Topic: Delete foler in geoscranner results messes things up

I just found this out, bear with me!

Not long ago new functionality was introduced to manage your own geo-scanner result folders. These co-exist next to the ones your geo-scanner creates automatically when you upload results.

When you want to remove no longer used results, you can either individual scans manually or choose to delete the whole folder.

Now, here it comes....

When you delete the whole folder, say Titan ore, that was created for you delete all Titan ore matter in what folder you placed those results!!!

Here I was thinking, hey neat option, this will save me from deleting each individual scan after a mining operation! Now I am shocked to discover it deleted all my scan results of said ore, even those I set aside in different folders explicitly for later visits!

Please address this issue as soon as possible, I think it is a result of forgetting to modify some older code when the option was created to add your own folders.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Delete foler in geoscranner results messes things up

Confirmed, will be fixed asap.

Re: Delete foler in geoscranner results messes things up

DEV Zoom wrote:

Confirmed, will be fixed asap.

Thank you very much!

Re: Delete foler in geoscranner results messes things up

ARGHL!#@#!$ mad
I _knew_ it couldn't have worked properly sad

Fixed, up for next patch.

[14:15:15] <Freya Sabbat> ...Dear god, the Devs are as bad as us