1 (edited by Alexander 2011-05-13 03:16:01)

Topic: Requested Landmark/UI Features

When talking about the UI the same few issues and features get talked about a lot. The first thing anyone sees in the game is the wall of a terminal and a chat window. The commonly used features don't always have the most intelligent design and while the current system works it would be nice to see a few things.

We're missing a lot of feature like:

  • Setting personal to corporation standings.

  • Removing corporation or squad from landmarks list.

  • Multiple landmark tabs with different setups (General, Combat/PVP, etc.).

  • Limit the distance you see way points on the landmark list.

  • Slow loading map and map related crashses.

  • Chat window private message don't have the channel button and chat generally lacks of /<command> options to chat. Some people like the old school /msg <name> <message>.

  • Chat highlighting is missing and could be a hugely useful feature. Linking module information and clicking peoples names to access their profiles or message them with double click.

This is just a short list and if there is something about the UI (Not always graphical but also functionality wise) that bothers you or you think could be corrected them post them here.

Re: Requested Landmark/UI Features

I would love to be able to pull various chat channel into seperate windows. This would allow grouping of like channels. General channels like recruitment, help and general chat in one window, intel channels in another. The important part would be being able to drag the windows ourselves so that they may be grouped or seperated according to each players preference.