Topic: New devblog: Perpetuum is dead, long live Perpetuum
Perpetuum development is discontinued, but with your help it has a future. Read all about it here:
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Perpetuum development is discontinued, but with your help it has a future. Read all about it here:
Pretty sad to hear. I found out about Perpetuum way too late but liked the idea.
But what i would like to know is, will this game still cost the 9,99€ for new accounts over steam?
will this game still cost the 9,99€ for new accounts over steam?
The question is a bit more complicated than it first sounds so let me go around it a bit.
Once we remove the central server dependency from Perpetuum, the question of "what exactly are you paying for" changes from "a service" to "uh...". At that point, Perpetuum becomes a game where you're paying for the client again, which will of course be subject to piracy - not that we care at this stage. The server will be free and available among the other dedicated servers on Steam.
We do think that the work (not necessarily as bytes but as years) we've put in to the client, the server, the graphics, the audio, etc. is worth the asking price. That's not to say it won't become cheaper at some point, but if we're not actively working on it, and we don't have costs to recoup or cover, it's essentially beer money, and we should be reasonable.
I understand this completly and i guess everyone else too. Its your little babyrobot and always will be ^^
But with Steam gonna be the only distribution of this game, will we have to buy it a second time on steam, to be able to use our non-steam accounts we also paid for? Could we still use the non-steam version to log in, but being unable to download it again from your website at some point?
But with Steam gonna be the only distribution of this game, will we have to buy it a second time on steam, to be able to use our non-steam accounts we also paid for? Could we still use the non-steam version to log in, but being unable to download it again from your website at some point?
Again, not an obvious question: "yes", it's possible to maintain a fully functional non-Steam version. The reason I'd prefer not to is simply because it'd mean we'd still need to host the update server, and at this point that's another cost I'd love to get rid of. (Plus of course the aforementioned piracy thing but hey.)
I haven't thought up a solution yet, but if you have a Steam account we'll prolly be able to give you a Steam code or something
Continuing on my previous conversation:
To a certain extent, is a great answer. I just want to point to the Minecraft server model. The server side things exploded and a lot of server hosting was paid for by buying packages in game for certain tiers. Besides content funding for private servers it would be interesting to be able to pay for packages on private servers for non ground breaking things like EP boosters, or a robot starter pack nothing ground breaking but a little p2w action.
Are you adding a "Private Server" section on the official forums? I also got to check to see if I'm still banned on the steam forums.
Who's going to moderate the official forums and game?
As Jita is fond of saying "So long, and thanks for all the fish."
Thank you guys for all the years of blood, sweat, and tears you've put into the game. I've certainly got my money's worth over the years. I wish you all the best of luck with your future endeavors.
Community develops the game and pay the server costs directly, while any new players that wanna play the game gotta make a 10$ beer money deposit.
Spit in their faces while you're at it.
But seriously, if you're done then you're done. Make the game F2P so the community servers at least have a miniscule chance to grow, otherwise you're just delaying the inevitable. Very little people wanted to throw 10$ at this game when there was the illusion of development, even less will want to when the only server being actively worked is some private community server. It'll be the same 20 dudes chasing each others tail without hope of anyone new playing.
Albion is recruiting
Some of Dedicated Community member will continue to make some changes!
If you like PLAYING Perpetuum dont go too far.
Perpetuum Community Project will be in action!
Even further let me hear you what changes you would like, there is plenty of channels you can join or find us,
here in the forums, discord, personal e-mails, such, if you have any questions find me anywehere.
Continuing on my previous conversation:
To a certain extent, is a great answer. I just want to point to the Minecraft server model. The server side things exploded and a lot of server hosting was paid for by buying packages in game for certain tiers. Besides content funding for private servers it would be interesting to be able to pay for packages on private servers for non ground breaking things like EP boosters, or a robot starter pack nothing ground breaking but a little p2w action.
Are you adding a "Private Server" section on the official forums? I also got to check to see if I'm still banned on the steam forums.
Who's going to moderate the official forums and game?
The Minecraft server model is fine by us, honestly. As said, the EULA will take care of the bits and pieces of it.
The official forums will close (i.e. get archived as read-only) as soon when the official server closes - the accounts are tied so there's no point.
Thank you Zoom, Gargaj, and the rest of the Perpetuum crew for releasing a private server option.
I def plan on setting up my own server for a couple of my friends, rebalancing resources and mechs, and building bases / staging battles. With school I just don't have time to do the full MMO grind anymore, so this is a great option
i play this game on open beta. then you say we are going to sell it for i dont remember amound of money. i buy it 4 years later cuz i remember a nice game. it was dead 100 -150 ppl online i dont think more. did you try free2play??? let the ppl try the game with some limitations and pay for vip open account every month??? really i dont play your game for long time but i belive its a nice game. dont let it die.
Years of Perpetuum.
I was here from day one and will be here to the last day. Our community FrogSwarm were here first time called Unimates and we had a blast the first months until the French alliances leaved the game for some reasons.
We will start a server because perpetuum need to live forever, but hey by the way, we hate you to have servers fully Microsoft and not Linux... Shame on you devs !
I would like to thanks the dev team to give us the opportunity to continue to play the game after the shutdown of the official servers (not all games do it), this game was and is epic, the project was awesome and we had so much good time in it.
Our community is up since 2005 and we will try our best to make our own perpetuum server live forever as Freelancer do it for example.
<3 love you guys. Thanks for all the fishes !
so, there wont be the ability to register new non-steam clients.
and steam is restricted to one client per account. somehow i feel like you should have done that years ago...
Years of Perpetuum.
I was here from day one and will be here to the last day. Our community FrogSwarm were here first time called Unimates and we had a blast the first months until the French alliances leaved the game for some reasons.
We will start a server because perpetuum need to live forever, but hey by the way, we hate you to have servers fully Microsoft and not Linux... Shame on you devs !
I would like to thanks the dev team to give us the opportunity to continue to play the game after the shutdown of the official servers (not all games do it), this game was and is epic, the project was awesome and we had so much good time in it.
Our community is up since 2005 and we will try our best to make our own perpetuum server live forever as Freelancer do it for example.
<3 love you guys. Thanks for all the fishes !
Who are you?
farewell. time to cleanup my hdd from perp copies.
I think everyone should join this discord:
Try not to create too many private servers
I have been here from day 0 beta and plan to continue playing whatever form it may take. (I am still logging in for all you slackers )
As we know, the official server may go offline at an undetermined time, but would be actually awesome if we can keep that going ... selfish personal reasons that I dont want to lose my 3.3 mil EP >:). If there is anyway to move the "official" server somewhere to keep it going, I personally would not mind paying a small fee a month. Even with the understanding that there would be no changes or no new content. I just want to continue my mining and exploration of every Island with my nice EP level since beta !
But yes, personal servers that is great that you are doing that, but Perpetuum Community Project to keep one server - even if there are the 50 stalwart people that still play - would still be great to have everyone still in the same place ... not on 10 different servers.
i'm curious about the server options.
Will we be able to limit the islands loaded?
Can we switch the resource spawns back to thier initial static points?
i'm curious about the server options.
Will we be able to limit the islands loaded?Can we switch the resource spawns back to thier initial static points?
ther server loads as many islands as you create.
resource generation code has significantly changed since then, but most likely its possible
Drizden, I share your concerns.
While we don't want to prevent others from making their own (some people that have fetishes best played on their own private servers) we hope that we can make one for everyone to play, and will be something they would prefer to play over the others.
Our goal is to provide this single, persistent universe, as you experienced on the official server.
We hope with innovative content changes, additions, and expert-tuned balance changes, that players will elect to join the community server, instead of spreading thin.
We are preparing and will hit the ground running as soon as the devs release the server application.
(Tell your friends)
Thankyou for this ending. I'll probably run up my own private server whenever I want to play. I've never been a heavy player but have enjoyed my several years on and off.
Both my accounts are email based, not steam. I could probably link one of them but will the other continue to work? Not clear from the above posts though it does say so on the blog.
Is it possible too get a vanilla server/client? When Perpetuum was released or a snap shot of the source code during stages of it's development perhaps before gamma 1.0. I felt the game was more balanced back then, and community developers could have sort of a "blank canvas" and keep adding new stuff or old stuff depending on community feedback.
I agree with Syndic though, client should be free, as in no charges. Afterall community is the one dealing with all the grunt work and server maintenance.
Thanks for keeping Perp going anyways.
Perpetuum development is discontinued, but with your help it has a future. Read all about it here:
Может вместо закрытия пересмотреть игровой процесс. Убрать АФКнутость(AFK) из игры (добыча жидкости не с одного тайла ,а скажем с 4-6,чтоб игрок участвовал в процессе добычи,а не самотеком), уменьшить получаемый опыт ( 20-30к набивал за час-полтора на мобах,щас правда меньше,но и девать его некуда),как писал раньше,разделить его на боевой,крафт и добычу(чем занимаешься,тот опыт и получаешь) ,увеличить стоимость расширений (чтоб было к чему стремится) тогда и в бустах будет смысл,уменьшить количество остров (чтоб долго не искать других игроков) и вводить по мере онлайна, сделать зоны,в которых можно будет найти что-то более ценное,например оборудование Т4+ и выше(можно тоже ввести),чем ресурсы или кернели (которые можно добыть обычным путем),чтоб было за что воевать,а не просто ходить и искать пвп,вводить новых роботов,включая титанов (на которых надо будет попотеть) ,захват терминалов сделать разовым (захватил,неделю пользуйся,отбил-он снова твой),ввести в магазин все оборудование,но в 3-4 раза дороже (не всегда игроки производят то,что тебе надо в данный момент),ввести новое вооружение (тяжелое и аналоги старого, например увеличенная скорострельность при малом уроне,или наоборот,увеличен разовый урон,при малой скорострельности,увеличена дальность,но уменьшен урон и скорострельность). Так же можно привлекать игроков устраивая конкурсы для решения некоторых задач,да и просто ради интереса.
Ну как-то так*
Переводить через googl не стал,мало ли чего он там напереводит.
Why you don't even do the effort to translate your klingon in english. Like seriously we all have our native language but we speak english for the sake of everyone by respect.
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