Topic: Intrusions

Now i havent thought those through at all as i'm not a detail person wink I also know theres a lot of you out there that will have both positive and destructive comments (damn trolls).

However i had an idea and thought i'd throw it out there.

It seems most people dont like the intrusion calendar but people also dont like being randomly attacked without notice as it leads to alarm clock ops etc etc.

So how about you can register for an intrusion and specify the time you want to attack, yeah yeah i know so everyone registers in their primetime, so how about defending corps can use some form of resource to delay said attack for a maximum number of hours?

i.e. M2S registers to attack Initia at 03.00 ST 24 hours before the intrusion starts, Chaos (i dont know who owns it tongue) decide that its no good for them and have upto 12 hours to gather resouce/decide to delay it, so they can by expending a large amount of something expensive delay the intrusion for upto x number of hours, think the hardened mode for pos's but before the attack.


Re: Intrusions

Delaying defend will be unfair for attackers, who planned to attack at certain time.
Also corps will make lot of carebearing for delaying intrusions.

3 (edited by Arga 2011-03-23 19:53:38)

Re: Intrusions

Currently, corps know the time of an intrusion 4 days in advance, but only a 24 hour notice if someone signs up.

I like the 4 day random time thing, as it seems like the fairest method, but if there was going to be a change, it would have to be more like;

Attacker signs up to attack at a specific time and it is scheduled for 4 days later at that time. Defenders will always have 4 days notice/warning. The defender can still spend a STOP token anytime up to 24 hours before the event, which stops the current intrusion and prevents a new one from being created until the end of the original event time.

The defender gets a STOP token for every 3 intrusions they successfully defend, just like it is now.

However, the defender also gets an HOUR token for every node they hold at the end of an intrusion.

Within 24 hours of the initial attacker sign up, the defender may spend up to 4 HOUR tokens, which can move the intrusion time up to 4 hours in either direction.

The attacker will have 3 days notice of the new intrusion time, and are free to cancel the intrusion, but lose the intrusion fee.

Outposts can have only 1 active event, and it can never be more frequent than every 4 days.

So, if someone picks a 4 am attack, you can move it to midnight or 8 am.

Edit; But you don't have to move it, or you can move it just 2 hours. Also, no outpost can have more than 7 HOUR tokens saved up.

Re: Intrusions

Jelan wrote:

damn trolls


Re: Intrusions

i would like if the winning corp can set the intrusion time once and then has a fixed time when they want to defend it.

if they set it to a time where none of their members/allies can help to defend, they are easy prey sooner or later.

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Intrusions

@alexader, keep up, got anything to add or just always with the trolling wink

@ral, no, really, i wouldnt have guessed lol

However my point is one for discussion, maybe a better idea will come of it, variations on a theme that everyone likes.

I like arga's variation on it already, any other bright ideas, quickly otherwise i'll have to revert to my usual home in CD

7 (edited by Kalsius Dakalsai 2011-03-24 19:07:21)

Re: Intrusions

One idea I had was that the OPs could have 3 tiers of defences. The inner tiers only become attackable when the previous ones are disabled and a timer is started.

Please note I am typing on an iPad on a very bumpy and packed train so excuse typos and dumb Apple autocorrects.

For example:

Tier 1 consists of 4 watchtowers, with minor automated defences (to stop someone sitting with an arkhe and a syntec gun aft all day) and a low armour regen. Each should take between 4-6 mechs about 20 mins to take down. Once a tower is disbaled it cannot be repaired for 24 hours and requires both resources and RR to bring back online.

Once all 4 are taken down, a timer is started, this timer is dependent upon an amount of resource stored in a special hanger in the OP. This hanger can store between 1 and 12 hours 'reserve'. The amount of resource can only be changed whilst a minimum of 3 towers are active, once there are two left this hanger is locked and the amount can no longer be altered [add appropriate techy story plot reason here]. This provides two things, one the attackers do not know how much is in the pot, and two, the defenders cannot accurately predict when the attacker will take the last towers down. This IMHO, evens the field a little bit away from the poor timer system right and introduces a level of chance to both side (unless you have evil spais!!!).

Tier 2 is a similar concept but is only a single structure, the concept here is that an attacking force (equiv of 15 mechs) needs to attack the structure (20 mins or so) then deposit their own materials to 'own' it. [mid post brainstorm] this could be tied to the new energy system, the previous owner must deposit an amount of energy in the structure which slowly deteriorates, when the structure is taken, the attacker must match the current amount to 'hack' it or overload it or something. Once taken, the attacker must the enter an amount of energy which sets when the actual intrusion will happen. This I'd done on a sliding scale, say 1000 energy units to start the intrusion in 4 hours, down to 50 units for it to happen in 24 hours. The OP owner has 1 chance (within say 2 hours of the structure being taken) to change the timer by half, by depositing double the amount the attacker deposited in the OP. This puts some tactics into play in terms of how much does the tracker put in vs whether the defender wants to alter the time.

Tl;dr - put a system in which a) requires resources, b) has some tactics behind it and c) is not reliant on random timers which means people either have to do stupid timed events or just ignore them as they do now.


"like Kalsius, a shameless carebear and jitalover" - Syndic