Topic: New devblog: August status report
We’re closing up August with a big bang - read about today's patch in our new devblog:
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We’re closing up August with a big bang - read about today's patch in our new devblog:
when is the new reset system coming?
The devblog does not clarify and is very vague
Because we do not have a hard date for it yet.
like all these changes. But i cant wait for terror forming & played built structures. WTB dev blog on that
Player built island would be such a great investment that no one in perpetuum could build and defend them for more than 2 days.
These changes we're getting today sound awesome. I'm expect to see a lot of balancing too of speed and modules which should spice the game up a lot but anything that's too.
The new relation changes should be awesome as I found it confusing knowing which corp was which. Three divisions per mega corp sounds like the right things to do.
Path finding I can't wait to test out!
Better transport assignments should be interesting. Less profitable but at least people will do them now. Will probably (From the sound of it) reduce transporter income by at least 50% if all works out.
New NPCs! YAY. NPC farming is fun and the changed spawns should have a special structure added next to them as a warning 3 spawns per island isn't a lot but to be fair I don't think every spawn should be changed as it won;'t make it very special.
Also when an elite spawns the rest of the spawns respawn rate should slow down by at least 50% (Given than a tanked NPC spawn could get a little risky at the best of times.
Is there an estimated downtime posted somewhere? Looked around but haven't found it yet.
The log in screen.. Or Server status. Down time at 13:00 CEST and down for 3 to 4 hours. Expect 4 and be happy with three when it doesn't take as long to patch as first thought.
It's about 4 hours, shown on the login screen. (And also here.)
Thanks. I had forgotten all about the server status page.
First news: patch is 135.25 Mb size Should be tasty
First news: patch is 135.25 Mb size
Should be tasty
I'm eating it right now, it tastes pretty good!
Still no full description, only DEVs can log in....*hypnotises teh watches*
However, just 2,5 of 4 estimated hours passed
The change log is written in invisible ink..
But shhhh! They probably can hear us and just turned server off again
Testing the patch takes a lot of time.
4 hours means 30 minutes patching and 3 hours testing and fixing deployment issues.
expect a few changes. Hopefully no feature removals.
I am expecting a LOT of balance changes with downtime this long. They're also removing all noralgis as usual.
Yeah they mentioned that most time will take merging standings.
I hope to see some new stuffz, even if it will be just "Shinyfication module" Just love new stuff.
OMFG so much changes in balance!
/edit moved to the other topic
Where can i find and how do i use the autopilot that is mentioned in the blog?
Relation Ratio that affects production is stupid, it should just lower cost and not anything else.
Relation should lower how much something costs not how much resources we can magically create strictly because i ran a few errands for the npc corps. The same goes for the other parts of refining and ct creation.
Material efficiency should be strictly based on skills and Time Efficiency should be based on relation and some skills.
A new spec system that will not require a respec sounds scarry. I don't like the sound of that. I hope it is not some easy stat changing ability to let my miner suddenly go out and pvp and then go back to mining with the press of a few buttons. Let me live with my choices.
Well you see, people will not quit if devs offer a new reset system but MANY will and have left because they made poor decisions as newbs and are now only left with an option to restart at the expens of 20% of their accumulated EP (which is the only real progression a combat character receives).
Why are the devs working on mining and relations in a time like this is my question? Great game being neglected here...
Combat characters can kill stuff, and mining character can mine stuff. Why do industrial characters have to transport, mine, and kill stuff to raise relations?
To get your industrial relations up, first you have to grind mining assignments, then you have to fetch items around the map, do more (serious) mining, and kill assignment NPCs to cycle fresh ones to scan. I would really like to see more production. I hope the higher level assignments hand you CTs that cost real minerals and prototypes that need reverse engineering. Something that is actually affected by industry skills.
I think this patch was more that they had these Indy changes in the pipeline and completed, so they went ahead and released them. Probably the largest game changer now will be how the outposts are taken and what kind of benefits they will provide. When they make the change to how EP can be managed, that may keep players in the game a little longer, but without a vibrant and active PVP environment you could let them rest daily and they would still leave.
My guess, is that devs are polishing up and adding in outpost features which they will release as an Expansion, along with some advertising and hopefully some Hoop-la.
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