I agree with inda, and have said this before about the new tuning system.
I don't understand (outside of perhaps implementation issues) that you can't have a diminishing returns system, instead of exponential penalty system.
There is no reason to choose to adversely affect the accumulator, vs any other system on the robot. Maybe they increase srf area, maybe they increase mass, maybe they eat exponentially more cpu or reactor...
So let's get back to WHY the tuning changes in the first place.
My understanding, and please let us know the true intent here Zoom, is that people were fitting all tunings for most every fit. The diversity of fits for PVE and PVP was limited because the stacking of tunings for dps was so valuable.
The goal here is to limit the ability for players to fit many tunings of the same type. (?) Please confirm.
IF that is true.
Why not just limit the number of the same type of tunings on a bot?
(like sensor amps, LWF, etc..)
How many? *** if I know... 3? Does that sound good?
No penalties, no weird *** ratios, a clear hierarchy from T1->T4, and max dps is capped and forces people to use empty head slots for other mods.
This way we can control the peak of the exponential curve of these modules, we get around the 'exploit' of using energy transfer to use the x^6 dps potential that some bots will have. And the raw number ensures that the dps modifier from a bot with more headslots will not exceed that of another bot with fewer available headslots (the reign of the seth mk2 max-tunings is again thwarted.)
Please tell me why this is bad and will destroy the game.
Regardless, you get away from all the fussy balancing, and you can focus on raw dps potentials, and balance that. Weapon systems are affected evenly (no base-accum to worry about). Everyone is happy again.