Topic: Corp level research
This idea has been approached before but I feel it deserves its own thread.
I support the idea of corp level research. At the moment corporations have the options of either pool their research on one (or a few) accounts, or let the members who are interested handle their own research.
In the first case, (typically communistic corps) the members are asked to put an unheathy amount of trust in someone, since months and months of farming are at the mercy of a single player.
In the latter case you will find a number of people with at best moderate level of research (I know there are one or two exceptions with players who have grinded state of the art research levels on their own)
The concept of corp level research would ofc affect the first case in particular.
All significant assets are corp level shareable (bots, modules, nic) except the most valuable one.
As the owner of a corp prototyper account I am very well aware of the asset entrusted to me and the amount of work behind it, and as the tree grows taller I am starting to get more uncomfortable with it beeing tied to one account. Even if it is mine. What if I had irl issues and had to leave the game? Or just got sick with the game? Or got sick of my members (just speculating guys) and joined another corp? Examples of this has already become reality since the release. The most probable solution is that the prototyper takes a piss at the EULA and hands the account over to the next guy, which doesnt solve the problem in the first place, or the research is simply lost.
The solution is simple: When researching kernels, there should be an option to do it for the corp. The corp has its own research tree which would be accessible for lets say prod. manager. The person prototyping would then use his own extentions to calculate the mat cost, fee and time. The only balance issue I see here would be an increased amount of total pt lines for the corp, but in my experience the production chain has other bottlenecks, so I dont see it as an issue at all.
There isn't one. Read the whole thing.