Topic: relation bug or misunderstood effect?

A question came up about Recycling plants and relations so I did a quick test.

I took 1000 Functional Common Fragments - the have 3 titanium and 3 isopropentol each.  So - 3000 / 3000 potential at 100%.  The yield was 495 with 2505 waste.

I then took 1000 Damaged Nuimqol fragments and tried that - 2 statichnol each so 2000 potential at 100%.  The yield was 330 with 670 waste.

Doing the math, this came out with a consistent 16.5% results.

So this is one of the following:
1) a display bug (it should show 0.5% relation ratio vs 5%)
2) it's a decimal placement error in the code
3)  I am some how missing how 5% is figured into this formula

Thanks in advance for clearing this up.

Re: relation bug or misunderstood effect?

Your relation is the percentage out of a total percentage you can get.  So you can get to 100% relation ratio, which gives you the maximum bonus possible, but the bonus amounts to more like 12.5% actual efficiency.  So think of the relation as being your progress to the maximum bonus, but the actual effect it has on your efficiency is much smaller.

F*ckin Hungarian math, how does it work?

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: relation bug or misunderstood effect?

This isn't so much aimed at you but at what you describe.

That makes no real sense what-so-ever to put on a screen for yields on processes.

You have 2 values shown as being applied to a set of end-results.  Nobody in their right mind is going to give a *** how it adds up in some esoteric formula - they want to see what impact their work is having on the end result.

I have only 2 "modification" values shown to a yield: 
1 being material, which is fairly explicit and makes sense.
1 being some "5%" which supposedly has direct impact on the values shown, yet that impact value is trivial and trying to determine what it's ACTUALLY doing doesn't make sense without the full formula being available in more than "dig it out" fashion.

Show the effective result.  In this situation: "Relationship modifier: 0.5%". 

Leave the damned intermediaries where they belong - in some math formula in a comment on some website or help file - not stuck in the users face where they are trying to figure out how much "stuff" they are going to get.

Re: relation bug or misunderstood effect?

1. the MR displayed already contains the relation bonus
2. the relation bonus is multiplied with the base MR of the facility, then your extension MR is added.

so, regarding 1. -> its already showing what you get (except for epriton based materials)
the Standing % display is the same for all facility window - already suggested removing it from there and placing it in title bar right next to the outpost-name

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: relation bug or misunderstood effect?

Annihilator wrote:

1. the MR displayed already contains the relation bonus
2. the relation bonus is multiplied with the base MR of the facility, then your extension MR is added.

so, regarding 1. -> its already showing what you get (except for epriton based materials)
the Standing % display is the same for all facility window - already suggested removing it from there and placing it in title bar right next to the outpost-name

The net effect is you see a 5% bonus shown that is not applied in any 5% fashion.  My other char shows a 6% with the same material percentage showing (16%).  I didn't check the finals on that one, 6% is a tad trickier and I only had x number of stuff to play with for testing it.

So the MR displayed was 16% with the actual yield at 16.5%.  At hundreds and thousands of units, it does nothing but confuse.  seeing 5% showing like this so I agree - remove it or show it's actual effect to the results by properly displaying values.