Topic: Icarus
Can I just say this is the best of the new bots by far. Gee Gee.
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Can I just say this is the best of the new bots by far. Gee Gee.
thing actaully goes fast. It coudl be interesting as ti migth have a serious chance of outrunning stuff even when spotted.
Its also interesting that it can't really natively run both a ligthframe and a speed nexus.
need 40 U
80u of sequer would then not be signifcantly more. Sequer could also use boosts but I don't think icarus is particularly underpowered.
need 40 U
Its the best artifactor in the game, the fastest travel bot in the game, the best masker scout in the game and you think its not good enough?
The Ikarus is not mean't to haul large amounts of goods and servers more as a blockade runner (think T2 haulers in EVE here people.) It can outrun any fitted light ewar or light bot as long as it is not pincered and is a quick means to run smaller amounts of goods through dangerous places like beta. (Although someone could run a lithus through another player easily because accelerator strips OP.)
And ofc, with it having fastest speed fitted plus having the masking bonus, as jita said it is very effective for artifacting or scouting, or just speed running goods. Ironically enough it is the best of the currently released syndicate robots and is one of the only ones that will be actively used until the devs realize only a few of the robots will see use and little use at that due to MK1 vs MK2 balance resulting in no one using the bots simply because they are MK1, and decide to work towards MK2s when all the MK1s are released by the end of the year and start working towards the MK2s.
i wonder if the DEVs will just release MK2 versions of those syndicate bots, rendering the mk1 versions even more obsolete
i wonder if the DEVs will just release MK2 versions of those syndicate bots, rendering the mk1 versions even more obsolete
I hope not. They don't need mk2 as they are token shop, they just need to be made more expensive and balanced vs mk2. The assault is the only bad one so far so I'll cross my fingers for the rest.
Annihilator wrote:i wonder if the DEVs will just release MK2 versions of those syndicate bots, rendering the mk1 versions even more obsolete
I hope not. They don't need mk2 as they are token shop, they just need to be made more expensive and balanced vs mk2. The assault is the only bad one so far so I'll cross my fingers for the rest.
I am looking at the whole picture
and as you have already mentioned MK1 was alltogether reduced to a crafting component.
And balancing by the investment factor has not ever worked. Or why are there only t4-fit mk2's in pvp when their production costs are MUCH higher then lower tier fit mk1s?
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