1 (edited by Adrian Solstheim 2011-06-27 11:44:34)

Topic: Some suggestions (WiP)

First of all, there should be some way to distinguish between your containers, containers you've viewed, and other people's containers.

Second, there should be some kind of audio warning when your bot hits 50 and 25% armor, respectively.

Another handy thing would be some way to combine multiple windows into one box, with the ability to tab between the two combined windows.

Perhaps a velocity readout in the overview for other moving entities?

Or how about a class of pony-riding NPCs wearing tophats and monocles that drop $1000 Japanese jeans when killed?

...No? How about the ability to bookmark locations (tiles) on the radar?

Not sure if this already exists, but an FPS counter (perhaps with a toggle) might be nice, too.

Please give us the ability to resize the landmarks information window. Also, shouldn't it be called the object information window? I'm not a landmark! Well, I'm not exactly an object either, but that's beside the point.

Also, the current primary target system is a little clunky at times. If I've got two targets locked and one is destroyed, the remaining target should automatically become my primary target. (note: this is from a relative rookie's point of view, if there's good reasons for the system working the way it does please let me know)

Thanks for reading,


Re: Some suggestions (WiP)


Re: Some suggestions (WiP)

"Danger! Overheating!" and "Danger! Critical overheating!" voice messages big_smile

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

Re: Some suggestions (WiP)

Can I also add a suggestion - minor convenience feature: a mute or disable audio option/keyboard shortcut. Had to take a phone call earlier while playing and was panicedly scrambling at the volume controls.

Re: Some suggestions (WiP)

totally agree about the container flagging: +1
audio warning for critical hitpoints: +1

GUI revamp is planned anyway: +1

facing the superiour observer kain on tellesis now several times, i thought "man, something like the "motion tracker" from Alien would be nice". just a little warning for something new and obviously dangerous comming into visual range.

(there no diffuculty in generating outside-game-tools that do that, but like the waypoint route: by fight those who can programm bots/and macros, when you can offer it as a feature for everyone.)

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Some suggestions (WiP)

container color differentiation +1

ability to make windows more/less transparent

ability to resize windows (what I mean is the only way to resize now is the bottom right corner drag...real hassle to change vert/hori sizes and then have to move the window back to where you want it)

targetng/primary is definitely a bit clunky. Def should switch your primary to the next target if your current primary unlocks/blows up.

some of the tutorials still seem a bit clunky in instruction (and doesn't help that so many were mining in tutorials today that all the Titan Ore had to be respawned by dev/gm lol). Not a big complaint as incredible amount of players are very helpful.

When in squad and having to kill x-number of NPC's, if the person who took the mission isn't the first one to shoot the NPC, it doesn't count towards the mission total. NPC kills in squad missions should count kills by all squad members, not just the person who took the mission.

The filters tab of the Landmarks window doesn't scroll if the window isn't big enough to show all the contents. Have to manually drag the window larger to see all the checkboxes.

"Strip fittings" type of button?

There seems to be a slow memory leak in the client. I don't get disconnections when zoning like some, but after a couple hours, the client locks up and task manager shows a couple gigs being used by the client.

Some jerk today was locking as many NPC's as he could and shooting them once so no one else could get the kill for their mission. Annoying but not sure what can be done about it.

this isn't a problem, but I think a big learning curve for some of us going to be that you have to WASD to move (yeah, you can double-W or click-tile) and this means learning how to use the left hand to both move and still click things/do things. In Eve your left hand was mostly for F1-F4 or click+ctrl to lock etc. Mostly this is just hard to try and chat and do other stuff with so more of a LOL thing than a real complaint.

as mentioned sounds like a GUI revamp, and I'm sure most or all of the things I've mentioned are known or have been said before, I'm stupid noob forgive me. Didn't want to make a whole new thread so thought I'd add here.

Re: Some suggestions (WiP)

Love the idea about combining multiple windows and tabbing through them.

To refute your suggestion of auto-primary:  You will have many instances where you need a friendly targeted, like when doing remote repairs, remote sensor amps, energy transfers...  having them suddenly made your primary target and firing at them unknowingly would cause a lot of.... issues.  Was this the only thing you found clunky about it?  There are some weapon cycle bugs still present, so ignore those, but what else have you had issue with?

->You just lost The Game<-

8 (edited by BugSplat 2011-06-27 19:57:32)

Re: Some suggestions (WiP)

A:  Client window launch sizing... by default it is a full window that cannot be resized.  Using the button to shrink it, not minimize, defaults it to 1080x720 or somesuch.  It can then be resized, but the result is a complete hash of your UI window positioning.

Have the client remember the last window size state and resume it on launch.

B:  A directional pointer on the map window, or change the diamond to a triangular shape more indicative of facing.

C:  A contract system for transferring goods at a distance. (perhaps in some distant future iteration).

D:  Remove the 'primary target' requirement.  Make the topmost target 'default' if none is manually selected.  Place a forward arc on the ground in line with the mech's facing so secondary targets within that arc can be fired upon.  If the secondary targets leave that arc the weapon discontinues firing, or switches back to the primary focus.  The arc would probably be limited to 135 degrees.

E: A range indicator for weapons.  An indicator on the mech status display that shows maximum lock range (the white 'ring' around mechs does not seem to be highly accurate).

F: Limit the number of E-war mechs in mobs.  6 E-war spamming mechs is a no-win situation much of the time.  Make player E-war as effective on NPCs as it is on other players (ECM currently has little effect because NPCs lock nearly instantly).

G: The ability to 'pin' windows in place so that resizing (as mentioned in A:) does not scatter them all over the place.

H:  Ore quantity indicator, or cycles remaining as plants show.  This can be problematic with liquid type ores, however.

I: Pathing needs to be re-examined.  Mechs on autorun should adjust to obstacles in their path long before actually getting stuck against them.   Add a mappable 'autorun' key... call it "Cruise Control".

J: The ability to see what you just sold rather than just the mystery income from a sale.  With a lot of active market orders this can get hella confusing to see what's selling and what is not.

K: In the sell item window put a 'examine market details' button to make reviewing market on the item in question a lot easier.