Topic: On the fence

I used to play Eve for a few years, iv played many other mmo's as well. However I am still debating on spending ten dollars a month here.  I use a mac and I am forced to use a very frigle wine wrapper just to play the game. For the life of me I cannot get it to stop crashing if I play with the map for more than 3 minutes.  No way am I going to pay 40 dollars for crossover games when I did the same work for free for myself and still suffer from the same bug (Which is in their crossover game port as well)   Which brings me to my first point of asking why say your mac compatiable when simply using unstable wine? I understand the Pc market vs Mac, however its a bit sloppy to sell your product on unstable ground. 

Just mining with a trial account I have acquired a system to earn alot of money and yet I have to wait for forever and a day.. plus another month for good measure just to get enough skill points to compete in pvp.  Granted my way of playing is to support your spending on toys so to account for losses.  Thus I probably screwed myself and must wait months for skill points to get the very basic buildI desire.  Sadly must we sacrafice training for a income and sit on our *** while we wait throwing money into the pot so we can be competitive?  Iv done the math and I can survive quite well just minning in a short time. However, I feel that the sacrifices I had to make for a secure fund has forced me to pay money to simply wait for skill points and see.

Which brings me to the next topic: Lack of diversity among bots. The challenge of a game like this is from its unique diversity. Sadly there is simply just a handful of options.  Sadly there is not alot of flare to the game. Everything looks pretty much the same and there is not alot of.. toys to really achieve.  One pays to work towards big dreams or its simply paying to work.  There is not really alot of diversty to minning or harvesting. There are tons of different plants not utilized at all.  A vast ocean exists between islands which could open a big door for potental players. 

I know the counter point to my statments is obvious, but in a mmo world such as this and in the current world economy, every dollar must be considered. Even with a mmo my dollar spent on entertainment has to be earned.  Sadly as the days dwindle on my trial I am wondering if I should make the  10 dollar pledge. 

The community is wonderful, the game is built towards fairness. Those are solid advantages to consider.  However, in the end I am paying to wait. I can log in 2 times a week and earn enough money in those days to buy whatever is needed. However those other days I am waiting and waiting for exp to train to a point where I can acquire what I want/need.   Yes a few months down the line and 40 or 100 dollars later ill get enough ep for the bot I desired and the equiptment as well.  Maybe after I achieve this milestone I will go about the game and be happy improving my skills both EP and mental ability. However the waiting time I spend collecting those skill points  I could use on something that deserves those ten dollars elseware.  A game that doesnt require me to wait months  to compete for basic abilities.  Again, the route I took has forced me to wait. One can say that is my fault, it is to a point. However the other half is the game's design flaw.  I could have designed my points for combat and maybe had fun for a few weeks as I fought for the money. However I would still have to wait and pay to wait even after farming and more farming and more gridning the same boring low level npc's or the occasional player. 

Again all of this might not be such a bad thing, however there is not alot to work towards or achieve in the end.  Thus all the negitives vs the positives ill play out my account and debate with myself in the next few days if I commit my 10 dollars and the next 10 dollars to this mmo or another.

Re: On the fence

The one thing you keep coming back to throughout your post is the fact that you have to wait for EP. Everyone of us is still waiting for our EP. That will not change.

You played Eve for a few years. You should be used to waiting to be able to use an item or ship. Unless you were one of those people who would rather buy GTC,convert to PLEX,sell for iskies and then go buy toons off the character bazaar.........

The thing to keep in mind is-- Perpetuum is a young game. The small team that has made this game possible are actively working to add content based on the feedback of the player base.

* Good things come to those who wait!

Inappropriate signature.

Re: On the fence

Here your voice/words matter.
Starting any new game is hard, just like eve.  But a least here, you wont be talked down to, or ignored.
And you can help change the game for the better.  Invest those dollars for a couple of months, give it a try.

Re: On the fence

Just a quick note, the game isn't officially compatible with mac afaik.

Re: On the fence

Just like Shaedys said.

They are not supporting mac, they only said that there is a way to play it on it. Perp on MAC is kinda fanbased.

<GargajCNS> we maim to please