1 (edited by Seamus OKeefe 2011-01-06 09:10:43)

Topic: Feedback on grumblings


I just thought I would let the 'powers that be' know about the 'grumblings' I have been hearing about the game in its current form and direction its going.

some of the following I sympathise with ... others ...well everyone is entitled to their opinions right?

1) the game is empty - I think this stems from a combination of factors
i) Holiday slow down
ii) Natural temporary drop off after initial rush

Personally I think that this is normal and the the game is doing great... but thats just my opinion big_smile

2) Dev's not using limited resourses of the small Avatar creations staff in the most effective way. 'People' seem to think the first patch should focus more on POS and ironing out kinks in the game (e.g. Enemy's entering 'conquered' outposts) rather than adding things like AOE weapons.
I'm not sure on this one. Some feedback from the devs on proposed additions to the game would be nice ... a hoped for timeline.

e.g. Patch1 AOE, Patch2 POS, patch 3 Terraforming etc .... prob not practical but would be nice to have a sense of direction in the game.

3) Bored being forced to mine to get NIC ... lots fo combat guys out there seem to think that they need to do 'carebear' stuff to get NIC. My opinion on this is simply be more organised. In Perpetuum teamwork seems to be vital. If you want to specialize in say combat you NEED other players who are happy to support you, and they in trun will NEED you to defend and patrol! This is not EvE, the warrior is not a Feudal Knight who is independantly wealthy. The Economy seems driven by the Industrialists. War is Expensive! Which is exactly how it should be!

Maybe the more experienced players should get more active on the forums and help the newer players find their place before they become too diverse in their EP's?

4) The forums.
A) Its quiet in here. Forum activity reflects the game. If its quiet in here then its quiet in game too.
POST POST POST. Reply to people. Don't be passive, Even if its just to say. I agree. or maybe... I think 'x' idea is okay but the Designers should focus more on 'y' idea.

B) Be creative. I for one would like to see more detailed info being shared around amongst the players. In nicer formats. Exact break downs of NPC dps ... how much chem ...how much kin. this kind of stuff is available in EvE so why not Perpetuum. Are we not as creative? I hope thats not true!
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:
http://eveinfo.com/missions/138/eve-onl … te-campers

I know this is for mission running. but why cant we have something that has this info for say 3rd star Cremators?

I'll add more as and when I hear more.

Seamus  (Rik)

edit: sorry the blue looked quiet nice on my laptop smile

Re: Feedback on grumblings

My eyes are doing some grumblings after reading this topic tongue

Re: Feedback on grumblings

Anyways, I think that the best way the devs could combat the holiday slowdown would be a combination of raising the price from 9.99 to 14.99, and then giving us all 33% off coupons that we can give to our friends that when enough are redeemed, give us cosmetic rewards like dyes for our bots or maybe even like a days worth of EP (Which even though it is entirely negligible in the long run, I know for a fact people would be working their *** off getting people to redeem their codes). That way they don't lose any profit but gain a lot of new subscribers.

Re: Feedback on grumblings

Change the blue colour, it's nigh impossible to read without highlighting it.

5 (edited by CoyoteTheClever 2011-01-06 00:05:51)

Re: Feedback on grumblings

Glorion wrote:

Change the blue colour, it's nigh impossible to read without highlighting it.

That's terrible advice.

Here is mine: Add a third color, your two color post bores me in its lack of artistic depth!

Re: Feedback on grumblings

I think game pop will shoot up a bit in the next couple weeks with students returning to school. I especially like the part about increased forum activity. It's all about the community, whether it's RP, troll, or newb-friendly. Something will always be better than nothing.

Yeah I highlighted blue, too.

Re: Feedback on grumblings

This thread is now about colored texts

Re: Feedback on grumblings

If I ever thought I could catch colorblindness, you just gave it to me.

Re: Feedback on grumblings

The blue was surprisingly easy to read on my phone.  Usually that color pisses me off to no end.

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: Feedback on grumblings

I can feel a migraine coming on every time I try to read it sad

Re: Feedback on grumblings

Seamus OKeefe wrote:


I just thought I would let the 'powers that be' know about the 'grumblings' I have been hearing about the game in its current form and direction its going.

some of the following I sympathise with ... others ...well everyone is entitled to their opinions right?

1) the game is empty - I think this stems from a combination of factors
i) Holiday slow down
ii) Natural temporary drop off after initial rush

Personally I think that this is normal and the the game is doing great... but thats just my opinion big_smile

2) Dev's not using limited resourses of the small Avatar creations staff in the most effective way. 'People' seem to think the first patch should focus more on POS and ironing out kinks in the game (e.g. Enemy's entering 'conquered' outposts) rather than adding things like AOE weapons.
I'm not sure on this one. Some feedback from the devs on proposed additions to the game would be nice ... a hoped for timeline.

e.g. Patch1 AOE, Patch2 POS, patch 3 Terraforming etc .... prob not practical but would be nice to have a sense of direction in the game.

3) Bored being forced to mine to get NIC ... lots fo combat guys out there seem to think that they need to do 'carebear' stuff to get NIC. My opinion on this is simply be more organised. In Perpetuum teamwork seems to be vital. If you want to specialize in say combat you NEED other players who are happy to support you, and they in trun will NEED you to defend and patrol! This is not EvE, the warrior is not a Feudal Knight who is independantly wealthy. The Economy seems driven by the Industrialists. War is Expensive! Which is exactly how it should be!

Maybe the more experienced players should get more active on the forums and help the newer players find their place before they become too diverse in their EP's?

4) The forums.
A) Its quiet in here. Forum activity reflects the game. If its quiet in here then its quiet in game too.
POST POST POST. Reply to people. Don't be passive, Even if its just to say. I agree. or maybe... I think 'x' idea is okay but the Designers should focus more on 'y' idea.

B) Be creative. I for one would like to see more detailed info being shared around amongst the players. In nicer formats. Exact break downs of NPC dps ... how much chem ...how much kin. this kind of stuff is available in EvE so why not Perpetuum. Are we not as creative? I hope thats not true!
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about:
http://eveinfo.com/missions/138/eve-onl … te-campers

I know this is for mission running. but why cant we have something that has this info for say 3rd star Cremators?

I'll add more as and when I hear more.

Seamus  (Rik)

<Screams My Eyes!!>  ^^
Really, that blue had the text swimming after just a few moments.

The population seems about right for this point in the game. Really, do you want to see what the lag would be like with three to five times the current number of players?  I'm hoping they will consider hosting the game on one of the backbones, so as to skip some of the inherent problems of dealing with some of the eastern European telcom infrastructure.

Right now, everyone is in the build up phase. Thats to be expected in these types of player driven long term games. I've seen some people running around the Alphas with mechs, so its possible, if one is focused and committed.  From what I've seen and read, AB's might be more cost effective on the alphas.

Over all, I'm looking forward to where the game goes in the next six months to a year.

If you can't kill it, don't make it mad.

Re: Feedback on grumblings

F*ck you Weaithbane for quoting that horrid text and making me read it again.

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: Feedback on grumblings

with old 3D glasses this post is AWESOME cool

Re: Feedback on grumblings

XrayIT wrote:

with old 3D glasses this post is AWESOME cool

my personal fav post

okay ..now I corrected the hideous eye shredding colour!

wanna have another go and see if the actual senteces make any sense smile

Seamus (Rik)

Re: Feedback on grumblings

Another grumbling I just heard:

Insurance: - why the hell does it last only 5 days?

I have to agree with this one. It should be at least a month!

16 (edited by XrayIT 2011-01-06 09:30:52)

Re: Feedback on grumblings

ok so,

the point about the roadmap is a really good one, i'd like to see what theyr are working on and what gonna happen to our game.

for new players they have to read before posting questions already answered a million times, please RTFM.
but yes we (old or expert) can be more active, to feed the troll tongue

and I don't think that the game is quiet, a lot of PVP events have occured during this period

the insurance is a money sink and you can spend EP to rise the insurance period

Re: Feedback on grumblings

XrayIT wrote:

I don't think that the game is quiet, a lot of PVP events have occured during this period

Agreed, I think that people are being a little impatient. The game has only been alive really for just over a month! Because of its similarities to EvE people kind of expect it to be as fully formed as EvE is... which is crazy!

I personally think that PO is doing great. but thats just my 2 cents.



Re: Feedback on grumblings

Neoxx wrote:

F*ck you Weaithbane for quoting that horrid text and making me read it again.

Hey! I'm just doing my part to promote daily eye strain ^^

If you can't kill it, don't make it mad.

Re: Feedback on grumblings

Wraithbane wrote:
Neoxx wrote:

F*ck you Weaithbane for quoting that horrid text and making me read it again.

Hey! I'm just doing my part to promote daily eye strain ^^

Then you failed epicly during avatar creation.

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: Feedback on grumblings

so any comments on things actually related to how to improve the game?

Re: Feedback on grumblings

Seamus OKeefe wrote:

so any comments on things actually related to how to improve the game?

Well, we just learned Neoxx's weakness in this topic, and thus can improve the game by applying it to him whenever he acts up.

Besides that, no, I think we are all saving those sorts of comments for another topic big_smile