Topic: How awesome is it

It's pretty awesome seeing all the new faces. Welcome to the game all you bitter vets. I too, once was a bitter vet. Then I found perpetuum, and it cured me of all my bitter vetness.

For a time.

Seriously though, this is a great game, with a great community, and great devs. I'm really excited to see all the new interactions. This game was great fun in the early days when there was alot more people playing.

If anyone wants to do some mining on Hershfeild, look me up... I know some good spots smile

62nd runs a tourny on Sundays. Sometimes it's light bot fights, sometimes it's something diffrent, usually happens on Shinjalar. Those can be lots of fun.

Can't wait for suprise NeX (or maybe someone new?) fleets of assaults on betas. Things really getting intresting again.

Reset each other yet?

Re: How awesome is it


I played PO on release and played eve every now and then for years.  Re-subbed purly on the basis of an increase in players.

I think this is the only 'second wind' PO is going to get until Devs are happy enough to put themselves in the spotlight a bit more so I'm really hoping it will gain momentum.

Trying to answer as many questions as I can in the various channels, when I first started PO a lot of people really helped with that so its the only thing I can do to help in return.  I do have my own opinions though which some will disagree with =]

Also really excited after reading the dev blog on up coming changes too!