Topic: New devblog: I like my eggs scrambled
Our latest devblog sheds some light on the distress beacons coming tomorrow, and talks about opening up more options for trial members.
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Our latest devblog sheds some light on the distress beacons coming tomorrow, and talks about opening up more options for trial members.
But I like my eggs poached.
Great stuff though, really looking forward to it!
you just looking for new thing to sell ^^
Ok first of all i have to say this is a great idea.
I hope it is balanced from the beginning so that it is really a goal to acquire these beacons and not something that you get just as a bonus for normal artifact scanning. Maybe these beacons should drop most of all in Tier1 artifacts (on beta)...those are worthless most of the time but still must be cleared to get new artifacts. Still i hope if you do some artifact scanning during the week you will get enough to have a few hours of fun on the weekend.
Too bad i can't play this weekend, but i will totally try it out next week to see how it works
Two new tiers of modules. That can't be produced by players, only looted. Seems like easy-peasy way of getting better then T4 gear without bothering with the research & production & industrial effort...
... Can I has 40-man raid plx? LFM MC farm run 1 Healer (Druid pref!). Purplz ante portas?
I'd recommend to not cry until we see how it looks exactly.
I enjoyed 40-man raids and would love to do them again. WoW lost its appeal after vanilla when they started dumbing down the content so every r*tard could get purplz. I'm sure even you could get some purplz these days.
Nice patch. I would like that this system will replace stupid static npc spawns.
Two new tiers of modules. That can't be produced by players, only looted. Seems like easy-peasy way of getting better then T4 gear without bothering with the research & production & industrial effort...
... Can I has 40-man raid plx? LFM MC farm run 1 Healer (Druid pref!). Purplz ante portas?
But its not mass produce able and I am sure the drops will be uncommon.
From what I remember from those who dissected the game data file, there was something about either "T4+/T4-/T3+" modules for quite some time now.
Two new tiers of modules. That can't be produced by players, only looted. Seems like easy-peasy way of getting better then T4 gear without bothering with the research & production & industrial effort...
... Can I has 40-man raid plx? LFM MC farm run 1 Healer (Druid pref!). Purplz ante portas?
Burning Crusade released 2 weeks after my first MC run, the Purplz helm I got on the second week was replaced with the first random green that dropped in Hellfire P.
There does seem to be a significant effort needed, if not skill then for sure time, to get the last tiered beacons that would drop T4 +/- , maybe there will be some T4+ miner lasers going on the market soon
maybe there will be some T4+ miner lasers going on the market soon
This will definitley make some people unhappy... I wonder who .. couldn't be those communist beta corps who never put anything on the market due to tinfoil hattery
Could be .... but there will be some really happy NPC hunting parties. I'd say the first T4+ to market should get 17-20M NIC per unit, once the Corporate Fat cat miners are happy though, demand at that price will drop, but the floor should be 10M minimum.
Hey, no reason to ration those T4 modules now either... sell now while they will still fetch 10M, as the floor on them will also drop to around 6.5-7M.
There are elite beacons of all (4) factions, which means there will be new tiered industrial stuff... T4+ indy tuners anyone.... *drool*
So who is going argano hunting on Beta tonight. *Raises Hand*
Any news from the lucky players actually in game yet? How are the eggs working, is this a new mechanic a yolk or fantastic!?
The event was such a time waste though. Devs gave away 15 eggs, and there were about 50 ppl competing for them.
The event was such a time waste though. Devs gave away 15 eggs, and there were about 50 ppl competing for them.
Welcome to the world of supply and demand
The mechanic is.. bleh.
It could have been so much more but it's not too bad.
I would have preferred a single beacon that players can find for each faction, then at the last wave of the beacon (Which needs to get harder. Not easier, as it currently does, as you progress) a new beacon is dropped.
And it's very weird that you have to artifact scan observer sites to get the office type beacons.
Arga wrote:maybe there will be some T4+ miner lasers going on the market soon
This will definitley make some people unhappy... I wonder who
.. couldn't be those communist beta corps who never put anything on the market due to tinfoil hattery
communist beta corps will always farm anything put in-game faster then capitalist pigdogs.
The special items aren't on the market, so its going to be posts in th forums, and word of mouth...
Put blatant advert post on my FB. Why not? Faster than complaining about the dozen roses mailed to my house expansion.
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