Topic: Whats next?
Since the server move has been done, whats next, gamma? Assignments pt. 2? some other goodies?
Whats next!?
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Since the server move has been done, whats next, gamma? Assignments pt. 2? some other goodies?
Whats next!?
More Beta pvp!! Just have to undock!
Would prefer if they would focus on Assignments part 2 and make them worthwhile and balanced on Betas. I think that single patch could revive Betas more than anything currently.
Assignments would be my first choice. I'd really love them to have a mission system in place that made the pve side of the game as interesting as pvp.
As it was outlined in the devblog, first gammas, then assignments, with robot paint somewhere inbetween.
As it was outlined in the devblog, first gammas, then assignments, with robot paint somewhere inbetween.
your hot when your angry.
Can we make a massive song and dance about gamma when its release? Youtube video's, a teaser a month before, a mail shot out to everyone, add something shiny for the guys who have ever bought a terraforming module (such as a t4+ module with a 25% reduction in cycle time). Something that makes the bitter old whoremasters log in and play.
In order to make the first few weeks a gold rush I would add a week of month of bonus' reducing construction cycle time and energy consumption by 50%, terraforming time by 25% and terraforming charge cost by 25%.
If you need a hand making video's or whatever on the test server then ask and i'm sure we will step up.
it's just as important to communicate this right in a way that will get everyone involved as get it right from a mechanics point of view.
nothing is next - that is the point of the sandbox right?
Has there been any work done with UI scaling? I've found the current font and window size to be terribly small to the point I can't really play this game.
Has there been any work done with UI scaling? I've found the current font and window size to be terribly small to the point I can't really play this game.
The last part of the above mentioned devblog adresses that issue.
Static ore fields need to happen. As does some non mining high end game play for combat pve on beta (that doesn't involve nerfing alpha)
There also is a desperate need for some form of competitive PVE that corporations can participate in.
That and the world is far too small, and gamma is worse off than before on the test server. Consider another batch of perhaps PVE terraforming islands, or islands with some form of PVE based territory control. Add more betas in then take your sweet time with gamma.
Oh and get a real cash shop with deco options. Then start doing steam sales, good ones. Get them in game then get them spending in the cash shop for reskins on bots, paint jobs, weapon effects like sparkly jams or something.
I want a decal of a heart saying "ville + zoom"
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