Topic: War Declaration

Lets add in war dec!!

Ok so you can only war dec 1 corp at a time and lets say it cost 10mil to war dec. Each week after it goes up an extra 10mil to keep war deck open and if war dec is canceled then you have a 3-5day time before you can declare war again. Corps can only have 1 war dec agianst them at a time.

OK discuss and add what I havent thought of

Re: War Declaration

What advantage/penalty is associated with a war dec?

Re: War Declaration

advantage...much more pvp/killing ur enemys on alpha brake there logistics trains that feed beta ect.

penalty.....You have to be much more careful on alpha? It works both ways so if u war dec a corp ur paying for it the other corp gets free pvp....

Re: War Declaration

So any corp can randomly declare a war dec then gank players on alpha? 10M is a miniscule fee for catching 3-4 Rivelers and a couple lithus's on Titan-day.

Re: War Declaration

Trust me. You don't want this.

Re: War Declaration

It would be stupid for a corp to send out miners alone if they are war dec......

Re: War Declaration

i would better see an option where war dec give you indication on how many people of the ennemi corpo are on beta island and let them live in peace on alpha .

in this way war dec would give a little advantage to found target on beta for people who wana pay for that.

Re: War Declaration

So, if M2s war decs me, I can just sit in the terminal for a couple weeks until it becomes not worth thier NIC to keep it active?

I think war dec could be a nice addition to the game, but it has to be triggered or be mutual in some way. Just declaring it and breaking syndicate protection is too prone to griefing.

Re: War Declaration

if ever, declaration of war should only possible against corps that either own an outpost or have a high rating, or bad reputation (the later would be necessary to be implemented)

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: War Declaration

Annihilator wrote:

if ever, declaration of war should only possible against corps that either own an outpost...


Re: War Declaration

Too prone to griefing against alpha-only corps. Agree with Annihilator that only outpost owners can get wardecced.

Re: War Declaration

im thinking more in lore terms: if your corp get more powerfull then the syndicate, you should lose their protection wink

we got several game mechanics to measure "power". one is outpost ownership, others could be corp-size, corp assets, market influence and not to forget, the most dangerous agent list....

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: War Declaration

War decs would kill the alpha corps, see what's happened to f-navy after 2 days of blockade.  The game world isn't big enough to hideaway like it is in eve

Re: War Declaration

If they implemented it to only allow for war-decing those that owned outposts it would be a viable mechanic that i'd like to see. If not, it wouldn't be good for the game.

Re: War Declaration

i would say one outpost alone is not enough too.

situation - one corp has the power to own 16 outposts, and one corp hardly managed to capture one - the stronger corp would instantly declare war against that one-time lucky corp and wipe them from all islands...

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: War Declaration

Ah I remember my eve days with out of Corp freighter pilots to keep the lifeblood of the Corp going during attempted blockades

Re: War Declaration

Annihilator wrote:

i would say one outpost alone is not enough too.

situation - one corp has the power to own 16 outposts, and one corp hardly managed to capture one - the stronger corp would instantly declare war against that one-time lucky corp and wipe them from all islands...

This would never happen!

Don't take an outpost unless your ready to defend from the big bad men that own the 16!

Re: War Declaration

I don't think this game is ready for war decs yet. No one wants to PvP on Beta as it is, aside intrusions. I think this would just stand to further push people out of the game.

In a large enough playerbase, this would be great. But right now, it's just not a good time for it.

Take the long way around back to square one
Today we're just outlaws out on the run