Topic: backfire for demob and medium demobs

It at PVP in light robots.
Small robots can run up and slow down big almost with impunity, and for their speed ... Ran, slow and run.
  This is very annoying.
if demobs will have a slowing effect on the person who applied it, it will not be so easy.

Also need medium modues with big range. It can be use only mech.
It though as that will balance the light and heavy robots.
And also it will make ewar mech is much more valuable. Now ewar mech almost useless.

Re: backfire for demob and medium demobs

Uhm, zeniths can demob at 300+ metres, they have bonuses.
Small bots can just be killed by the mechs whilst they run at them.
Most of all, ewar mechs are some of the best bots in the game when you can use them.

Re: backfire for demob and medium demobs

zeniths can, other - no
zeniths generally far exceeds the Vagabond, which has the same bonuses as a Chameleon.

Re: backfire for demob and medium demobs

Not if you want to put 4 people out of a fight.
Then you want a Vagabond.

Re: backfire for demob and medium demobs

all ok.
dont need change that

Re: backfire for demob and medium demobs

Zenith is the long range demobber robot, to achieve this it can only fit 1 demob. A Vagabond would be a very poor choice for demobbing robot as it would never catch anything HOWEVER it goes get a bonus to the demob strength so once a Zenith has pinned an attacking enemy the vagabond could take over and make sure that even with plates they can't move.

In any gang that expected to be attack I'd say at least 1 demob zenith, a suppressor zenith and an ECM vagabond. Usually this is good enough for a DPS gang and a tackle gang to be added for an even roam of around 10 to 20 people. More than 20 people should not be required for a fight and the game should punish people for attacking with over 20 people with some form of speed penalty. Interference only effects idiots.

The Game

Re: backfire for demob and medium demobs


People need to stop thinking about bots and bot fits in isolation, thing about how a gang will operate and how their strengths work well together.

Small tackle is a staple in games and in RL. You need something more expendable than your mega fit death kill 2000 to get in there and cripple the enemy, they will always have a place and if you play the game correctly, they always can be countered.

"like Kalsius, a shameless carebear and jitalover" - Syndic