Topic: NPC's

Out at the ball and chain on tellisis atm, usually there are 3 spawns there, currently there are only two dropping. Have also heard from other players that mission npc are not attacking on tellisis aswell. Is this a change or does the server need a restart to clear out a bug that has crept in?
Any one else noticed any other bugs out there regarding npc's?

Re: NPC's

NPCs are working pretty good on beta

DEV Zoom - "If you mean the NPC aggro, that's been like that for months already."

Re: NPC's

About time those money faucets in perfect safety got nerfed into the ground.

[18:20:30] <GLiMPSE> Chairman Of My Heart o/
CIR Complaint Form

The Imperial Grand Wizard of Justice

Re: NPC's

I have had npcs get stuck a couple days ago.  They were chasing then just warp between two points until they were reagressed.
