Topic: The subscription fee and I

Hey there, I'll keep it simple:

The 3 offered options for subscription are definately not for me: I have neither paypal, nor a credit card (a damn lot of people in germany don't actually), and the last one is paypal with a monthly fee. At least that is what a gm told me.

So how can i subscribe?

I found this:

But as you can see, they are out of stock (which is something odd for a digital commodity...)

So how can i subscribe? isn't there something normal, like a simple bank transfer or anything?
Needless to say i like the game and want to subscribe :-)

Re: The subscription fee and I

How do you currently pay for things online?
Paypal does not start a monthly subscription. It's just a one off fee like all other payment methods.

Re: The subscription fee and I

Well, so far everything with a bank transfer. It is called "ELV" here in germany. Eve, wow, WAR, AoC... they all had it.

Re: The subscription fee and I

Shattered Crystal will get resupplied as soon as they reply us.

Re: The subscription fee and I

Set up a account that you only keep funds in for gaming if your skeered of getting hacked and assign a pay pal to it. Its really simple.

Or   no payment needed while u wait on more options from PO

Re: The subscription fee and I

A question about that Zoom, are the SC prices going to be the same as before or will there be an increase in the fee? If so how come you guys don't lower your prices to match SC prices? You would get more profit than soliciting it through a third party and those who are able to can support your directly.

Is there a fee somewhere we don't know about or does there need to be a meeting to discuss price points? I would rather send everyone to you directly than Shattered but can;t really explain to them why the 1 year price is 20 dollars more on the main site than a 3rd party.

Re: The subscription fee and I

There was a price change a couple months ago, SC may have still had codes in stock at the previous pricing. The monthly remained the same, they just reduced the discount on multiple months, which as you point out resulted in the yearly being $20 more.

Re: The subscription fee and I

I am having trouble subscribing as well and I do have a CC VISA which worked fine with EVE but for some reason I get an "ERROR 2 DENIED" massage when I try to purchase subscription. I even bought one of those one time use Visa cards that you buy in Best Buy but I got same massage. What Can I do? I live in the U.S. I have no idea if that is the problem.:(

Re: The subscription fee and I

These Hungarians love our US dollars, that's not it I assure you smile

With all the connection issues and new subs, it woudln't surprise me to find out they passed some internal limit on transactions that they weren't even aware existed.

Re: The subscription fee and I

Shattered Crystal filled up the stocks, all Perpetuum codes are available for purchase again.

Re: The subscription fee and I

No offense, but it's 2011. The majority of people do a good bit of their purchasing online. Get a fricking credit card. Germany is one of the most developed countries in the world. Surely you don't mean to tell us it would be any kind of trouble to get one.

Re: The subscription fee and I

Something that's really handy for online is those temp credit cards (I use IDT Prime).  You pay a little premium for every payment, but just being able to load the card with enough for a few online payments now and then keeps your main credit card/account nice and safe.

Re: The subscription fee and I

Just get Paypal, I don't understand the problem. I'm German and I linked it to my Bank Accout without any issue. It takes like an hour to do + verification time. Also credit cards are easy to get and not the evil thing most Germans think they are. Stop thinking so highly of yourself. Nobody cares that you spent 5€ on pron and the thought police will not lock you up for it big_smile

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