Topic: Request: Grind feaetures

As the game implements a new expansion of the

Quantity > Quality aspect,

I would like to see some features sooner then later to help me doing that epic grinding without relying on a bot or script:

  • a loot filter with blacklist or whitelist that restricts what i grab when using the "loot all" key

  • a loot-containerflag that marks new and already opened loot container

  • a landmarkfilter that enables hiding flagged container

  • optional: a quick-destroy feature that works similar to the loot-filter, if i dont want to leave masses of container left on the ground

  • ofc a feature to automove stacks of items from cargo to fieldcontainer

Thats all a script, bot or macro can do already and im sure someone out there is already using them exactly for that. The grinding aspect of the game is amost forcing you to use such violations of the EULA...

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear