standard. He himself had just gotten married after these many years and his new wife waited patiently for their first born, but so far it hadn’t happened. It was all his fault, he decided and he apologized to her for being so busy with his worries and business and she said she understood. But they tried again and she waited again, and he started wondering if she was somehow sterile, and he convinced her to see a doctor and get a full workup, and she agreed, if he did as well, and he saw no choice and went in and had it done and they awaited the results.

According to the report they were both in good shape, but their reproductive systems were strained to the breaking point. The doctor stood there, going on and on about the bad air and the polluted water and Koros couldn’t stand it any longer and he jumped up and screamed at him. It wasn’t true, he personally saw to over a hundred plants and they were no more polluting now then before and the doctor looked shocked and told him the facts were irrefutable, in better conditions they would have been fine, but here and now, like hundreds of others he had seen, they were lucky to EVER have a child, and Koros saw his empire sitting waiting on his death so the government could just take it over and his family would disappear from the history books.

NOT TRUE! There was no way he'd ever believe that he was in even a small way responsible for this. It was all a government plan to remake the planet into what the Leader wanted, and he stormed out of the doctors office with his wife in tow and rushed back to work. If they were trying so hard to convince everyone it was his fault then he'd stop them and show them he was right.

The pollution, the businesses even the water they drink were all studied and he wrote his OWN reports saying the previous were fabricated to make businesses look bad and force them out of business all together, and his fury was fierce to see and even his wife looked on from the shadows shocked and scared of what he had become, and she wondered if her family had made a mistake, joining with his, when he obviously was unstable, and she secretly made some recordings to show her family and ask what she should do next.

Now he had the public’s eye, and he made use of it. He asked for hearings into why the government was willing to change their very way of life to suit these strangers, on colony 12, and what they had ever done to make themselves trustworthy. He demanded the Leader himself come forth and explain it, and he waited as many started worrying he had gone too far, and he saw himself being followed by men he didn’t know but he persisted, and the Leader did make an appearance, and made him look the fool, showing his failed attempt to have children as an example of the truth, their world was dieing and the people with it, and Koros flew into a frenzy, and knew he had no chance, right now of getting to the Leader, so he sent wave after wave of new robots to the frontier, to the worlds where they had control for so long, and he started his own war, against all that lived, and his corporation went into battle mode, and manufactured robots and weapons and sold them to anyone who believed as he did, and a secret Alliance was formed with the sole purpose of taking over the frontier and with it the resources that the home world needed, and eventually to force the Leader to remove these restrictions, and restart their economy the way it had been for so long. It was a far reaching plan, and many were involved now, but he saw that in his own time, he just might be the Leader, and then things would return to normal.

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Chapter 8: New Enemys

The Leader sat back looking disgusted. This man was doing things that were very close to treason, and he watched him talking about new enemys and making friends among the more radical of the people. He knew he had a plan, probably to replace him someday, but for the moment that’s all he was sure of, and then his Second came running in one day and laid the newest info on his desk. Koros was making a move, a very serious one, and more than a hundred robots under the corporations name, were sent out to several colonys and he saw the truth. He had a civil war on his hands and the report mentioned others helping, and together they controlled at least 30% of the entire planets businesses. This was bad, very bad, and he sent messages to his friends to beware, and made his troops go on standby. Now it had started and he called the humans and warned them to be careful and explained why, and their Commander just looked sad and nodded he understood. They would get ready to defend themselves if necessary, and the Leader thanked him for their understanding, and the coms link went black as he looked at his scared Second and gave the order, and the new war started, maybe their last war, with their low numbers... but even he didn’t think that Koros or his men would start a fight on the home world, it would be the end of them all, and he called his few colonys that had real people on and told them to prepare as well, and they started setting up a small military force to defend themselves.

Koros wasn’t too surprised to see the Leader jump into the fray, but it was a little earlier than he hoped. He had more bots to send and had not captured a single colony of his own yet. The young Nians sent to other worlds were fighting him as well, and he had hoped that they would see his way of thinking and help him. It was not the plan he had originally started with, but he had no choice now, everyone was active and the war had begun, now he had to win it, or die because terrorism or treason were still the death sentence, and he couldn’t see the Leader forgiving him after all this.

He made sure that weapons were available to his followers and they even sent a few of their own people to a colony that the Leader had not gotten to yet. With this they could officially declare a captured world and that gave them respect among the people who were sitting the fence and waiting to see. If they owned their own world then even if the war was lost they had someplace to go, and they would be safe, and a few more joined and Koros got more support and he thanked them seriously. Now to get on with it, and he courted others and was tossed out and their names went on his list, the list of enemys that need not be around after he won the war, and he sent a mass of new bots to colony 12, to attack the humans as well as remove the security bots that had been there for some time. He had a map of the transport zones and he knew that his corporation and others with him were holding back parts and resources that they all needed to make replacements, and even the Leader saw his forces start to dwindle away as the corps got together against him and made efforts to capture more colonys and force him into a defensive position.

Commander Sampson was more than just upset. His plan to make friends with the Nians went down the drain, and he had a meeting with the other terminal Commanders to explain what had happened. It didn’t make a lot of difference to some, they wanted a war more than anything, and he saw it clearly. Even with less than 50k humans on the planet, some couldn’t think of anything better than a good fight, and he informed them that the orbital had NO more soldiers to send so don’t even ask, and some got grumpy he had said it so forcefully, and a few slowed their attacks down to keep their people from falling too quickly.

Others weren’t worried about fighting and got into a purely defensive mode. Holding their terminals but allowing bots so close they could be seen patrolling from the loading zones. This was not the perfect solution, but it kept them going, and they specialized in resources for the other bases and had convoys with armed escorts traveling nearly every day to and from other bases. They were making good money and manufacturing whatever they needed and still helped the other bases stay safe, and they became the anchors that held the human colonys together, and their rep went way up, even with the more radical terminals around. Without supplys the war would drain them quickly and they'd fall and there just plain wasn’t anyone more to call on. It was 'sink or swim' and the one main terminal was now glad that they had shut down one terminal in their agreement with the Nians, because that gave them twice the defense force that others had and they pushed the forces back and did some real damage, while some others were barely holding on.

They were being forced right back into that predicament that they had just worked their way out of. Short on supplys, short on people and with no reinforcements coming,ever. So things started looking bad again, especially for those that thought the good times would never end, but the others that had planned weren’t as bad, including the orbital. The fighting with the other terminals over supplys had made them self-sufficient, and now that made all the difference. Sampson knew that they would be ok for a long time, but he also knew that the more radical terminals wouldn’t take NO for an answer, and the new enemys on Nia might be a different type of enemy as well, and he took several of the captured weapons they had salvaged in the past, and had them mounted to the station, one above the landing bay doors and a few scattered around the outside of the station. It gave them some security, not a lot, but some and that gave him something to negotiate with, when the time came.

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Chapter 9: Back to Work

After a quick meeting explaining a few things the base went to alert status. The maintenance department made sure the bots they had were working and stocked and the weapons on the station were ready to go. Everything was checked and rechecked and as they started seeing their safety getting assured, the away team left for the surface and another run to help supply them with whatever they could get.

“Land at the coordinates we gave you, the alpha base is sending us some supplys, mostly gifts from some of their members to help protect the people here, so wait until they get there, get the supplys and whatever else you can get. If they aren’t there when you arrive, start gathering materials to bring back, just like before, anything and everything, but keep an eye out for weapons, this might be a long war.” They heard as Jake agreed and they dropped down to within a mile of the site and scanners showed enemy bots in the area and he wasn’t too happy about it.

“Enemy forces are holding the handing site, we can not land.” Jake called back as the Commander looked upset. But just then a second signal was heard and they both smiled.

“We'll get them hold on..” was all they said and even from a mile away missiles could be seen streaking from the bots that came running over the hill from the terminal.

The battle didn’t last long and Jake set the shuttle down right where he was told to, and three bots stopped along side to drop off their supplys and make sure they were alright.

“:Nice job good fast work.” Sam said as he picked up one of the cargoes they dropped for them.

“I'm piloting a Castel, from longer range these little bots with cannons cant touch me.” The pilot said as Sam nodded approval and Jake thanked them for their help. “The Commander said we'll help when we can but if things get too bad here, it might be a while between.”

“We understand, thank the Commander for us, we'll also be around getting whatever we can.” Sam said as they all nodded they understood.

“Make sure you loot those bots, we get paid a bounty for each one, so anything that’s left here you can have, that one there...” he said pointing the bots arm,” had a missile launcher, hope its still good, I'm sure you could use that.”

“Absolutely,” Jake said as Sam walked over to look and looted some small missiles and a slightly dented up launcher from the wreck.

“It's not in good shape, but we know some really good maintenance people on board.” Sam said laughing as Jake joined in.

“With the new war, anythings better than nothing.” Jake said as the terminal team waved and walked away and Sam made sure they had everything sorted and held down before they launched.

“Anything on radar?” Sam asked as Jake said there was none.”good I'll do some gathering while we're here, there’s a group of plants right here along side.” he said and walked back off as Jake watched the scanners for enemys again. Nothing happened and Sam got them another two loads of plant material and all the loot from the enemy bots, and even Jake agreed they had done pretty well considering they had started out badly.

“Lets go home,” He said as Sam agreed and the shuttle lifted off and disappeared from the skys for another day,while a small scout drone stood by just over the hill and watched them until they were out of sight.

“It wont be hard to destroy the humans on the orbital at all, they need to gather food regularly, so we can cut them off and let them starve.” Koros said watching the recon footage and he smiled. That meant they didn’t need to actually attack the orbital at all so he set up to keep harassing the bases and he saw one in particular that seemed weak and he sent some heavier bots there and their supply’s and defenses started to weaken, as his plans for the conquest of colony 12 went on and got even stronger.

The Leader looked at the report sadly. Koros was getting in some good hard shots and one colony was now under his control. That gave him an escape plan and even the Leader didn’t mind that. If he lost this war then he'd take his family and escape to that colony to avoid execution, and that made things easier for him. Even a traitor has rights and the legal issues would go on and on but once he left the planet, they could cut him off from return, and in time he could start his own colony there and he might just see, that they were right, and that getting away from all the pollution might be the savior of their people, and his family itself. Seeing the truth would take time, but Koros might just come around eventually, and he'd make a good representative for that colony. He knew he was being a little too considerate, but if your a true leader you need to see all sides, and he thought he was doing that, and he smiled as orders were given and his counter attack on one colony got under way.

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Chapter 10: Armaments

Commander Sampson sat back all smiles, a missile launcher, and in usable though poor condition. He ordered it taken to the repair facility and got them started on it. That would help and he turned towards the small missiles that came with it. There weren't enough for a major battle but surprise is a weapon in itself. And he had one taken apart and seen what it took to make them and what they had on board. They got a blueprint of the little missile a week later and they made a parts list for it. That was sent to the shuttle and they were told to look for those ingredients when possible and Sam nodded and they put one miner attachment on his bot for the next missions.

“We're using some of the plant material we have in storage to make a few of the needed components as well, so that'll be another trip.” Sampson said as Jake laughed and Sam rolled his eyes.”we got a map from the terminal showing where to find the ore we need, so you wont have to do a lot of searching, just get us a few thousand units, that should do it, but if you get the chance, get what you can, we can use the new metals.”

“Want fries with that...” Sam whispered but not softly enough.

“If you find some sure, but lets not forget there’s a war going on,Lt.” he heard as Commander Sampson laughed at him, and he looked shocked his comment was as loud as it was.

“Sorry,” Sam said as the Commander just smiled and nodded, Sam was a new father and this took away from his family time quite a bit, but it couldn’t be helped. They had a second shuttle they used for supply missions from time to time, but that team was a pale shadow of this one and perhaps he over worked them a bit, but it couldn’t be helped.

“I'll send the second team out tomorrow,” Sampson finally said as Sam smiled,”they can get some plant material, I'm sure and you can get a rest, but that’s TOMORROW.” he said as Jake and Sam agreed and the shuttle started for the surface once more.

As they approached the landing site firing could be seen not too far away.

“There’s a battle going on about 2 kilometers to the west.” Jake said as they sat down,” we probably wont be here long.”

“You sit still and I'll do the rest,” Sam said as the big door opened and he ran out.

“About 2 hundred meters straight ahead,” Jake called as Sam ran that direction.”a little more and little more,” Jake said watching the map and Sam's icon.

“There try there.” he said as Sam targeted the ground and turned the miner unit on. There was some small dirt flying and dust and a loud humming noise and slowly he heard the sound of sand or something like it, dropping into the cargo bay.

“Getting some,” he said as Jake heaved a sigh of relief. He kept watching the radar and the enemys weren’t far away but they were busy and Sam got a full load and returned to dump it and go back.

“Hurry up, we cant get caught here,” Jake said as Sam waved him away and went back and started again. He was well into the next load when Jake looked up and saw something he hoped wouldn’t happen. One bot had seen them on scanners as it ran around fighting the others and it turned and ran towards them now just a kilometer away and Jake called for Sam to return.

“How many are coming?” he asked and didn’t move an inch, as Jake screamed at him.

“Get back here you fool, there’s only one but it reads as an assault type,missile weapons specialty.” he said as the engines warmed up and even Sam turned and ran with the mining beam still trying to reach the ground until it shut off.

“That’s a Waspish,” Sam corrected him as he ran on board and the shuttle lifted off and started away at best speed.

“Well its too freaking big to mess with that’s all I care.” Jake said gritting his teeth as the shuttle made a fast assent but alarms went off even before they cleared the nearby trees. “Missiles launched, hold on.”

Jake did his best as the shuttle shook and vibrated from the full power of the engines as it climbed as fast as it could and his alarms got louder as the missiles approached and a minute later, they dropped away.

“We did it! We outran them.” Jake said happily but in the back ground all he heard was a sad little voice whispering over and over again...”I'll be good, I promise, I'll be good...” and he smiled and said nothing else until they got back to the station.

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Chapter 11: Stepping Aside

Commander Sampson saw the report and dropped his head into his hands with his elbows resting on the desk. He was exhausted and his whole body ached from his many ailments that had taken hold of him around his 50th birthday but he refused to quit even now when things were getting worse and worse.

“That was too close...” he whispered as his aid nodded agreement.

“You need some rest,” she said putting a hand on his shoulder and he smiled and took her hand in his and thanked her for worrying about him, and she smiled back.”you cant keep going on like this.”

“Even I know that, but who would replace me, its not like I took the time to train anyone.” he admitted as she laughed out loud.

“You did, you just didn’t realize it yet.” she added as he looked up and saw her meaning and finally smiled. She had been with him for years now and she knew him inside and out. If there was anyone on board that could follow in his footsteps it was her and he could see that many would agree instantly, and that the change as little as it was, would be seamless.

“And what would I do for the rest of my life?” he asked smiling as she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Whatever you want, you'll still be a consultant of course and its not like I'm going to escape and you'll never get to yell at me for things you didn’t like.” She added and he nodded he agreed. It took her a long time and she was much younger than him but they were man and wife now and they would see each other every day so he would still keep his hands in the operation of things even if he retired.

“Under those conditions, I agree.” he said finally as she smiled and nodded she too agreed. “is this why you stayed with me all these years? To replace me when I got senile?”

“You are NOT senile, your minds as sharp as ever, its your body that’s having hard times.” she said as he laughed.

“Well, if you'd let me get some sleep...” he started, chuckling, as she lightly slapped him and then gave him a kiss.

“When we have a child, you can rest, and not before, but starting tomorrow you can sleep all afternoon if you want.” Thinking about a nap in the afternoon after all these years seemed like heaven and they got together and made the announcement on the coms and pa for all to hear and there were very few that were surprised, and even less that disapproved.

“So, Janie is now in charge, that’s not much of a change.” Sam said as Jake and the girls laughed, that’s the way it was supposed to be. They knew each other intimately, and she had seen and helped with many of his most important decisions, and now she was the one making them, when he left her. But it was more for him to rest more and that alone might stretch out his Life and bit.

“She knows whats going on, we're in good hands.” Sherri said as everyone agreed.

“But the Commander will be going nuts.” Sam mentioned as everyone laughed. He had been in charge and up earlier than anyone for years and now, suddenly, he would be sitting around 'resting' and they all agreed he had some serious adjusting to do.

Nothing really changed much things went on as usual, and the away team got more work. They did well on the last one, and things got done. They manufactured a load of missiles and added the launcher to the station itself, to the disappointment of Sam who wanted it on his bot.

“If they ever get past the terminals, we'll need all the help we can get.” Janie said as even Sam agreed.

“I get the next one,” he argued as everyone laughed and she said she'd consider it.

“There are lots of good weapons we haven’t gotten yet, so keep an eye out but be careful. That assault bot nearly ended your trips that one time, so get off the planet the second you see something coming. We cant afford to lose you.” Janie said as Sam nodded and Jake agreed too.

“AND,” Sara said giving Sam a serious stare,”if I find out you drug your feet and got yourself hurt, I'll kill you if they don’t.”

“Yes, oh wondrous and powerful wife.” He said with a deep bow and the room burst into laughter.

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holy macaroni! cool

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Chapter 12: Stockpiling

Sam and Jake were away a few minutes later and they dropped to an area where a lot of plants were found before. They were within sight of a large field of useable plants when the door dropped, and not a single enemy bot was on scanners so far.

“Clear scanners, go for it,” Sam heard as he stepped out and was nearly beside a good bunch of plants without moving and the harvester started working at max speed.

“Keep an eye out, these plants are really close so we can stock up a lot if they stay away.” Sam said, as Jake agreed, Sam brought in  the first load a little later and went out for another ,when the coms came on.

“How's it going?” Janie asked as Jake smiled wide.

“Sam's out harvesting now we got a load already and there’s lots close by.” Jake reported as she smiled.

“Get everything you can, and keep an eye out, there have been a lot of fights all over, so there are new wrecks every few miles.” she added as he nodded they understood.

“We're in pretty good shape right now but lets not kid ourselves, they can change that any time they want. With their beaming technology, and bots they might even beam something right into weapon range outside the base and open fire on us here. They haven’t thought of it yet, but nothing will surprise me.” she said as Jake looked thoughtful, that would be a bad thing, since the base wasn’t meant to take damage from outside.”If we get enough metals, we'll see about reinforcing the hull in critical places.”

“Yes Commander,” Jake said as she smiled and the coms went blank again.

“I heard that, I'll bring in this load and then check around maybe we can find something.” Sam said as Jake agreed. The load was dropped off and he was away again in a few minutes.

“I'll make a small circle around the shuttle to see if there’s anything nearby.” Sam said as Jake nodded.

“Make it fast, we've been lucky so far.” Jake mentioned as Sam agreed. And the bot went to high speed as he ran down a small gully and around a set of small hills.

“Found one,” Sam called a minute later and Jake saw the vid of a wrecked bot, a bigger one than most and Sam went about salvaging it. “EM cannons, two of them and some scanning equipment.” Sam said all smiles.

“Great, get back here we need to go.” Jake called but Sam was having too much fun.

“In a minute let me look around that was a bigger bot so if there was a fight...” he stopped and Jake saw him starting his old habit of not wanting to leave until he was satisfied. “ah, another small wreck probably part of the group that killed this one.”

“Sam...come on, its been too long they know we're here.” Jake said as Sam nodded but went on salvaging anyways.

“Wow, this thing was loaded, 15 units of plasma, and an auto cannon and some ammo.” Sam said with a chuckle as Jake saw him not listening a bit, but a second later there was a scream as Jake jumped to attention.

“What? Whats going on?” Jake called as he saw the plants and scenery streaking by the camera on Sam's bot.

“They were coming back to check on their loses,I think.” Sam said as the camera showed the bot taking hits.

“I told you... wait until Sara finds out you'll be sorry.” Jake said as Sam swore and Jake could see the scanner showed he was taking damage, and he started the shuttles engines to be ready the second he arrived.

“Their EM bots, those cannons don’t fire really quick but they do some damage.” Sam said as he wove through a group of plants and trees, getting all the help he could.

“Your one kilometer out, just make a run for it.” Jake said holding the controls with all his might but Sam wasn’t coming straight back and he called again.

“The hills too steep, have to go around then up this side.” Sam said as another volley hit him from behind.

“Damn you Sam,” Jake said without even thinking as the bot came bouncing over the hilltop and towards the shuttle, now within sight.

“I'm here,” Sam called as the shuttle shook from his sudden entry,” lets go.”

The shuttle took off immediately but it took a few hits too as they escaped and as they returned to the base Sam rode the bot off while it was still smoking out the back and called for maintenance and the crew ran in and Sara's face went white.

“I took a hit,” Sam said with a sheepish grin as Sara nodded and as she walked by to see the damage she punched him not at all softly in the guts, and he nearly doubled over but caught himself and tried to look unaffected.

“Was it his fault?” She asked as she walked up to Jake who was getting a big hug from his wife who was nearly in tears herself.

“Not really, he was close enough to the shuttle but the hill was too steep, so he got stuck running around a little too much.” Jake said as Sam smiled, he was covering him a little at least.

“Liar,” she said seriously as she walked by and joined the crew looking over the damage and only then did anyone see her wipe her tears away as she saw the damage the cannons had done. Sam walked over quickly and took her in his arms as she finally started to cry.

“You ***, you could have been killed.” She said as the crew all smiled, as mad as she was they knew she loved him more.

“They came running in faster than I thought, I was salvaging and they just caught me by surprise.” He admitted as she smiled, she knew as much.”Never again, I promise.”

She agreed and the men walked away to do their report while the maintenance crew looked the bot and ship over carefully. The shuttle took a few hits but not much damage but the bot was hurt badly and would take a lot of repairs.

“I hope you got something good after all this.” Janie said looking upset and they handed her the cargo list and after a minute she heaved a sigh and nodded. It was pretty good, but again these two had come too close. “This will last us a while so no more trips until all the damage is repaired, and Sam, while you did well getting these new weapons and equipment, you waited too long again, one more time like that and I'll relieve you of away team duty.” And with that, she walked away as Sam's face went white and Jake smiled. Janie was a married woman too, and she'd be damned if she'd let him die over sheer stubbornness.

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Chapter 13: Common Worrys

“She cant be serious,” Sam whined as he and Jake walked to the cafeteria for some food.” the away team has been you and me for ever, they need us down there.”

“Part of that’s true, they need someone running back and forth right now, but they have a lot of good plants growing up here and even some small animals. The station has a farm on board, from all the stuff we did in the past. It's not as big a deal as it once was, and yes, she's siding with Sara, and all the other women, she knows what it's like to sit and worry about people while their away.” Jake added as Sam sat down looking sad.

“And its not like you listen even when there is trouble.” He added as he started eating and Sam gave him a dirty look.

“We get the job done, and return every time, there has got to be times when things get close. Like when they were waiting on us at the landing site, but we always get through it and bring back whats needed, she needs to understand that working on the surface isn’t like sitting up here and waiting, we're the ones that will die if we aren’t careful.” he said seriously as Jake smiled, and really hoped the Commander wasn't watching the security cams right now, that would be more than embarrassing.

“Be careful what you say,” Jake whispered as Sam stopped just short of making another comment.”we'll have some time off after this last trip, so lets just forget it and enjoy it, we'll be going back down soon enough, if you don’t say something that gets you fired or transferred.”

“I’m not good at waiting,” Sam said as Jake smiled, nothing was truer than that and they both finished eating their meals and went home to wait until all the damage was repaired before they could return to the surface again.

Sam was good the first day and laid around and slept when Sara wasn’t home. He got to spend more time watching the baby and acting like a real dad and Sara smiled a lot about it. The second day he was getting antsy and couldn’t seem to sit still and she noticed right away and make him watch the baby while she worked,to give him something to do. By the end of the first week, the baby was back in daycare and Sam followed Sara everywhere, and went to the maintenance bays to find something to do, and they made sure before the week was over he had a new appreciation for the hard work they did there.

It was no secret almost all the people working there were women, so when he offered they got their revenge on him for bringing the bot back all shot up, 'letting' him do all the heavy lifting and holding things in place while they were attached or reattached, to the bot. After a day or two the work was done, and Sam was never happier to see the old bot ready to go again.

“I'm amazed you girls get that kind of work done by yourselves,” Sam said as Sara got ready for work and she smiled, they really had taken advantage of him while he was there.

“We manage,”: She said as he nodded seriously, he had worked hard lifting things, he just couldn’t see how any of the women could have done that without help,as she smiled widely.”We're not dumb enough to lift that stuff personally, we use cranes and powered lifts to do the heavy stuff.”

Sam stopped getting dressed and looked her way as she stood there, all smiles and he finally asked what he really didn’t want to know but he just couldn’t let it go.

“Then why did I have to do all that heavy lifting if there were machines to do it?” He asked a little loudly as she burst into laughter and he looked a little upset.

“Call it a little revenge on our part, now you know how hard it is to keep these old machines running.” she said as she took the baby and walked out going towards the daycare and Sam sat back, coffee cup in hand and finally smiled, he deserved that, and they got him good, it would be a few days before his muscles would stop aching after all that hard work.

“Away team report to the docks,” he heard as he sat down his cup and gingerly got up and started down the hall. It seemed a little early to be going back down, but it was his job, and sore or not, he was going to do it. He walked around the halls and onto the dock as the Commander and Jake stood waiting on him and he walked up and stood there smiling and waiting to see what was up.

“Moving a little slow today are we?” She asked as Jake laughed, he was quite sure she knew exactly why he was so stiff, Sherri had told him about it the day Sam first showed up and they got some payback for his constant need to have his bot repaired after trips.

“I'll survive,” Sam said seriously as she just smiled and nodded but he felt like he was being set up again, and it bothered him a little.

“I wasn't going to send you back out so soon, but we got a call from a terminal, some of the parents down there have a care package for us, and they got it all together and want us to come get it. The list is pretty extensive so we need those supplys.” Janie said as the men nodded they understood.”down and back, no fooling around.” She added as Jake smiled and turned his head to keep Sam from seeing it, but it didn’t take a mentalist to see they were getting a good laugh at his expense.

“Just down and back,” Sam said seriously and she nodded and waved them towards the shuttle. They took off a minute later and started towards the surface as Jake called back to ask how his back was feeling today, and then started laughing again.

“Just shut up and fly,” was all he heard and he got the biggest smile he had had for months, it was going to be a long time before Sam forgot this and longer before anyone left him.

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Chapter 14: Gathering Friends

They dropped down within sight of the terminal and as they opened the door, a team ran over with their supplys. They loaded cargo after cargo and when they just thanked them and got ready to go, another bot came running over and called them.

“You guys wouldn’t want to buy a mining machine would you?” he asked as Sam smiled at Jake and stepped out the door to look around, but Jake was quick to let the man know they didn’t have any money with them and they'd need the Commanders ok.

“What mining machine are we talking about?” Sam said without a pause as the man smiled.

“This one, the one I'm in.” he said almost laughing as Sam walked down the ramp and started laughing himself.

“That's not a mining machine, its an Arkhe MK II with mining beams.” he said laughing as the man looked upset.

“If it looks like a miner, acts like a miner, and does the job of a miner, its a MINER.” he said seriously as Sam laughed some more.”Besides,it's not a MK II, it's a converted Yagel, I just didn’t need a light combat right now so I used it to gather for my manufacturing business.”

“It looks like it's barely moving, its been shot up pretty badly.” Sam went on as Jake kept trying to butt in.

“We have to get back, Sam, and you know no matter what we don’t have any money right now.” He added as the man looked sad to hear it, but Sam wasn’t ready to quit just yet.

“How much, as it sits?” He asked as the man saw a faint chance and he said he'd take 150k for it, as is.

“Please....” Sam said looking disgusted and the man looked shocked.”What are those beams on there, they don’t look worth much to me,and the legs and body are shot to bits.”

“Those are the best beams Syn-tech has to offer.” The man said, looking serious and crossing his arms with his nose in the air.

“Ah, Syn-tech, I thought so, aren’t those used for training for new pilots? They're a dime a dozen and slow as hell.” Sam added as the mans face grew tight but he didn’t argue about it. “75k and not a credit more.”

“What!?” the man declared as Sam stood tall and waited, he didn’t think for a minute he'd get it for that but he was having fun.”100k and I'll throw in a few miner charges for titan ore.”

“And I get to use it for a few days to mine enough to pay for it.” Sam added as the man agreed and they shook on it, and Jake sat there with his mouth hanging open. Sam was buying a bot, and had a deal done before he could stop him.

“I'll buy all the titan ore you mine, until you get it paid for, then you can sell anywhere you like.” The man said as Sam agreed, and the man handed him the codes for the bot and went back the way he came with his friends as Sam got all smiles and walked over to check it out.

“How are you going to do this?” Jake asked as Sam laughed, he had a plan that even Jake didn’t know about.

“Go back without me, I'll stay here and do some mining to pay for the new bot,” he said and looking at the controls and the weird repairs he shook his head, “ well the bot anyways, but it wont take long. I have the equipment, and enough miner charges to get started and since I'm a local businessman now the terminal will accept me there, and the bots id has already been registered here.” He said with a wink and Jake started to smile. This gave them access to a terminal, and after a few days working there Sam would be accepted as one of them and Jake knew how well he got along with new people and he just shook his head laughing.

“Sara's going to kill you.”Jake said as Sam laughed but he gave Jake a wink that made him smile even wider.

“Tell her I'll bring her something nice, and something  good for the station as well.” Sam said as he waved and the bot started towards the terminal and Jake closed the door and lifted off into space.

“He did WHAT!?” Sara demanded as Janie started to laugh.

“He bought a light combat craft, a Yagel that was converted for mining.” Jake repeated as Janie shook her head with a huge grin.”He said he could mine and pay it off in a few days then he'll call and I'll go get him.”

“It's not a bad deal,” Janie added as Sara looked shocked she could say that,” after all, we have just enough parts to keep the gathering going and no real combat machines at all. If this works out then it'll add a good amount to the bases equipment.” she said as Sara looked sad but she agreed.

“And,” Jake butted in as they all looked his way,” he's making friends inside the terminal, and when he returns he said he'd bring back something good for the station, and you.” he added looking towards Sara who just smiled and nodded, she wasn’t happy with it but she could forgive him this once.

“New contacts within a terminal, that’s not bad at all.” Janie said with a grin and walked away. She hadn’t given Sam enough credit. That smart-alike attitude of his hid a brain that actually did some work and she smiled and went back to her office to wait.

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Chapter 15: Getting it Done

Sam sat back having a drink at the bases bar when his new business pardner walked in and saw him. He walked over and they shook hands and they sat there talking about the little bot and what Sam was doing with it.

“I cant believe you got a load in already.” he said as Sam smiled, it wasn’t hard, the base had titan deposits nearby and the old bot had a map of the area in its computer so exploring to find it wasn’t even needed.

“I aim to please,” Sam said as the man agreed.”Another day or two and I'll have it paid for, so maybe I can afford to fix it up a bit.”

“You get it done in two days, I'll give you an armor repair unit as a bonus.” the man said as Sam smiled and agreed. They did a nice job and even on the station he couldn’t say for sure they even had any.”You going to run back to the station as soon as the job is done, or can we talk you into staying?”

“I have a wife on the station and a baby.” Sam said as the man nodded he understood.”but that doesn’t mean I cant have friends here.” he added as the man smiled and bought him another drink.

They got along well, and Sam got some sleep for a few hours before going back out. He was up and gone when he heard the call asking if he was out there and he replied saying he was half loaded already.

“Excellent, you'd make a good employee,” Sam's new friend,Phil said as he smiled.

“So would you, after I take over the mining business here,” he added as they both laughed.

“I like a worker with attitude, they always seem to get a little more done.” Phil said as Sam laughed, this load would make half what he owed paid off, and he mentioned it even as he ran back to unload.”I got your armor repair laying right here, maybe I'll just have it mounted when you come in, the repairs will get you a few kilometers per hour speed while traveling, and I cant see you not getting the bill paid today with this early start.”

Sam thanked him and he was as good as his word. The auto-repairs did make a difference and Sam turned and ran right back out there to get another load when he heard a call from a patrol nearby.

“We're being attacked by a bot patrol need help.” He heard and he turned to run that direction when Phil called back.

“Mining beams wont protect you from enemy attack , you better stay back.” he said with a small amount of worry in his voice.

“I'll be just fine, besides, I'm not going to fight, I do some salvaging from time to time, once the fights over,I can make a few extra credits if there’s anything good left behind.” He said with a chuckle as Phil shook his head and laughed, this man was nuts, but in a good way and he waited to hear what was happening.

“We got them, thank you for your help,” they heard as the patrol finished off the enemys and Sam ran in to look around. There were  5 enemy bots sitting burning close together and he walked from one to the other looking for good materials to salvage. He didn’t do too badly either and he smiled as he walked back towards the terminal and he checked his inventory.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” Sam said as Phil asked what he found.” 2 new auto-cannons,120 rounds of ammo,a T1 mining unit, and 15 units of plasma.”

“Not too shabby,I'm sure you'll be keeping those cannons and ammo, the Yagel has 4 mounts and your only using 2.” Phil added as Sam agreed. “the T 1 mining unit is better than the ones your using too, and the plasma can be sold for some extra credits or I'll put it on your bill.”

“I think I'll keep those few credits, I man has to eat.” Sam added as they both laughed. Phil had him come in and they added the cannons to the Yagel free of charge and the ammo gave him new options as the repair crews added and Sam thanked them for their help.

“You could do well here, maybe you should bring your family down here.” Phil mentioned as Sam smiled, it wasn’t like he hadn’t thought about it, but he was happy there.

“I'll be around from time to time, don’t worry.” Sam said as they all laughed and they dropped it and he went back out to mine some more. It took two more trips but the bot was paid for and Phil said he'd buy any more ore he wanted to mine and Sam agreed, saying he might stay around a while and do some salvaging too, and his new friends smiled to hear it. He got a good meal and went out just looking around for a while and didn’t have a hard time finding some more wrecks nearby, and he soon had a another load to sell. The credits started adding up and he got the Yagel fully repaired and his lovely little wife didn’t need to strain a thing to do it, he thought laughing to himself, but he was starting to miss her and he finished another salvage run and went back to the base to sell what he didn’t want and call the base for pickup, and for information.

“I need a ride,” Sam said smiling as Janie nodded and smiled back,” and some information, what do we need most?”

“Ammo is always needed, you know what we have for defense,” she started as he nodded,” better grades of plasma, we've been using junk for years but that’s more expensive.”

“Upgraded scanners? Isn’t it true what we're using are old junk from way back?” he asked as she smiled and nodded, he was thinking ahead.

“Tools...” He heard in the background as Janie moved to the side and Sara stepped in.”we haven’t had replacement tools for ages, and they're sold at every terminal. Hydraulic parts, fluids,welding wire by the tons...”

“I miss you too,” Sam said as her face went red and people could be heard laughing at her embarrassment.”It'll take another day, so plan for a pick up around noon tomorrow.” he added and the link went closed before Sara could return his comment and Jake and the others there were all smiles.

“Tools...?” Janie asked as Sara looked embarrassed,”I have to admit that’s not what I thought you'd say.”

“He's standing in a parts store...” Sara added in her defense as people smiled,” besides, I'll make it up to him later.” with that she walked away and everyone smiled and went back to their jobs. It seemed like Sam was going to be another day yet, and no one asked if the supply list they gave him didn’t make it so, they just waited for noon tomorrow.

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Chapter 16: Christmas....In July

Sam was up early the next day, got a good breakfast and ran into the brush looking for everything and anything he could sell or he thought the station could use. He found a small scout patrol and with the duel cannons made quick work of them. He looted more ammo, and another mining beam and some good quality scrap, and went on. It took him some time but he completely filled the cargo bay and ran back to sort through it as he watched the time. He did well, and he sold the generic plasma and bought some higher grade, then he bought several cases of welding wire and a good assortment of tools, just like Sara had demanded. He topped his buying spree off with another armor repair, and he had a freight scanner he found in loot repaired to take back to the base. The scanners they used were decades old and barely left you know that a ship was approaching, so this had to be an improvement, and he smiled to think that he might have to make more than one trip when Jake came to get him.

He just left on another trip when he heard a call, another patrol was attacking a convoy running towards the base from another terminal, and every bot in the area was asked to help. He ran that way and soon saw the fight, as the convoy tried unsuccessfully to run past the enemy bots, and Sam ran in and attacked the closest as it dropped EM cannons on the convoy. He caught them with their backs turned and one blew up in a minute, and he started on another. By then a second bot reached the scene and they dropped missiles onto the enemys and working together, they managed to save them from destruction.

“That was some fine work,” The convoy commander said as the team both thanked him,” there’s going to be a nice bonus in your accounts, for this, thanks again.” he said as he got the convoy running again towards the base and Sam started salvaging anything he could find.

“That was good shooting for a gun runner,” The other bot said as Sam laughed, it seemed using cannons was frowned on by his new friend.”I'm Chris,who are you? I don't remember seeing you around before.”

“Sam, and thanks, they were a little bigger than I first thought but it worked out ok.” He said as the other man nodded he agreed.

“There’s a good business in convoy protection, maybe we should work together on a few.” Chris said as Sam smiled, making a living here would never be a problem but he had a place to work, and he needed to get ready to leave.

“I'm not from around here, and need to get ready to go, but I'll keep the offer in mind.” Sam said as he finished his salvage and ran back towards the base. He got back and sold some more stuff and checked his account, the convoy commander wasn’t kidding and he had more than enough to buy some more stuff for the base. He even got some things that were just for personal use, like good quality fragrances for the women and some better entertainment equipment for everyone to see and use. He topped it all off with parts, all kinds even a few of something was better than nothing, and maybe it would help them from having to salvage as much from existing systems for a change.

He definitely had more than one load for his bot but he knew no one would complain, so he made the call, and Jake left a few minutes later to get him. Sam was fully loaded and waiting as the shuttle dropped within sight of the terminal and a few people looked on in shock as Sam went on board and got unloaded and came back for some more.

“So, your a space jockey,” He heard as he laughed and Chris sat watching as he came out of the base with the rest of his parts and materials, and started back towards the shuttle.

“We all have to live somewhere,” Sam said as they both smiled.

“Come back anytime, there’s lots of work to do,” He heard again as Phil called over and Sam thanked him for the call.

“I'll be back, maybe trading will become a business I can do between the bases and orbit, we have lots of needs.” He added as Phil seemed interested to hear that and Chris laughed. Sam all but invited half the traders in ear shot to come up and deal, and he wasn’t sure it wasn’t on purpose.

“Later then,” he heard as the door went shut and the shuttle lifted off.

They returned to orbit and Sam made his report as the dock crew got a good look at his 'new' Yagel and many were smiling pretty wide. It was definitely bigger than what they had been using, and while it wasn’t a big hauler, it had good defenses and a little offense too. The Commander looked the cargo manifest over carefully and with some emotion. Sam was as good as his word, he made them all as happy as he could, and they unloaded a lot of new materials and Sara and her crew were right there looking for the new tools he promised them and he didn’t disappoint.

“So, you did get me something after all,” She said looking the tool kits over as Sam laughed and those nearby looked their way.

“The real present is in my bot, and it doesn’t need to be seen here.” he said softly as a few started to laugh, and Sara's face went red and she gave him a soft little slap, but everyone knew she didn’t mean it. The cargo was unloaded onto the docks and started getting inventoried as Janie stood by smiling at it all, the assortment was great and she knew Sam had thought seriously about some of these things.

“I'd like permission to go to the surface every two weeks,” He asked as even Sara smiled, and Janie agreed as the dock crew and maintenance people cheered for him.”I think I can set up a little trading between the bases and us, and we can get all the money we need by working the surface doing missions and gathering salvage, then the base can get resupplied with things like this...” he said waving his hand as everyone smiled.

“Jake and I both have fighting experience and working as a team we'll be twice as successful.” He added as Jake nodded he agreed and they all laughed.

“I'll let you operate under the bases name, and Jake can make runs with you, but I expect you to make a little something for yourselves as well, not just to help set up a trading account for the base.” Janie said as Sam nodded agreement.

“Already done,” Sam said as even Janie looked impressed, and he handed her an account book and she opened it to see the base had a small amount of money already. The book was for an account on the surface under the name 'Orbital Inc' and she smiled. A new corporation in the bases name and they got a percentage of anything the men did while on the surface, she couldn’t have asked for more, and she thanked Sam for thinking ahead as everyone cheered.

“Did you even sleep while you were there, this is a lot of planning and work.” she asked as he laughed and everyone smiled widely.

“Not much,” he admitted and they started moving the materials to their needed areas and Sam  went back home to get some badly needed sleep.

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Chapter 17: Orbital Inc.

Sam was the hero of the station for the next few weeks,as new entertainment materials got used and passed around. New shows, movies even printed or video books that no one had ever seen were available and soon requests were coming in and Janie made a special list of things people wanted.

She also got requests from some other traders to deal either with her team when they came down or directly with the base and she admitted they just got started and didn’t have much to work with yet, and some even gave her a credit line which she graciously accepted. Now it was time and the shuttle had both the Yagel and Arkhe MK II on board and loaded. They dropped back down and in a few hours the bases account started back up and she sat by all smiles while the men did whatever they felt like, and still made them all some credits.

With this new income, she could actually pay some people that she had never been able to before, and when Sam and Jake heard about it, they both agreed and did a mission together worth 30k and added the entire amount to the bases account. It was a good step up, and they didn’t mind helping and they slowly gathered all the stuff people had asked for, and went on about the business of running a new business until the base called for them to return and they loaded their treasures on board and left for another couple weeks.

Slowly the base became more self-sufficient, and the people got paid for doing what they had been doing for free or for just helping to keep the base going,. Now individuals had money and traders came and went and soon a thriving business of trading with the station was active. It was a huge improvement and it didn’t go unnoticed as more and more people called or asked to come and deal ,or offered deals over the coms until Janie appointed someone just to take the calls and deal with the new people.

She also made a few deals and supported a few people on the surface that asked for her help. They became employees and while she owned their equipment they made a living, and a good percentage went back to the corp, and its name became known all over the planet, as more and more people dealt with them.

All this time, the war was almost ignored, or actually was being used to fuel the new improved economy, but no one complained. They managed to fight off the enemys easily, and the terminals now were well armed and safe again, but the enemy wasn’t the same as before, and Koros saw the losses and made up his mind that something more needed done, and he sent bigger more modern and deadlier machines to the planet and soon things started turning around. He refused to let it end like this and he hit back with a vengeance and one terminal fell, and the survivors ran to another for shelter and they worked together to set up better defenses and major battles started once more all over the surface.

Due to this heavy bombardment, repairs on bots was getting far behind, as many people didn’t have a base to return to, or it was badly over crowded with damaged bots. The orbital took that as a blessing, and Janie set up pickups of damaged machines and parts and did the repairs in orbit, far from the actual fighting and the owners thanked her for being there and her corp made big money while backing the humans on the surface. With that she stocked the base with everything possible and they had a line of new bots sitting on the dock waiting for action, and she even had a CT for a few and had materials brought up from the surface along with some new people, to add to their repairs teams and manufacturing of a few small to medium machines started.

The corp was a huge success, and because of that, many people could get new machines or have theirs repaired when the terminals couldn’t get the time to do them all. They too did a lot of repairs but they all had the same problem, as the war got more serious, less and less mining and gathering was getting done and prices of raw materials went through the roof. If you were lucky enough to find it at all.

Miners and harvesters were usually big, slow machines with little defenses and that made them great targets, and many were sitting, smoking in the distance, within sight many times of the terminals where they had left to rush out for supplys. The enemy had them pinned down and only the really serious teams working for protection, made any good runs and they sold to the highest bidder, and got rich while they could, but no one thought for a minute that they'd have a lot of time to spend it.

Salvaging became even more important, since it meant bringing in refined metals and they could be remade into new parts with minimum energy. Jake and Sam made trips working as a team, both gathering and harvesting everything and shooting anything small enough for them to do without major damage, and they just managed to keep the station going, along with any deals Janie could get from her suppliers, or clients, it was getting tough, and she smiled more often than not when she thought about Sam starting the new corp those many months ago, and she tried not to think about what things would be like for them if he hadn’t.

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Chapter 18: Getting Noticed

The Leader saw the renewed battles too, and sent his own machines to help. It was an unusual sight, seeing human and Nian machines sitting side by side in battles but no one was complaining. They helped a lot and they pushed the enemy back from a few places and they cost them a lot in destroyed machines. This was as serious as the war had ever been and slowly it waned back and forth, sometimes the humans gained and other times they died, and when a human machine died, the pilot with it, and even Koros was impressed that they'd fight so hard knowing their own lives were at stake.

The Nian machines were just robots under AI control, and they lost no one, and he saw their true power, the power to give more, even their lives for others to live and he finally saw the world around him as it was, with people having less and less children and using machines for defense because they lacked the will, and numbers, to defend themselves. For a day he moped around and the thoughts of killing living beings rather than machines bothered him, and he knew they're numbers were not much better than here at home, but they gave willingly, and he pulled back a little to consider, that with all the other worlds getting colonized, that maybe leaving just this one wasn't so bad, and his forces got shifted more towards other colonys and colony 12 slowly started getting less hostile as the forces there were slowly eliminated.

Slowly the Leader saw the shift and he didn’t really understand it. But he smiled and did the same, getting machines to other colonys to keep the war going there while letting the humans patrol their own world and not needing his help as much. With all their help and courage, he had already decided that colony 12 would be abandoned, and that he'd leave it for the humans that fought so courageously beside his AI troops in the war. If Koros learned anything with all this, he showed everyone... including himself, that the humans were worthy friends and he finally saw that’s why he was slowly withdrawing his forces, or not reinforcing them on colony 12, fighting each other ,this was a civil war for them but the humans weren’t involved with that, and the costs to fight on two fronts was high, so Koros withdrew from colony 12 and went to other, less populated colonys to exert his will, and he left the humans alone, perhaps thinking he'd return later, but the Leader silently thanked him, they were not Nian and so this war didn’t need to include them and he sent a message to the humans saying that the war had shifted, and that they would be safer for a while, and everyone rejoiced and they finally caught up on all their repairs and their defenses went way up.

In a few months, things got a lot better. The war was mostly on other worlds now with a few enemy patrols still around that had managed to survive all this time. But it was nothing like before. The repairs on all the bots was done and very few new repairs were needed daily and the terminals could handle those easily. They got lots of mining done and gathering and salvaging was back up and running smoothly. Everyone had what they needed but they had learned an important lesson, and they stockpiled many weapons and ammo, for future use, and they'd never let themselves be caught short again.

And in the middle of all this, new life came Sherri and Janie both got pregnant and the station rejoiced for them and they delivered their new children just 3 weeks apart, one new son for Jake and Sherri and a daughter for Janie and her husband, the former Commander, James Sampson.

The base cheered for them all, and many others that were on the way, and everyone saw the truth, that humans were here to stay, and that even the previous enemys were giving them room. Room to live and grow, and a message was sent back home, saying that when other people were ready, Nia 2, the new name for colony 12, would be here and waiting, and the colony went about setting up more terminals and their focus shifted from war to peace, and trade all over the planet, and missions with good pay, made the new world a better place, and the new economy  made things easier for everyone,while they raised their children and waited for news from the old home-world that other colonys had been discovered or that other people were on the way.

But they didn’t care about that, just so long as they lived happily here, and they were, and generations of people remembered the first ones and a holiday was made in their name, and a hundred years later,colonists again left for another world, as humans took their place among the stars.

Re: Fan Fiction no 2


Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Fan Fiction no 2


@ ville - cynic smile

Re: Fan Fiction no 2

Ville wrote:


No pictures;Cant read.
There fixed it for you yarr

Re: Fan Fiction no 2

I haven't gotten any more ideas for another Perpetuum story yet, but I started one based on a mecha show called Saint Knights Tale, that I thought was too childish and needed some more grit, if that's ok, I'll post it here but be warned, its a longer story.