Topic: lone wolves

I belive that in this game there are people who exhibit characteristics of introversion or a strong preference for independence, so called lone wolves. I would like a feature where you could declare yourself as a lone wolf on character creation or later. The consequnces of such action would be that you are banned from joining a corp, banned from joining a squad, but in return you get some other bounus/es that give you an advantage over players with pack mentallity. First thing that comes to my mind as a bonus is for example a boost in signal masking, etc.

Re: lone wolves

Get off the internet and play mech warrior.

Re: lone wolves

'Cause these lone wolves would never "just happen" to fight alongside the corp their indy alt is in. Nope not ever.

Re: lone wolves

Oh please...that would never happen...everyone would play the game with unwritten rules ofc

This Is Your Mother Speaking.

Re: lone wolves

From what i see you are implying that this would be impossible to balance?
i'll just throw few more things into the bucket:
- make it impossible for them to trade directly with players
- make it impossible to receive or give money
all that for a small masking bonus.

The point is to give solo players a little advantage against the individual that belongs to a blob, so they can enjoy this game as well. The mechanics of how can this be done to the point it is not abusable is something i would like to discuss in this thread, if anyone is interested.

Re: lone wolves

Iam Abanana wrote:

- make it impossible for them to trade directly with players
- make it impossible to receive or give money
all that for a small masking bonus.

At the end, send them back to trial mode.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

7 (edited by Arilou 2011-08-25 14:57:03)

Re: lone wolves

It just seems like you would need to gain a hell of a lot, bonus-wise, to solo even a smallish gang. But if all you want is to avoid them, that's already easy enough.

As I see it, your options are:

  • Massive bonus (+/- depending) to some combo of: DPS, HP, target size, masking, resists, bot bonuses, EW. This only in return for every trial restriction (see Line's comment). Though you'd need to have NPC orders added for non-trial gear.

  • Don't bother with any of this and try to go it alone within the existing rules. You can always put the restrictions on yourself. It's not like you get superpowers in RL for shunning community, and I'm not sure what the storyline justification would be for it in PO.

Edit: I don't think this will get you what you're hoping for. Every time someone sees you, they'll know you don't have help (because you can't). You'll get hunted down and pounded into dirt whenever you poke your head into Beta. The end result? Lone wolves become Alpha PvE superfarmer alts and little else.