Topic: Trial player, at a crossroads

Okay, I really, really like this game. It feels the way Anarchy Online and EVE felt when I first started playing both games.

Full of wonder at the new surroundings and things to learn. (AO was my 1st mmo though, so that's a hard feeling to capture) The whole atmosphere of the game is really engaging. I've loved scifi since I was born!

But, there's a problem. I'm not here because I hate CCP or EVE Online. I'm here because a new potential scifi MMO is here and it looks like it could be the next niche king next to EVE. The problem is, I still really like EVE too. I have 2 accounts and I'm still working toward goals, making ISK and increasing the amount of SP I have.

Yet, I find myself opening PO to make more usage out of my trial. (Although, I can't login right now. Apparently the server is at max!) And I just don't know what to do. I don't think I want to cancel my EVE accounts but I would like to subscribe to this game, even if I find it hard to justify paying for 3 different MMO accounts.

It's a struggle for me because I also have to consider the fact that I have my actual life to worry about as well and it almost makes me feel irresponsible considering subbing to another game while also currently playing another.

So I guess I'm just looking for something that can really tip the scale for me. Why should I make the jump, aside from the fact that I would save tons of money a month by having just 1 accounts and subbed to this game? tongue

2 (edited by Gasoline 2011-06-29 21:36:42)

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

It is only 9€ a month and by the looks of it, I got an extra gift month when I subbed. So it was 9€ for two months. If you can't justify re-newing the subscription after 2 months of playing then this game might not be for you.

Proud member of New Eden Exiles, SQUID Alliance.

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Hmm, that's really cool.

Another thing that has me hung up on all of this... Space is a really big thing for me. I've always dreamed of it since I was a kid and EVE sort of piques that piece of me that has always wanted to go to Space.

Now, as far as I know right now, there is no space flight or combat in PO. If you can tell me that, at some point, there will be, that might be the scale tipper.

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Honestly, I've had a similar thought when I pick this trial up instead of resubbing to EVE. I already have some investment in EVE, why should I pick up another game?

I decided I'd pick up perpetuum and drop EVE... Here's why.

1. Sunk cost: My EVE account costs more and I get less out of it, even If I played for a couple of good months.

2. Development: Perpetuum is a new game with active devs who still have that spark of wonder and touch of humility that is so absent in current MMO devs.

3. Ground floor: We are jumping in, quite appropriately, at a crossroads. The next updates should shake up the system and give new blood a chance at true power in game. You could be a CEO in six months here, with real power, instead of owning a tiny ____-ing corp and getting dissolved after a war-dec.

4. Cost: You pay for 2 EVE accounts... THat can be up to 30 dollars a month... You could run two Perp accounts for 20 or less, and even buy a third for the same cost. You get similar gameplay and the politics you know and love, in return, you give up a superfluous 3rd dimension.

Honestly, I'm just waiting for my next paycheck to get my trial upgraded.

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

There may not be space exploration, but there are giant robots shooting lasers.
I also don't think that there will ever be a space aspect to PO, it'll all just be Sci-Fi, but on land.

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Also, I can't get in! sad

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Yes, that is the problem right now. I am finished with eve and PO looks promising (allthough the devs have alot of work to do imo). But the current situation really bores me to death. I wasn't able to log in once today until like 5 minutes ago.

And now that I logged in, I got kikced out and the client repeatly trying to log back in. Needless to sqay I will not restart the client. This situation has a better chance to log in...

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

I'm in IRC and I think they're about to deploy a fix for the limit. I could be wrong.

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Dante Marcellus wrote:

I'm in IRC and I think they're about to deploy a fix for the limit. I could be wrong.

Comfirmed. 1 hour from now.

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Thought I'd update this thread again. I subbed for 2 months! big_smile

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Congrats smile

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Took the plunge and jumped from trial to subscription.   And it feels great!  Loved Eve and lots invested there but honestly it feels good to put down roots here.  I know I'm still in the honeymoon time with the game and still lots to learn about it, but I like the SciFi setting here better than Eve.   It's very much like a Mechwarrior game MMO.  Wonder if they'll have a Titan robot? big_smile

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

The game has so much potential, and big bots are something we are all looking forward to; but it will be a while due to some technical issues and just letting the game mature.

Big bots are going to be a huge (pun intended) addition for a future expansion!

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

Just to put this info on big bots for new guys - currently the engine has issues with allowing robots larger than 1 tile. This has to be fixed before truly large bots can be introduced. According to a Dev chat in-game a while ago we'll first be seeing things like constructables and terraforming, but it's definitely on the list.

This is my blob. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Re: Trial player, at a crossroads

One of the things I also like with Perpetuum is that is newer and therefore it feels like you can have much more of an impact on the game itself. Somehow, I end up feeling a bit small in the grand things in eve...

Also, clearly with such an awesome surname Perpetuum is the obvious choice.