Topic: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

Did heavy mech cortex drops suddenly become rare or what? I'm having trouble buying any, even for 5m each.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

I noticed the same. During my artifact scans the last days I didn´t get any cortex of any size, nada.

Was there something changed? Like replacing them with beacons?

The ones saying "impossible" shall not disturb the ones already doing it

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

Got an assault and a mech cortex in the last 3 days, if that helps. And only from a few sites.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

In a patch a few weeks ago they did state that they reduced the drop rate of all cortices. They new beacons should not affect cortices in any significant way, but you never know. I did find however 2 Mech cortices in an observer stash.

Well before the Artifact-Update a cortex was nothing special, now the ct is far less valuable and the cortex becomes more important.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

I could have sworn I read too that the heavy mech ones only come from beta sites now, but I may be wrong on that one.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

I've never gotten a hmech cortex off alpha, so I'd agree with Smoke on that.

Also note, the pilots able to fly Hmech MK II's has increased, well every minute with more EP, but generally over the last few months. Beta artifact scanners in corps are now more likley to need those cortex's for internal use.

Lower drop rate, higher demand. Although there should be more beta artifact scanning going on now to get beacons, so in that sense the new beacons are probably helping supply.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

In all my time of artifact hunting i have had 5 heavy mech cortex from alpha islands. but only had a few assault and light ones over the last 5 or so days.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?


They did alter the spawn rates of artifact contents, or did you miss that memo?

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

Removed from drop tables?
Not seen one in a LONG time.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

CIR did it.

This is my blob. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

Change: Increased the number of minimum loot items in beta island artifacts to 3-5-7, for I-II-III artifacts respectively.

Change: Reduced the drop chance of CPU cortexes.

Reduced cortex drop rates... increased Beta island drop rates increase...

You should also note..

Change: Removed 25% Mk2 CTs from beta artifacts. Level 1 can now contain 50% CTs, level 2 50% and 75% with low chance, and level 3 beta artifacts contain only 75% CTs.

If you want more reward, you have to accept the fact that you need to take more risk.

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

This is an appropriate activity to apply the risk/reward paradigm. smile

Re: What happend to heavy mech cortex drop rate?

Snowman wrote:

Change: Increased the number of minimum loot items in beta island artifacts to 3-5-7, for I-II-III artifacts respectively.

Change: Reduced the drop chance of CPU cortexes.

Reduced cortex drop rates... increased Beta island drop rates increase...

You should also note..

Change: Removed 25% Mk2 CTs from beta artifacts. Level 1 can now contain 50% CTs, level 2 50% and 75% with low chance, and level 3 beta artifacts contain only 75% CTs.

If you want more reward, you have to accept the fact that you need to take more risk.

"Reduced cortex drop rates... increased Beta island drop rates increase..."

I only ever gather artifacts on beta and the drop rate stinks.