1 (edited by Raavi Arda 2011-07-05 10:10:58)

Topic: An ever-expanding list of suggestions

Hi guys

After playing this game for a few days I noticed a few things that could really use fixing. Now that the Devs got the situation under control (good job!) I guess I can post a short list of stuff quite a few people I spoke with would like.
I broke it down into 3 categories: minor stuff, mid-term plans and long-term plans. Minor stuff should take minutes up to hours to implement - please consider them at the earliest opportunity.
I will keep editing this post as things pop up.

I) Minor stuff
1. UI improvement: View of inventory/cargo as list rather than icons
Minor UI issue that would make our lives a LOT easier - just give us an OPTION (yes, option, don't scrap what we have) to show cargohold/inventory in station/can contents as a list. In my opinion it would suffice to have three columns there: name, type (miner charge, laser ammo, laser weapon etc) and tech level (where applicable). Important thing: allow us to sort by either column.
Nice to have: additional columns - chasis slot, size, volume etc.
Nice to have: ability to set ALL displays as list or icons by default so when I open a can it will pop up as either one of those by default

2. UI improvement: Allow us to increase/decrease font size in chat
Just that, nothing more. A drop-down list of sizes with like 4 sizes to chose from would be nice.

3. UI improvement: Allow us to make robot info (HP/accumulator) and modules windows larger/smaller
Simple thing - just allow us to resize those two windows to match our preferences. Drop down (0.5x, 0.75x, 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2x) or fine-tuned are both nice. Personally I'd just go for drop down list.

4. UI improvement: Warning sound/screen flash when armor drops to 50% and another at 25%
Yup, lost my Waspish because I didn't notice my repper was off. Please... give us some notification about armor status being bad and critical.

5. UI improvement: Ability to view bot fitting while deployed
As simple as that - allow us to view (and view only of course) fit while deployed. Mechanics/window are already there, just turn them into read-only and allow us to view it.

6. UI improvement: Make flagged players easier to recognize on landmarks display
Easiest way: make the PvP flagged players' icons yellow for example? The little dot now is hard to spot.

7. UI improvement: Pinning of windows
Simple icon that would let us "pin" each window so it cannot be dragged/resized accidentally until it's un-pinned.
Nice to have: pinned windows would have separate opacity and/or color setting

8. UI improvement: Allow us to change opacity and/or BG color of various windows
Ideally - every window should have a button that would allow us to change the BG color, opacity and font size/color. Minimalist version: button that would pop up a simple interface/dropdown to change opacity of the given window.
Nice to have: individually set opacity/color for pinned/not pinned windows

II) Mid-term plans
1. Player-to-player interactions: Contracts
Someone mentioned this before so I won't go into details. Just saying here that I (and many other people) support this idea.

2. UI/mechanics improvements: Saving of fittings and re-fitting from saved
Additional window would pop up where you can save your current bot fit and then re-fit using that saved info.

3. UI improvement: Linking items (fits?) in chat
Drag the item (fit?) into chatbox and the name gets put in with auto-link to info (view fit?). Not sure how hard that will be so I'm putting it in mid-term.

III) Long-term plans
1. General improvement: More content for solo play
Yeah, I bet you hear that a lot but we really need more stuff to do, especially while alone...

2. UI improvement: Detachable camera
OK, so we have our camera focused on our bot which is nice... but could we get the ability to focus on something else? Would be very nice for some of us machinima guys.
Not sure how hard would that be to implement so I'm putting it here.

At this point that's all. But I'll bump and update whenever I'll find something that's bugging me and/or others.

Raavi "The Unforgiven" Arda

Re: An ever-expanding list of suggestions

There are aleady threads open for many of those items, but some of them are worth mentioning again, and some of them the devs are already working on; others I HOPE they are working on.

There was some changes to the UI buttons and the map, but it would be nice to see some improvements there. And OMG, what is it with not being able to chose font sizes - had the same complaint in Eve and from the research many other players did too but it was never addressed. If Perp is going to do anything to set itself apart, this would be the key item.

Re: An ever-expanding list of suggestions

Shameless bump... and:
1. Update 05.07.2011 11:11 - added points 6, 7 and 8 to minor stuff

Arga wrote:

There are aleady threads open for many of those items

Yes, I saw some of them but I figured I'll compile them all into one list so later we can check/strike out stuff that has been done or refused.

Arga wrote:

And OMG, what is it with not being able to chose font sizes - had the same complaint in Eve and from the research many other players did too but it was never addressed. If Perp is going to do anything to set itself apart, this would be the key item.

I'm afraid that most MMOs out there have that feature so it wouldn't set Perp apart but rather have it catch up with the competition. Examples: WoW, BGO (thou that's the ONLY good thing to be said about their chat interface)

Raavi "The Unforgiven" Arda

Re: An ever-expanding list of suggestions

Raavi Arda wrote:

2. UI improvement: Allow us to increase/decrease font size in chat
Just that, nothing more. A drop-down list of sizes with like 4 sizes to chose from would be nice.

I agree with this one, but I would like to see a way to increase the fonts an all windows and text in the game.
I have a very hard time reading the text on my setup, and it really causes a lot of eye strain.