Topic: KillinTime

After spending two days, well, not two whole days, lets say two 8hr days going through the UI, market, stats, burning most of the EP for speed. (gots to have me speed). I realized most of my goals that i would of set, are past the trial span.

Now i have to figure out if this game is worth getting a PayPal account.....ahhhh, no. When we talk sandbox, most think of open world. The safe zone with the pvp switch is right on.  The booting of peeps that shoot each other in the safe zone, to beta while pvp tagged is not.

Rule #1 for a sandbox game is,,,Penalties for doing what you play the game for inforced by game rules shovels sand out of the box.  Fun things to enhance pvp that are not needed, but put into games to broaden the fighter class are bounties, pr. 

I am a pvp mind set player,,,with prejudiced opinions.  These are not going to change much through debate, ill just keep looking until game rules are within my frustration limits.  In games its not about winning or losing debates on game rules.  When rules are restrictive to a play style, that play style leaves. Ok you won,,,enjoy playing in a empty world.

Rule #2 to a sandbox is.....Pve players can exist anywhere, in any harsh environment. All you have to do is put a mining tool on a rover and say "theirs gold in them there hills". While the numbers of players that will put a defenseless rover in the middle of no where, to mine are limited, they do exist. I am one of those players. My impute is totally based on thousand of hrs of playing this role.  I don't get shot much, make good profits, in a player generated market.

Lets get one thing over with now, before there is any misunderstanding.  Pve players in a Pvp world need Pvp rovers. This is one thing i don't see in this game.  It is the same old debate,,,,,Wolf verses Sheep. This game is all about Wolves, or should be. Putting a pve player in a slow unarmed rover and asking him to go into the wilderness, is feeding the wolves.  This is not what i am looking for in a game.  I don't mind getting shot. I do mind sitting in a rover and watching my armor burn away slowly, pummeling my attacker with skinny arms, and girlie screams of,,, stop.

One game i pvp in as a pve player has the big fat hard slow resource rover with a ranged art, high splash weapon, and a ranged splash cannon.  If the attacker gets under 100 meters, the pve player is pretty much cooked,,,,unless he is covered by another pve player over 100 meters away,,,I shoot those that shoot you, and vice versa.  These rovers can bust telly camps, but because they are so slow they hold the telly spawn, and carpet bomb the advance.  Fast rovers that can avoid art, and cannon are used to counter these rovers,,,in that game they have a magnetic charge they place on the foe, and try to hide while a 30 second ticker freaks out the art driver..."a sweet girlie voice tells the driver, there is a object attached to your hull". while a ticker is heard. Good teams cover these art with a tank so they don't have to switch weapons or targets while supporting an advance.

Somehow the role of pve players in a pvp centric games has evolved into the Sheep model.  So,,,no, it don't work for me. This part is broke in my opinion. The other model that works is radar masking, speed and distance. Which this game does not have either. I have not tried the portable telly, it is a good idea. But will probably get nerfed because of drempt up exploits. The first time a fighter loses a kill to one,,,the cries will be heard of fowl.

Now for the bad part, the part that is past reasonable acceptance.  Fighters have to pve to make cash. This design is from the mind set of devs that consider their game a "indy" game. They "want" players to buy multi accounts because they don't expect many players in "their" harsh environment.  Urp...or constant pvp will unbalance the game,,from goons, or giant gaming groups. Horror stories of inflation, quick endgame, total dominance from one group or the other have them putting in a grind that is unbareable. This is the product of a tec tree, and progression where the end game has uber players that stomp the crap out of half the player base that is below them in progression.  The game lasts longer, but the result is always the same. The pve tree is also designed for multi accounts, i see many with them, it is the same o same o and while i like the tree, because of the goodies, i am not willing to sit around running missions for a year, to get one geedunk to play with.

Ok,,,,but what about the grinders? There are those that love to grind.. yes there are, and they are pve players. From games like eve, where they learned this play style. They never learned to pvp with a pve ship because they never got the chance. The sheep model in a pvp game is counter intuitive. This model is probably the one thing that drives player numbers that play pve from ever testing the "risk v reward" elements in a game. Go ahead and put it in. If they can't at least burn the shields off the attacker, they wont play. Buffalo can run over lions, if they are Buffalo.  Think Africa.

Would i play if i could sub with a CC?  Probably, i would also have a account for my wife. I understand this is a new game and there is a lot of "stuff" in the pipe line. I also understand that players run through content faster then the devs can make it. This is the biggest reason we see the "i am gone, because i have reached the end" threads.  Expanded room is cool, debates on newbie retention might help. But honestly, one thing that needs to happen is the numbers of care bears in Alpha need to disperse to somewhere.  This island is the starting spot, not the destination of these players.

Think ill go shoot something...

Across the great divide,
Just grab your hat,
And take that ride.

Re: KillinTime

zigZag wrote:

After spending two days, well, not two whole days, lets say two 8hr days going through the UI, market, stats, burning most of the EP for speed. (gots to have me speed). I realized most of my goals that i would of set, are past the trial span.

Now i have to figure out if this game is worth getting a PayPal account.....ahhhh, no.

Would i play if i could sub with a CC?  Probably, i would also have a account for my wife..


Setting up a Paypal account is faster than an Alpha Outpost Transport Rounder smile

The game code style means this company doesn't store any credit card information on your account, which is acutally much more secure for you, although a little more inconvient; but that is the natural trade-off for security.

Check back soon though, as the devs are continually evaluating the ways to get new players subbed. Look forward to seeing you in the future.

Re: KillinTime

I play one game thats all paypal,,,i send the owner a certified check once a year. I cant buy anything from the game mall, but thats ok to.  I would send a 100$ bill or my first born,,, before i get a paypal account. Sorry, i am burnt out from the game...must of been fun if i am cranky.

I seen somewhere where Zoom or someone else said they are working on alt payments.  I can wait..

O i did not say thanks for the trial.  Woooot.

Papa's got a brand new bag.

Re: KillinTime

No offence, but your Post is kinda hard to follow.

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Re: KillinTime

I will cop out and say, that's because i have only played for two days when i posted. 

Assumptions, some based on reading forum posts before i registered for the trial. Biased rant on sandbox rules, self absorbing, "I am one of the few" crap. I was tired, and bored. Forgive me.

Perp is the first 3d person game i have ever played online.  Dropping my standards from first person view was enough in itself for the jiberish. Most of the frustration in my first post is directed at not being able to play past the trial. What these devs make is their business, there is enough in the game to keep me happy for a year or so. Or until a FPS world arrives that is not swards and fireballs, or epic gear driven.


Re: KillinTime

"The safe zone with the pvp switch is right on.  The booting of peeps that shoot each other in the safe zone, to beta while pvp tagged is not."

This isn't accurate -- you can pvp on alpha by turning your flag on and if someone attacks you they will be flagged also and you can pvp on alpha until your hearts content.

I assume someone mislead you with this information so I figured i'd clarify.

These features may not be enabled on trial accounts.

7 (edited by zigZag 2011-04-12 23:11:26)

Re: KillinTime

rumor has it there is a 5min timer somewhere, yes, some peep said purgatory is in Beta. It really is not going to soon as i have my fit figured out, and my EP mapped,,,ill be flaged in the noob ship...what, a akaria or somtin.  I have my night vision going,,, now for the key bindings for combat.

While i have your attention.  Peeps have basically said if i go EW there is only one fit, and that is the demob. My bonuses are power, not demob.  i have plotted everything for my bonuses, and the power drainers look ok,,,,,,am i going to have to rickroll to make everyone happy and demob...?

Oops,,,i forgot to say danka..thanks.

Re: KillinTime

zigZag wrote:

rumor has it there is a 5min timer somewhere, yes, some peep said purgatory is in Beta. It really is not going to soon as i have my fit figured out, and my EP mapped,,,ill be flaged in the noob ship...what, a akaria or somtin.  I have my night vision going,,, now for the key bindings for combat.

While i have your attention.  Peeps have basically said if i go EW there is only one fit, and that is the demob. My bonuses are power, not demob.  i have plotted everything for my bonuses, and the power drainers look ok,,,,,,am i going to have to rickroll to make everyone happy and demob...?

Oops,,,i forgot to say danka..thanks.

No purgatory. One you flag for pvp to unflag their is a timer.... but you can remain on alpha.

Assuming you're talking about a trojar... they are ok, the ictus (mech ewar) is much better, but you can get into that in time.

Re: KillinTime

... if your thinking about flagging up on alpha just to be flagged for random PVP, that's going to be an interesting experiment.

let us know how it works out.

Re: KillinTime

Arga wrote:

... if your thinking about flagging up on alpha just to be flagged for random PVP, that's going to be an interesting experiment.

let us know how it works out.

call me paranoid - but sometimes when i see someone PvP flagged on alpha, i can't decide if i should start shooting or not.

In the past, everytime i did pull the trigger
- a certain teamspeak channel must have been filled with "mine, mine, mine" shouts like from seagulls in "finding Nemo".

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: KillinTime

That's what I was thinking is that anyone solo is just going to pass it by, only Team Ganker, is going to stop to play.

There are some honerable 1v1 call outs, but just random flagging, probably going to be mostly just frustrating waiting for an arkhe respawn timer.

Re: KillinTime

Here is why.

The Arkhe is free.  Parts for it are cheap, and i can refine my keyboard bindings without it costing me bots i cant afford.

I can find out if getting tanked fails a mission, without asking. Learn situation awareness. Find out who might flag to help a back shot Arkhe.  But mostly its to see what happens.

Re: KillinTime

MoBIoS wrote:

No offence, but your Post is kinda hard to follow.


But true on the PvE players are very vulnerable thing!