It's far more fun to have sufficient flexibility to try out a variety of builds, and to see if you can up with something truly creative.
Except this doesn't happen.
The number of choices for extension and modules in the game is fairly small still, since it's new, but even comparing it to something much more complex like the wow trees, FOTM builds become the standard. You want to tank, then you set up for bot this way with these extensions, because it's the best way. 2 people on the server choose to do it differently, but no one lets them go on roams because they die too easily.
Each time the devs make a change, everyone remaps to whatever the number crunchers now determine are the best attributes and extensions.
Yes, that is how many games out there currently work, but those games are not fully player driven verticals; and they aren't trying to be.
Technically there is nothing wrong with your observations and suggestions as that type of system is proven effective in other games, but that's not the direction that Perpetuum is headed.
If switching 'classes' and trying out new things continually is what you're looking for as a game playstyle, then your in the wrong genere. The other side is planning out a character, and watching it develop over a period of time, learning your abilities, grumbling over changes and needing to make adjustments based on many factors of the game; not just what's hot that month.