Topic: Cash shop item - Different color shields effect
id buy it
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Perpetuum Forums → Feature discussion and requests → Cash shop item - Different color shields effect
id buy it
Cool idea. Make mine pink with sprinkles.
Like a Tesla plasma lamp effect?
We talked about it the other day too, would be nice.
i want
Like a Tesla plasma lamp effect?
to bad they need to make money that way
How about a variety of mining laser colors !!! That would be Awesomeness. Or better yet a different mining effect for each mining module tier.
How about a variety of mining laser colors !!! That would be Awesomeness. Or better yet a different mining effect for each mining module tier.
thats exactly what i meant with my previous post - due to robot colors and eventually effect colors adjusted via cash-shop items, they lose, or reduce the ability to make FX color a represantation of attributes like damage type, tier or something like that.
its a dilemma of this type of cash-shop.
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