Topic: My list of UI improvments

Some of this may have been suggested in the past, went looking in the last 3-4 pages but did not see it so sorry if it's already been suggested.

1. 'Equip' view - It would be nice to see how the module your mousing over in your storage affects your active robots' stats.
2. Chat windows: different context menu when right-clicking a player name, such as private conversation, send mail, info, etc etc.
3. Make your first target your primary target?
4. Show how much EP you need to the next level of a skill without being in a terminal.
(just disable the upgrade button outside the terminal)
5. Accumulator amount, discharge rate and time to depletion on the 'equip' view?
6. Chat windows - 'blink off' setting per channel.

Re: My list of UI improvments

Totally agree with each and every point above. However, some prioritization would be necessary IMHO...
Point 6 - Must-have ASAP. The blinking is annoying and distracting but I don't want to leave and re-join the channel every 20 minutes
Point 5 - Very important feature for anyone farming/running missions. We need to know if we're cap-stable... I mean accu-stable
Point 2 - Yup. Definetly necessary at earliest opportunity
Point 3 - Now this is the most debatable feature. I advise caution when changing those mechanics because people are accustomed already to what we have and might be upset if they'd have to re-learn, possibly leading to a lot of wrong targets being attacked.
Points 1 and 4 are nice to have but can wait IMHO

Raavi "The Unforgiven" Arda

Re: My list of UI improvments

Raavi Arda wrote:

Totally agree with each and every point above. However, some prioritization would be necessary IMHO...

Heh. Just goes to show how different people's priorities can be. I'd go (top to bottom):

1) Mostly to preview fitting requirements, though. Robust 3rd party fitting tools will exist soon enough.
3) Very handy; can always be swapped after a misfire. I'd much rather shoot something than nothing. Learn to not screw up if you're RR-fit. Options to prioritize by range or hostile-only would be gravy.

Can wait:
2) Fewer clicks is always better.
6) Can be annoying. Agreed.

Not needed:
4) Your EP costs are usually meaningless to others and you can't spend them in the field. Therefore, no need to know them in the field.
5) Not needed at all. Get to know your bot. When you're running out of acc. you will be low on acc.; time to leave. The numbers will be approximate at best anyway due to cycle times, intermittent use, and the occasional neut.

4 (edited by Norrdec 2011-07-05 14:15:31)

Re: My list of UI improvments

3) Very handy; can always be swapped after a misfire. I'd much rather shoot something than nothing. Learn to not screw up if you're RR-fit. Options to prioritize by range or hostile-only would be gravy.

Unless you are having someone on remote sensor amping and start shooting him. I would rather change to primary (think) than misfire at a friendly (habit).

This is yet ANOTHER topic to automate the *** out of this game.

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: My list of UI improvments

4.  You CAN see the EP needed for next extension level if you mouse over 2 sec over said extension in extension window even outside terminal theres a popup appearing with info needed.